Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 887: Heavenly Tribulation!

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"Boy, this is the origin of Devil's Devil"!

The fire crow roared, inciting wings to fly Lin Fengzhen out.

Lin Feng pounced again, before he ignored the fire crow.

The only way in this world that can stop me from plundering Devil's origin is to kill me.

Jin Shengyuan also quickly rushed to the past, and began to devour the origin of the devil.

Lin Feng has absorbed enough Heavenly Demon Origins, and the next step is to refine the Heavenly Demon Origins and improve cultivation.

They landed on the bare mountain in front, and then began to practice.

Although the fire crow is not the strongest existence in the death swamp, but no fierce beast dare to provoke.

Where the fire crow retreats and cultivates, the fierce beasts in the dead swamp have evaded.

Lin Feng used the Taiko Dragon Elephant tactics and began to refine the origin of the heavenly demon.

Lin Feng is now the peak of the seventh heaven of Yin and Yang realm.

And the devil's origin contains the power of robbing the number. After refining, Lin Feng estimates that he can soon lead the robber of the sky.

The Eight Heavens of Yin and Yang Realms need to cross the robbery.

The success of the crossover is only a breakthrough to this important state.

Of course, the crossover is a huge and difficult test for the monks.

Throughout the ages.

The monks of the Seventh Heaven of Yin and Yang Realm cross the robbery, hoping to break through the eighth heaven of the Yin and Yang Realm, and more than 90% of the monks fail.

With luck, he can retrieve a life, but he can't break through for life.

But more people were killed.

Therefore, Lin Feng has been suppressing his own realm and precipitating his cultivation, because it is too crucial to cross the robbery.

Never fail.

Once it fails, it means that his cultivation path has come to an end.

After spending three days, Lin Feng finally refined the essence of Heavenly Demon. At Lin Feng ’s eyebrows, the power of several robbers surged, and that was the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

"The eyebrows produce a robbery, my sky robbery is coming"!

Lin Feng looked up.

I saw that in the void, dark clouds rolled and thunder intertwined.

A devastating force surged in the thunder.

This devastating power and Thunder's power merged together, this is "Sky Tribulation".

Heavenly Tribulation is about to come, the dead swamps have become quiet, and some powerful beasts are far away from the area covered by Heavenly Tribulation.

Lin Feng flew into the air.

Fire Crow and Jin Shengyuan awakened from their cultivation, and Jin Shengyuan showed a happy look, "Feng Ge is about to cross the robbery, and Feng Ge's savings are so powerful, the cross robbery should not be a problem. Once the cross robbery is successful, Feng Ge's strength will only rise to one Unimaginable degree ".

The thundercloud above the nine days is getting bigger and bigger, originally only covering ten miles, but more and more thunderclouds are condensing, and soon the thundercloud will cover fifty or sixty miles, and in the end, the thundercloud is even more enveloped Hundreds of miles.

The fire crow was surprised, "The monks can overcome three disasters and nine hardships. A total of twelve catastrophes can build a road. This kid is just the first catastrophe. How could the area of ​​this catastrophe be so huge?".

Usually the first monks cross the robbery for the first time.

But Lin Feng's Heavenly Tribulation was over a hundred miles.

It's really shocking.

Even the well-known ancient existence of Fire Crow felt incredible.


Lin Feng stood in the void and looked at the sky-striking looting in the sky and couldn't help smiling.

His savings are three hundred times that of monks of the same rank.

This ensures that he has the strength to kill high-level monks when he is in a low level.

However, God is fair.

Since it gives you such a strong strength.

It must be suppressed in other ways.

If Lin Feng broke through, he surpassed other monks. Now, when he crosses the catastrophe, the horror of the heavenly catastrophe is far beyond imagination.


The first Tiancai smashed towards Lin Feng.

The purple thunder, which was as thick as a mountain, blasted down, and the void was broken.

"Good to come"!

Lin Feng not only didn't have a little fear, but instead looked uplifted, and hit the sky, hitting a thunder like a mountain.

Lin Feng's way is the way of supremacy.

The way of supremacy is to look at the heavens obliquely.

Even in the face of the terrible sky-tribulation, Lin Feng will not flinch.

All the strength has condensed into this punch.


Thunder like a mountain was broken by Lin Feng with a punch.

Immediately afterwards, the second Sky Tribulation followed.

