Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 861: reward!

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"Even God is dead, hurry and escape ...".

Numerous people shouted in horror, and the monks of the proud ancient capital were completely in a mess.

The Dugu family and the top ten families all flee wildly.

Now the two sides are endless, without Lin Feng giving orders, the four cities of the coalition will not let go of the Dugu family and the top ten families.

After a fierce battle day and night, a small number of people fled to birth, most of them were beheaded.

This kind of war between great forces is so cruel. Once a war breaks out, it must be wiped out. Otherwise, you may be retaliated against in the future.

A part of the monks of the Allied Forces of the Four Cities went to kill the monks who fled from the ancient capital of Aotian.

Some monks are looking for the treasure house of the Dugu family, the ten largest families.

The living room of Du Gu family.

"Paper, the items in the treasure trove of the major families have been counted. There are three Taoist weapons, namely the Ice Fire Gun, the Dragon Sword, and the Dragon Sword ... There are a total of 18,700 pieces of peak treasures, and a total of high-end treasures ... ".

Soon someone came to report the stolen loot.

There are hundreds of thousands of various magic weapons, spirit stones are piled up in mountains, there are many magical secrets and so on.

"Mr. Qi Yunlin found a bronze ancient book in the Dugu family."

An elder of the Moon City who counted the trophies quickly came to inform.

He holds an ancient bronze book in his hand.

Lin Feng was surprised that the bronzes were very precious.

He took over the ancient bronze book and saw a twisted rune on the ancient bronze book.


Lin Feng was surprised.

The ancient bronze book is sealed by runes. To open the ancient bronze book, you need to crack the rune recorded above, but obviously, it will take some time.

Lin Feng collected the ancient bronze book.

There are too many treasures from eleven families in the ancient capital of Aotian, and the inventory was completed after five days and five nights.

The next step is to assign these babies.

"I will take away the magic weapon of Tao level. The remaining spirit stones, magical powers, magic weapon, etc. will be negotiated and distributed by your major forces."

Lin Feng said.

Everyone nodded, and everyone had no opinion.

There are three pieces of Taobao-level treasures. Lin Feng can take them all away. If it is used for distribution, how can dozens of families in the four ancient cities divide the three pieces of pieces?

That must not fight?

Lin Feng was also aware of this, so he took away three pieces of Taoqi.

"I said before that you will follow me and will never treat you badly. These porcelain bottles contain God's origin, and every force takes one bottle."

Lin Feng waved his right hand, and thirty-six porcelain bottles landed on the table.

"The origin of God?".

All high-level voices in the four ancient cities shook violently.

They know what the origin of God represents.

Whether it is direct refining, or refining medicine, etc., the origin of God can play the role of turning against the sky.

After refining the divine origin, the body will be improved by the divine origin.

When the time comes, Xiu Wei will advance by leaps and bounds.

To put it bluntly, even if it is a mountain of treasures, it is far from the value of a bottle of God's origin.

After a brief stupefaction, all high-level leaders of the four ancient cities shouted in unison.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your reward. In the future, we would like to work for our sons and sisters.

The top of the major families have begun to express their heartfelt heart.

This time they followed Lin Feng's siege of the ancient capital of Aotian, and witnessed what happened in the legend of the **** Tu Tu.

The original site of this proud ancient capital will be divided into the four ancient cities in the future. In addition, all the treasures of the eleven families headed by the Dugu family will also be in the pockets of the major families in the four ancient cities.

Even the major forces of the four ancient cities have been rewarded by the "origin of God".

Lin Feng palm the ancient soldiers, but can kill the gods.

Now Lin Feng is like a **** among the many families in the four ancient cities.

They naturally have to seize this opportunity and follow Lin Feng's side.

Lin Feng said meaningfully, "This Dongjun Shenzhou, you are doing business well, I hope you will not let me down."

Everyone's expression was shocked, Lin Feng's words were obviously meaningful.

It seems that Mr. Lin wants to build his own power?

Thinking of this, the top of the major families are excited.

In their view, if Lin Feng wanted to build his own power, this power in the future must be a huge power that can counter the Taikoo power.

Moreover, they will be the first batch of Shun Linfeng's family, this is the veteran.

"I will surely not fail my son's expectations."

Many high-level senior officials said quickly.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, these people are smart people, and some words don't need to be too clear.

