Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 482: Horrible Stone Sword

This woman in white has an indescribable temperament. If I had to add an adjective to this temperament, it would be fairy aura.

She was wearing a veil, so Lin Feng couldn't see her clearly.

But she has a graceful figure and an unearthly aura about her.

Everyone seems to feel ashamed when facing her.

It was such a woman who actually fought on a par with Emperor Zhou.

Although Emperor Zhou's strength is not as good as when he was at his peak in the past, he is still a real universe boss level existence.

So, this woman with good temperament and nothing to say is actually a cosmic boss?

A female boss.

It’s really a long time to see you.

"Thank you, Deputy Pavilion Master Bai, for saving me!". The strong men inside the Gate of Eternal Life seemed to know this woman, and they thanked her one after another. At the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief. With this woman's help, they believed that their safety would be safe now. Problem.

The woman known as Deputy Pavilion Master Bai nodded, and then looked at Lin Feng.

When being stared at by this woman, Lin Feng suddenly felt as if all the secrets in his body were being seen through by this woman.

That feeling is really bad.

As expected of a cosmic boss, the pressure on the monks is really too great.

Naturally, Lin Feng couldn't continue to deal with the monk inside the Gate of Eternal Life, so he let that person go.

"These people call you Deputy Pavilion Master Bai. Since your surname is Bai, it seems that you should be from the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion, the Gate of Eternal Life! I never expected that there would be two monks of the cosmic boss level in the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion!" , Emperor Zhou couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After all, existences at the level of universe bosses are really rare.

Even within the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God, a strong man of this level can speak with both hands.

And for a force to have two strong men of this level appear, it is really terrifying.

This is as shocking as the appearance of two gods in a world full of mortals.

"Who are you?" The woman surnamed Bai looked at Emperor Zhou and asked.

She basically knew everyone at the level of a cosmic boss, whether they were monks from hostile forces or not, but she didn't know Emperor Zhou, so she couldn't help but have doubts about Emperor Zhou's identity.

"I am the Lord of the Immortal Kingdom of God!" Emperor Zhou said proudly.

After hearing what Emperor Zhou said, the pupils of the woman surnamed Bai could not help but shrink slightly.

For her.

Emperor Zhou was considered a senior figure.

She said, "It is rumored that the Lord of the Immortal Kingdom has fallen long ago, but I didn't expect that he would turn into an infernal corpse and return from the catastrophe!".

As a cosmic boss-level existence, the woman surnamed Bai naturally sensed that Emperor Zhou was a Yin corpse, not a normal monk.

Emperor Zhou said calmly, "Please pay attention to your wording. The body of the Infernal Corpse is only temporary for me. I will be able to fully recover soon!"

The woman surnamed Bai was not interested in whether Emperor Zhou could recover. Anyway, Emperor Zhou had nothing to do with her.

She said, "I apologize to you on their behalf for what happened before, and I hope you can forgive their ignorance!".

"How to say?". Di Zhou looked at Lin Feng and asked.

This small move by Emperor Zhou made the woman surnamed Bai extremely surprised, because she had never paid much attention to Lin Feng before. Although Lin Feng was indeed very powerful, at Lin Feng's age, whether it was the Gate of Eternal Life or the Supreme Divine Court, Within, there were several heaven-defying monsters who surpassed Lin Feng.

The reason why monsters are called monsters is because in front of them, the strongest monks, these so-called monsters have not really grown up and are like ants in their eyes.

Of course it's not worthy of her too much attention.

But just now.

An existence at the level of a cosmic boss was actually asking Lin Feng for his opinion.

This is a bit strange.

It stands to reason that when a strong man of this level does something, he will definitely not pay attention to the thoughts of young monks like the following.

But Emperor Zhou just did this, which contained too much unknown information.


This person's identity is far more complicated than imagined.

The woman surnamed Bai also started to speculate about Lin Feng's identity. It seemed that liking to speculate on certain things was not just something ordinary people would do.

Even the top experts would do such a thing.

Lin Feng said, "Just give the gentleman in front of you some face, and let this matter go as it is!".

Emperor Zhou looked at the woman surnamed Bai and said, "You heard it too, let's forget it like this, but don't let it happen again. If there is a next time, don't talk about you, even if the master of your Heavenly Punishment Pavilion comes. use!".

The woman surnamed Bai said, "Thank you for your understanding!".

The woman then stepped aside, but did not withdraw with the other monks.


Although the two sides resolved their previous conflicts, it did not mean that they gave up the opportunity of this place.

"What are you afraid of? I'll draw the sword!".

A strong man said that he had long wanted to take action and draw his sword, but after Lin Feng and others appeared, the monks inside the Gate of Eternal Life wanted to let Lin Feng and others take action to see if there was any danger.

If Lin Feng and the others didn't take action, they would force Lin Feng and others to take action, but now this idea has completely disappeared.

Then you can only do it yourself.

The rest of the people didn't have any opinions.

So, the monk walked towards the stone sword.

That monk was also a strong man at the level of the Creator. He was much more powerful than the monk whom Lin Feng had taught him before. When he walked towards the stone sword, a pair of armor appeared on his body. The whole body was wrapped up.

That armor was no ordinary armor, but a top-level defensive magic weapon at the level of the Creator.

Defensive magic weapons, especially such high-level defensive magic weapons, are quite rare.

This level of defensive magic weapon and defensive ability are naturally extremely powerful.

This guy was quite cautious. He was probably worried about being in danger, so he set up a defense system in advance.

Soon, he was only ten meters away from the stone sword.

He continued walking forward.

Everything was calm originally.

But when he stepped into the range of ten meters of the stone sword.

Things are changing.

The stone sword was originally motionless.

Suddenly a sword energy vibrated out.

The sword energy quickly moved towards the creator-level monk and killed him.

The speed of the sword energy is incredibly fast.

When the monk saw the sword aura coming to kill him, a giant sword appeared in his hand, which was also a treasure at the level of the Creator. He swung the giant sword towards the sword aura and killed him.

An incredible scene appeared.

The sword energy vibrating from the stone sword first cut off the giant sword, and then tore apart the creator-level defensive armor.

Then he cut the creator-level strong man in half.

Blood spurted.

Extremely tragic.

(End of chapter)

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