Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 474: Emperor Zhou was furious

"Come out, mysterious iron box!".

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the mysterious iron box flew out immediately, lying in front of him and the Lord of Qilian Mountain. Lin Feng planned to use the mysterious iron box to resist Emperor Zhou's attack.


The next moment, along with the fierce sound of collision, Emperor Zhou's attack hit the mysterious iron box hard, and something surprising happened.

Countless runes appeared on the mysterious iron box.

Every rune is mysterious. These runes form a special resonance. The power released by these runes is incredibly strong.

The **** hand condensed by Emperor Zhou was instantly shattered.

After the **** hand was shattered, it turned into pure power, and all that power was absorbed by the mysterious iron box.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brightened up. The mysterious iron box was really powerful. That was Emperor Zhou. Even the attacks from the powerful master of the universe failed to damage the mysterious iron box. Lin Feng naturally started from the mysterious iron box. Here, I see hope.

"What is this? Give me pieces!".

Emperor Zhou shouted angrily, and he took action again. The attack released this time was even more powerful than the previous attack.

In the void, a ball of black energy surged out. This black energy seemed to be the concentration of Tao and Dharma, and seemed to be the true meaning of the secret.

Blend together.

The power released is simply unimaginable.

He wants to completely destroy the mysterious iron box.

The mysterious iron box seemed to feel the threat, and more runes appeared. In fact, the mysterious iron box opened on its own initiative, and blood flowed out.

Runes and blood merge.

The attack from Emperor Zhou collided fiercely again.

In an instant.

The heaven and earth seemed to be extinct, and the universe seemed to be destroyed.

This kind of collision is really shocking.

It's shocking, moving, shocking and unbelievable.

The aftermath of the shock sent Lin Feng and Qilian Mountain Master flying away.

Emperor Zhou was not knocked out. As a strong man at the level of the elder of the universe, he was too powerful. Although he did not get any advantage from the mysterious iron box, he did not suffer too much loss.

Emperor Zhou stepped forward, his eyes bursting with murderous intent.

"I don't care what the **** you are, I will destroy you today!".

Every time Emperor Zhou took a step, his aura was increasing, and the void around his body was violently distorted. Obviously, in order to deal with the mysterious iron box, Emperor Zhou should be mobilizing some top secret techniques now.

"The worlds turn around!".

Suddenly, Emperor Zhou shouted loudly, and he performed a peerless killing move, turning the world around, as if it was a technique that turned the world upside down, and it seemed like a method that destroyed the universe.

Everything in the world is under the control of Emperor Zhou.

Lin Feng saw that Emperor Zhou's big hand came down. In his hand, there seemed to be billions of time and space, billions of universes, billions of creatures, billions... and so on, everything, condensed together, and instantly moved towards The mysterious iron box suppressed and left.

At this moment, Emperor Zhou seemed to have transformed into the Lord of Heaven and Earth. His power had exceeded Lin Feng's imagination.

Lin Feng is such a powerful monk.

When facing Emperor Zhou, they actually had the urge to worship him. It can be imagined how great the mental pressure that Emperor Zhou now puts on others.

Although the mysterious iron box was not greatly affected, the mysterious iron box was different from normal monks.

When the Mysterious Iron Box encounters oppression, it will fight back. This kind of counterattack is a passive counterattack.

Therefore, the power of the mysterious iron box cannot be fully exerted at all. It is quite good to be able to exert part of it.

Under such a situation, the mysterious iron box also encountered tremendous pressure.

However, the mysterious iron box will not be destroyed by Emperor Zhou in a short period of time, or in other words, Emperor Zhou does not have the ability to destroy the mysterious iron box. However, even if the mysterious iron box cannot be destroyed, it is still possible to suppress the mysterious iron box. If it appears In this case, it would be more troublesome.

Lin Feng felt that he had to take action. If he didn't, the situation would get worse and worse for them. Lin Feng quickly rushed towards the mysterious iron box.

"Get back!".

Emperor Zhou looked at Lin Feng coldly. He naturally knew what Lin Feng wanted to do. Emperor Zhou's cold shout contained extremely terrifying power. It was not only a sonic attack, but also a spiritual attack, which was extremely powerful.

He wanted to shout Lin Feng out and prevent Lin Feng from participating in his fight with the mysterious iron box.

Lin Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

His seven orifices were bleeding from the shock.

However, Lin Feng did not back down because of this.

In the battle of life and death, you cannot retreat. Once you retreat and your momentum is exhausted, tragedy will be waiting for you. Lin Feng is very clear about this.

Lin Feng used his strong willpower to control his inner fear and physical pain, and he came to the mysterious iron box.

Then, he grabbed the mysterious box with both hands.


Lin Feng grabbed the mysterious iron box with both hands.

Now Lin Feng and the mysterious iron box have long been inseparable. Regardless of whether the mysterious iron box is plotting against Lin Feng, in many cases, their positions are consistent.

Like now, that's it.

When Lin Feng grabbed the mysterious iron box, the mysterious iron box and Lin Feng immediately formed an unexplainable resonance.

Lin Feng stepped forward, holding the mysterious iron box in his hand, and smashed it directly towards Emperor Zhou.

This kind of duel is nothing like a duel between top experts.

Instead, it's like a fight between ordinary people. Just grab something when you see it and just say hello to the other person.

Although the method looks a bit ridiculous.

But here, it is extremely practical.

Emperor Zhou swung his fist towards Lin Feng, but collided with the mysterious iron box in Lin Feng's hand.


Emperor Zhou screamed, as if an ordinary person had been hit on his hand with an iron plate.

Emperor Zhou retracted his hand.

"Grandson, look at your grandpa, how I will kill you!".

Lin Feng yelled, grabbing the mysterious iron box with both hands, and smashed it at Emperor Zhou one after another.

Emperor Zhou wanted to resist, but every time he punched, his hands were hurt.

He could only choose to retreat, but Lin Feng followed closely and continued to hit him with the mysterious iron box.


Lin Feng seized the opportunity and struck Di Zhou directly on the forehead.

Emperor Zhou's forehead was suddenly smashed by Lin Feng.

Black blood suddenly flowed out.

"Boy, you deserve to die!". Emperor Zhou was so aggrieved that he roared angrily and his eyes were spitting fire.

But what greeted Emperor Zhou was a mysterious iron box.


Lin Feng held the mysterious iron box and hit Emperor Zhou on the forehead so hard that he was dizzy.

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