The next day, Lin Feng returned to the Zhenwu Kingdom accompanied by Longfu, the ancestor of the Zhenwu Kingdom.

Du Gu Ao Tian was also taken to the Zhen Wu Kingdom and temporarily imprisoned in the Zhen Wu Kingdom's Heavenly Prison.

Lin Feng reunited with Xiao Yafei, Su Zimo and others in the imperial capital.

He started arranging friends from Xiao Yafei, Su Zimo, Ouyang Li, Zhang Qichu, etc. to join the four ancient cities for cultivation.

At the same time, Lin Feng gave Daoqi Tulongjian to Shangguan Feier to let her use this treasure to defend herself.

On the third day of his return to the imperial capital, Lin Feng went to interrogate Du Guao Tian, ​​but Du Guao Tian had a strict mouth and it was difficult to interrogate useful information.

Lin Fengshi exhibited the soul-searching method and directly forced the soul-searching. There is a memory of God in the soul memory of Duguaotian.

God comes from a mysterious world.

But I don't know where it came from.

"Small evil, God will come again. The God who will come will be more powerful when the time comes. At that time, you will die."

Du Guao Tian cursed.

"Pull it out and put it to death". Lin Feng waved his hand.


When even the guards dragged Du Gu Ao Tian out, and then used a deboning knife to cut off the flesh of Du Gu Ao Tian piece by piece.

This is Ling Chi.

The most cruel punishment.

After spending half a month in Dongjun Shenzhou, Lin Feng left from Dongjun Shenzhou and returned directly to Qingyunzong.

But obviously, the destruction of the ancient capital of Aotian, Dongzhou, Shenzhou, has caused uproar in the seventy-two northern states.

But Lin Feng has left the center of the storm and returned to the Qingyun Sect. Everyone on the Supreme Peak received a bottle of God's Origin.

This made everyone ecstatic, and everyone closed their doors to cultivate the source of God.

At night, Lin Feng sat on one's knees, and the origin of the gods in Dantian was like a sea.

Lin Feng's cultivation practice has gone from the eighth level of Yin and Yang realm to the higher level, but it has only consumed a small part of the source of the god.

Lin Feng felt that the origin of the **** in Dantian was enough for him to cultivate to the peak of the realm of creation.

Half a month later, all the people who practiced retreat went out one after another. Although everyone only refined a small part of the origin of God, everyone's practice was greatly improved.

Both Shi Weizhu and Bai Ying broke through the fifth heaven of Yin and Yang realm.

Wang Hu, Mo Yuning, Ma Yong, Liu Ge, and Wu Xiuer broke through to the realm of Yin and Yang directly.

There are a total of eight people on Lin Feng's Supreme Peak. Now all the breakthroughs have reached the level of Yin and Yang.

This kind of thing is too shocking. Wang Hu and others didn't say anything. They silently cultivated and precipitated their cultivation.

Lin Feng intends to strengthen the defensive circle of Supreme Peak. He placed the ice fire gun in the center of the Supreme Peak.

Based on this Taoist weapon, the Great Array was re-reinforced, and the power of the Supreme Peak was greatly improved. With the Taoist weapon to guard the Supreme Peak, even if the monks of the realm of realm want to break the Supreme Array, it is not so easy Things.

Half a month later, the dragon egg obtained by Lin Feng hatched. Lin Feng handed the young dragon to Wang Hu to let him take care of him. In the future, the young dragon will grow up and become a guardian spirit beast of Supreme Peak.

After another half a month, Lin Feng's cultivation practice was promoted to the peak of Yin and Yang Realm Eighth Heaven, Lin Feng also had to start preparing for the breakthrough of Yin and Yang Realm Nine Heavy Heaven.

He is now refining the origin of God, and his speed has increased more than ten times. Lin Feng estimates that he should have no problem entering the realm of creation within a year.

"Brother, there are people asking for advice outside," Wang Hu stood outside Lin Feng's hall and told him.

"Oh? Who?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Someone said that he was an angry axe city". Wang Hudao.

"Furious Axe City?" Lin Feng frowned.

This city of Fury Axe is an ancient city with the same name as the Northern Wilderness City. It is one of the top ten ancient cities in the wasteland.

Someone came to see him in Angry Axe City, which made Lin Feng very puzzled and did not know who he was dealing with.

"Bring people." Lin Feng said that he was very curious about who was the visitor of Fury City.

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