Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 874: Xuezhou Xiangjia

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Ten days, fleeting.

Lin Feng was anxiously waiting outside.

"boom……". Along with the amazing fluctuations, the door of the refinery room was opened.

Fengli mother-in-law came out of it.

She waved her right hand.


Two light masses flew out.

"Qibao Glass Tower" and "Chaotic Ancient Lamp" are wrapped in the two light groups.

I saw the power of the law of the Dao Avenue falling down around the Qibao Liuli Pagoda, a slight shock, and the surrounding void was slightly twisted.

"Zhongpin Taoist"!

Lin Feng exclaimed.

This seven-treasure glass tower was not a first-class Taoist implement, but it was a middle-class Taoist implement, which surprised Lin Feng very much.

Fengli mother-in-law said, "Originally, the Qibao glaze tower was promoted to Taoism, and I could only be promoted to the first-grade Taoqi. A grade ".

This is unexpected joy.

Lin Feng Shennian communicated with the Qibao Liuli Tower.

"The Seven Treasure Glass can't be infinite."

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard a misty voice.

He carefully sensed that it was the spirit of Qibao Glass Tower.

The Qibao Liuli Pagoda's spirit turned into a monk dressed in Qibao color cassocks.

Qi Ling's body was surrounded by Qibao-colored light, which enveloped him and exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

"Okay! It's really great! The Qibao Liuli Tower was promoted to be a middle class Taoist weapon, and the defense power was greatly increased!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and charged Qibao Liuli Tower.

Then, his eyes turned to the ancient magic lamp of chaos.

The change of the chaotic ancient lamp surprised Lin Feng even more.

After incorporating the purple cremation **** crystal, the chaotic ancient lamp has already begun to contain its own spirit.

Simply speaking from the perspective of attack or defense, the ancient chaotic lamp must definitely surpass the ordinary Taoist.

"The materials used to forge the chaotic ancient lamp are too extraordinary. Now that the purple cremation **** crystal is added, the chaotic ancient lamp is even more extraordinary. Such a baby, it would be very difficult to produce its own spirit. When the spirit is condensed and formed, it is also the time when the chaotic ancient lantern turns into an artifact. "

Fengli mother-in-law said.

Lin Feng said in surprise, "I hope this day will come early."

Feng Li's mother-in-law suddenly laughed and said, "Don't expose this chaotic old lamp. If it is exposed, the entire ancient martial land of the Tianwu Continent will chase you."

Lin Feng nodded.

He naturally knew the seriousness of the matter.

The chaotic ancient lamp was forged by chaotic ancestry, which itself is the prototype of "Ancient Emperor Soldier".

Now it has joined the purple cremation **** crystal strengthening.

Such a baby, even if the Taikoo forces see it, will be crazy.

So be careful.

Lin Feng put the Chaos Ancient Lamp into his mind.

His soul is hidden in the chaotic ancient lamp.

Some top powerhouses, or some monks who are very proficient in soul magic, like to silently attack the soul.

However, Lin Feng's soul is protected by the chaos ancient lamp, which is a mortal magic weapon. Even if the ancient giants, it is difficult to hurt his soul.

"I don't know when we will leave for Xuezhou?". Lin Feng asked.

"One day off, take the teleportation to Beihuang City tomorrow, and then take the Space-Time Wormhole from Beihuang City to Xuezhou."

Fengli mother-in-law said.

Lin Feng nodded, and when he returned to the room, he sat cross-legged and adjusted his state.

The wasteland to Xuezhou will cross five states and the road is far away.

If flying, it is estimated that it will take more than 100 years to reach Selangor.

However, it takes only one month to ride the space-time wormhole.

The next day, Lin Feng and Feng Li's mother-in-law went to the Teleport Plaza. Lin Feng felt a few cold breaths and locked himself.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Some forces are staring at themselves and want to kill themselves to win treasure.

But now they are afraid of the strength of Feng Lili's mother-in-law, but have not shot.

After arriving in Beihuang City, Lin Feng and Fengli mother-in-law entered the space-time wormhole.

A month later, they came to the "Snow City", one of the five ancient cities in Xuezhou.

Looking around, heavy snow flew.

This is Xuezhou, and the snow will never fall.

The climate in Selangor is very cold, but for powerful practitioners, it is not afraid of this cold.

"First rest for one day before we set off." Fengli mother-in-law said.

"I don't know where we are going?". Lin Feng asked.

"Frozen Snow Lake!"

Feng Li said.


Lin Feng took a breath.

Lin Feng once read the information of Hanbing Snow Lake from Zhu Tianlu.

This is a very sinister place. It is said that there is a snow larvae living in the frozen lake. This snow larvae has been practicing for thousands of years.

"Senior is going to grab the baby of Xuejiao?". Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

"you guessed right".

Fengli mother-in-law smiled.

Lin Feng is helpless, this Fengli mother-in-law is really crazy.

I hope this trip goes well, I don't want to lose my life in the ice and snow lake.

They walked towards an inn.

On the road, dozens of exotic beasts rushed and rammed, many people evaded in embarrassment, and some slow monks were directly pulled out by the monk sitting on the beast.

"What kind of person is this? What a hustle and bustle in Syracuse?" Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

A middle-aged monk said, "This is from the Xiang family in Xuezhou."

Xiangzhou Xiangjia, this is an archaic force, and the only archaic force in Xuezhou.

Xuezhou is adjacent to the Western Kingdom of Buddhism and does not belong to the 72 states in the north. Therefore, Lin Feng has only heard of Xiangzhou Xiang's family, but has little understanding.

The Xuezhou Xiangjia, as a Xuezhou giant power, naturally has no worries in its actions.

Soon, dozens of monsters stopped in front of the inn in front.

A handsome monk came out of an old copper car.

The monk was very young, with black hair and a star.

"Who is that?". Lin Feng asked.

The middle-aged monk beside him said, "Xiang's young generation leader Xiang Zijie, who is among the top ranks in Xiang's family, is rumored to be a special physique owner and attracts worldwide attention.

After Xiang Zijie came out, he bowed next to the bronze car, and soon an old man came out.

The old man is so old that he needs Xiang Jiejie to get off the bus.

"Such a lot of people come out and walk around." Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

The middle-aged monk hurriedly said, "Little brothers, do n’t lie. That ’s an ancestor of the Xiang family. The monastery has been cultivated for more than 8,000 years. "Cause the scourge of murder".

Lin Feng nodded and said goodbye to the middle-aged monk.

By this time, the innkeepers had come out to greet the Xiang family.

Feng Li's mother-in-law narrowed her eyes and said, "It seems that there are many people peeping at Xuejiao's baby."

Lin Feng's heart moved.

Could it be that the ancestors of the Xiang family also came for Xuejiao baby? But what exactly is Xuejiao baby?

It has attracted so many masters.

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