Lin Feng's second Sky Tribulation was a giant thunder snake.

Thousands of kilometers of the thunder snake descended from the sky, opened a big mouth of the blood basin, and devoured to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng shouted loudly, and he swept over the sky with a domineering tactic.

The second Heaven Tribulation collapsed.


The sound of a high dragon chant came out, and the third sky-tribulation came.

The third Sky Tribulation is a thunder dragon.

Lin Feng was incredibly arrogant, and for nine days, he tore the Thunder Dragon directly.

"This……". Jin Shengyuan was completely dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a person who had gone through the robbery.

It is extremely difficult for other people to cross the robbery and fight against it.

Lin Feng crossed the robbery, but took the initiative to attack.

In a short period of time, it broke three Daotian disasters.

Not to mention Jin Shengyuan, even Fire Crow has a stunned expression.

The fourth Heaven Tribulation is the congregation of an ancient war car.

Wherever the ancient war car passed, the void collapsed.

Lin Feng shouted loudly and smashed three punches in the past, breaking the ancient war car.

The fifth Dao Tian condensed a sword spirit.

The sword slashed the sky and swept towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is exhibiting the swordsmanship he has come to realize.

Converge the Supreme Sword and kill it.

It collided with the sword qi condensed from the Heaven Tribulation, and both sword qi were attributed to annihilation.

The sixth Heaven Tribulation condensed a lightning knife.

The attack power of the Thunder Knife has increased madly.

Lin Feng's face became dignified, because he felt that this day's catastrophe was different from the previous one. Although the power of the previous catastrophe was also improving, the power improvement was also limited, probably every time it was doubled.

And the power of this thunder knife robbery Lin Feng feels more than a hundred times stronger than the previous one.

Increase the power more than 100 times at a time.

This is too horrible.

This time, Lin Feng was injured by a thunder knife, and his body was almost cut by the waist.

"What a terrible mine knife."

Lin Feng moved, he sacrificed Jin Dan, and shattered the Thunder Knife.

Then it runs the undead **** body and repairs the damaged body.


The seventh Dao Tian condenses a giant spirit god, holding a giant axe, and an axe hacked towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's golden pill rose into the sky, while absorbing the power of Heavenly Tribulation, while contending with the giant spirit god.

Wow! Wow!

After thirty-six consecutive collisions, the giant spirit **** was broken by Lin Feng's Jindan.

Lin Feng's Jindan sucked the power of Heavenly Tribulation like a whale sucking a cow, and the fluctuations emitted by his Jindan became stronger and stronger.

Rumble ...

The Eighth Heaven Tribulation is the congregation of thousands of horses and horses.

Lin Feng rises to the sky and fights with thousands of horses. He was almost killed by the soul that was beaten several times, but Lin Feng ’s undead **** body was too strong, and his physical body was repaired again and again.

The fire crow is extremely moving, "Since the sixth count of the robbery has been the sky robbery that will appear when the life and death are broken, this kid has resisted such a horrible sky robbery."

Jin Shengyuan was shocked when he heard the words of the Fire Crow. He asked: "Since it is a breakout to break through the realm of life and death, why did Maple Brothers go through such a terrible breakout for the first time?" ".

Fire Raven said, "That's because, God doesn't allow such a demon against evil to be born, so he must be destroyed."


At this time, above the nine days, the ninth Heavenly Tribulation condensed.

That is an illusory figure.

Like the same young emperor.

After he appeared, the world was silent.

"This is Emperor's Tribulation"! The fire crow exclaimed.

"What is Emperor Tribulation?" Jin Shengyuan asked.

"Emperor Tribulation is the phantom image of the monk who has cultivated the Emperor Realm strongman in the void, and the phantom figure in the void should be the mark formed when the great emperor passed through the first heavenly disaster when he was young Now it has become the ninth Heaven Tribulation of that kid. "

Fire Crow said solemnly.

Jin Shengyuan's face changed greatly, and said, "Wouldn't that mean? Brother Feng must defeat the young emperor who is with him in order to break through successfully?".

Fire Crow nodded bitterly and said, "Yes, Emperor Tribulation is present. If he can defeat the Young Emperor, he will succeed in the Tribulation. If he fails, he will be beheaded by the Young Emperor"

The voice of the fire crow fell, and the young emperor above nine days had leapt out, turned into a fairy light, and beheaded towards Lin Feng.

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