Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 885: Cursed strong!

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"Stop, it's a curse to Dong Mansion, we can't go in, lest be cursed"!

The stone man said somberly.

The little gold man growled angrily, "Damn! Damn it! Let them run away!"

Skeleton said, "The cursed slaves are considered lucky this time. The next time they encounter the cursed crow, they will be killed."

The voice fell, and the bones flew towards the distance.

Although Shiren and Xiaojinren were unwilling, they also chose to leave.


The cave is deep.

A cold air enveloped the whole body, giving Lin Feng a chilling feeling.

Jin Shengyuan obviously felt the same way. Although this fire crow saved their lives, Lin Feng felt that the fire crow had its own purpose.

As for the purpose, he doesn't know yet.

Eventually, the Fire Crow landed deep in the cave, and it left Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan on the ground.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace."

The two saluted quickly.

Fire Crow's gloomy eyes looked at Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, which made them feel cold in the back.

This fire crow is obviously playing some ghost ideas.

"There is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason, so everything has two sides. I took great risks to save you, and you will help me do things."

Fire Raven said.

"I don't know what our seniors asked us to do?" Lin Feng asked daringly.

"What time is it now?" Asked Fire Crow.

"Nine thousand years have passed," Jin Shengyuan said.

"It's really gloomy years, more than 30,000 years have passed in a blink of an eye," Huo crows sighed with emotion.

Both Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan felt scalp numbness.

What time did this fire crow exist?

In the blink of an eye, more than 30,000 years have passed, doesn't it mean that you have lived at least 30,000 years?

Shouyuan is too long, right?

"Seniors have the technique of longevity?" Lin Feng asked cautiously.

The Huogua laughed twice and said, "Do you want to have such a long life?"

Lin Feng said, "Can I get such a secret?"

The fire crow said haggardly, "Who says this is a mystery, this is a curse!"

Suddenly the voice of the fire crow fell lonely. He said, "This cave is called the curse cave. I became a fire crow. I have been trapped here for more than 30,000 years. .

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan only felt the whole body sweating.

Curse the cave.

Now that the two of them have entered the Cursed Cave, could it be the same as the Fire Crow?

If you are imprisoned here forever, forever.

Fire Raven said, "You don't have to worry, not everyone is eligible to be cursed by the cursed cave. The two of you obviously don't have such a qualification. If the three guys who come after you come in, they will be guaranteed to have no return.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan took a breath.

But obviously they are still worried, because now they have fallen into the hands of the fire crow, and their future destiny is unknown.

"What do seniors want us to do?". Lin Feng asked.

In the face of crisis, Lin Feng is not a person who will flinch.

Even though he knew that the future might be unpredictable, life and death were unpredictable, but he would not choose to avoid it.

The Fire Crow grinned strangely and said, "When the time comes, naturally I know, of course, I will not always imprison your freedom, and I will let you go when I get what I want.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded, and the two found a place to rest.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Feng felt something. He looked down and was startled. He had a pile of scattered bones around him, and he caught a skull.

Lin Feng jumped from the ground, his expression uncertain, he asked, "Senior, who is this bone?".


Huogua laughed twice, and it did not answer Lin Feng's question.

Lin Feng asked for fun and touched his nose to hide his embarrassment.

"Look, a lot of bones!"

Jin Shengyuan points to the cave.

I saw a lot of bones piled on the ground, I was afraid that there would be no fewer than hundreds.

"Is it all like us? The monk who was detained by the fire crow and cursed the cave house?".

Lin Feng looked ugly.

The same is true of Jin Shengyuan.

With so many people dead, they are also worried.

"Don't be pessimistic, you will be free when things are done. These people are all people who have been abandoned by years."

Fire Crow said.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan couldn't be more optimistic.

The two found a place without bones and sat down to rest.

Lin Feng asked, "Who was the senior who was more than 30,000 years ago? Presumably it is also an amazing character?"

Fire Crow was silent, then sneered, then said, "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Now that life and death are uncertain, Lin Feng's courage has grown up.

He said, "Why don't seniors be so cold, we are now under one roof".

The fire crow couldn't help saying, "Are you going to break the jar?" So dare to ask in front of this seat? In the long years I have seen people like you, and I have met more than once, holding People with this kind of mentality will end up with the bones around you, and maybe you will become one of them soon. "

Lin Feng said, "Who said that I want to break the jar? In fact, the junior wants to discuss the issue of benefit distribution with the senior."

The fire crow almost fell to the ground.

It said silently, "Boy, you are selling your life for freedom, and want to distribute benefits, can you be more shameless?".

Lin Feng said, "As the so-called world is bustling, it is all profit. Our brothers now only have to fight hard, and seek a life from nine deaths, if our brothers can also get benefits, naturally more hard work.

The fire crow said irritably, "there is a set of crooked cults."

Then the Fire Crow stopped speaking.

Three days later, Fire Crow took Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan away.

They flew deep into the death swamp for ten days as they passed through a mountain range.


Suddenly, in the mountains, the endless magical energy rose into the sky.

"Hahahaha, I have been imprisoning this seat for 50,000 years, and this seat is still alive. The humble human beings will wait for this seat to recover, and this seat will eat you up."

In the tumbling magic, a mysterious man in black robe appeared.

The man's breath was extremely evil, his eyes cold and unrelenting, and a dark voice resounded through the world.

"God, demon, run away quickly." Jin Shengyuan said pale.

Lin Feng was also scared and pale, and there was a demon here.

Heavenly Demon, but there is a level with the gods.

Not to mention them, even if the Fire Crow meets the Devil, there is only one way to go.


But at this time, it seemed to be too late to go. The two cold eyes of Heaven and Devil looked at the fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan in the distance.

Touched by the eyes of Heavenly Demon, Lin Feng felt his soul tremble.

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