Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 495: who's that person?

From a distance, it looked like an extremely huge skull-like thing, but that skull-like thing seemed to be many, many times larger than an ancient sacred mountain.

That's certainly not a real skull.

It looked more like a huge mountain peak, or an island, but it was slightly farther away, so it wasn't particularly clear.

The Origin Divine Stone naturally sensed the extraordinary nature of that place and accelerated towards that place.

Lin Feng, after seeing the skull-like behemoth, also felt the extraordinaryness of that place and flew towards that place quickly.

The Origin God Stone flew there because it wanted to use that place to get rid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng flew there because he wanted to suppress the Origin God Stone, but the goals of both sides were actually different.

But no matter what, that place gave Lin Feng a huge shock.

The secrets hidden in such a place must be unimaginable. Perhaps after suppressing the Origin God Stone, some other opportunities can be found in it.

Lin Feng's idea was quite beautiful.

The two sides fled and chased each other, and soon rushed to the outer area of ​​the behemoth. After rushing over, they could finally confirm what it was. It was really an island, but this island looked a bit weird. After all, , there is no island that looks like a skull. From a distance, no one doubts that this is a skull left behind after the death of a giant.

The most incredible thing is that there is a huge stone monument over a thousand meters high standing on the edge of the island.

There are four words written on this stone tablet like flying dragons and phoenixes.

"Endless fairy island!".

Lin Feng was sure that this was a name he had never heard of. This Skull Island looked like a demon island. The evil island had nothing to do with the so-called fairy island, but its name was after the word "Endless Fairy Island". The name of the island is really strange. I don’t know who gave this island such a name.

The Origin Divine Stone took the lead in rushing into the Endless Fairy Island.

Lin Feng followed closely behind and also rushed into the Endless Fairy Island.

After they rushed in, Lin Feng suddenly realized that he could no longer see the situation outside clearly. Within the scope of the Endless Fairy Island, there were white air birds, sealing the island. Once they entered the island, the monk's sight would be Suffering a huge impact, he was completely unable to see the situation outside clearly. At the same time, even his spiritual thoughts seemed unable to extend out and sense any situation outside. This surprised Lin Feng. This island was weirder than he imagined. Much.

Therefore, Lin Feng also became much more cautious.

Within the Endless Fairy Island, fairy energy is steaming everywhere, auspicious clouds are spitting out, and fairy sounds are intertwined. The sound is so beautiful and melodious that it makes people forget to leave. If you don't look at it from the outside, you will really I thought I was in an overseas fairyland.

A place like this is simply a holy place for cultivation.

But Lin Feng was not immersed in it. He had always felt that there was something wrong with this endless fairy island, so he had always been on guard against dangers that might appear here anytime and anywhere. He was highly concentrated and did not really care because this place looked infinitely beautiful. I thought this place was an infinitely beautiful place.

He caught up with the Origin Stone and fought with the Origin Stone again.

The Origin Divine Stone roared, "Boy, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Believe it or not, I can definitely kill you if I use my special move!".

Lin Feng responded coldly, "Really? We can give it a try!".

The two sides fought together again.

Lin Feng only wanted to suppress the Origin Stone. First, because the two sides met and this was a good opportunity. Second, because the Origin Stone had a vengeful character. This guy was so powerful. If he really let it go, It's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. If this guy tries to deal with Lin Feng's people, I don't know how many people will suffer. This is not what Lin Feng wants to see. The third reason is that there are many secrets hidden in the Origin God Stone. There are many, even if you take a step back, if Lin Feng does not explore the secrets hidden or known by the Origin Stone, just learning the runes on the Origin Stone is already a huge gain.

Lin Feng only got one rune now. Even if he only got one rune, the power exerted by that rune has become one of Lin Feng's strongest tricks. If he gets more runes and combines different runes, If used together, the power that would burst out would be so powerful. It is exciting to think about it. Therefore, if possible, Lin Feng would naturally suppress the Origin God Stone.

Lin Feng summoned all the Sky-shaking Stone Tablets. With the help of the Sky-shaking Stone Tablets, the Origin God Stone was defeated steadily.

"Boy, I will destroy you!".

The Origin Divine Stone roared, and the next moment, the Origin Divine Stone also underwent huge changes. This change seemed to come from the internal changes of the Origin Divine Stone. Lin Feng actually heard Dongdong Dongdong's voice. This sound was very strange and sounded very strange. There was a sound like a beating heart, which surprised Lin Feng.

No matter how special the Origin Stone is, it is just a stone. Now there is a sound like a beating heart. This is really weird. Lin Feng thought of some possibility and said, "A stone was born inside you." fetal?".

"Boy, you know too much, go to hell!".

The voice of the Divine Stone of Origin was extremely cold, and his attack surged instantly. Everyone around Zhentian was knocked away by the Divine Stone of Origin.

However, Lin Feng quickly summoned the Sky-shaking Stone Monument back to continue to deal with the Origin God Stone. At the same time, he also summoned twenty-three stone swords, and used twenty or thirty stone swords to assist himself and the Sky-shaking Stone Monument to deal with the Origin God Stone. .

The two sides are indistinguishable from each other, and it is not easy to kill each other quickly.

But as the battle between the two sides became more and more intense, Lin Feng always felt that his body seemed to have undergone some changes. Normally, even some quasi-pioneer-level experts would not be able to detect such subtle changes, but Lin Feng His perception was too strong, and he was an extremely sensitive person, so Lin Feng felt the changes in his body.

This was a subtle change, as if there was an invisible force that quietly sneaked into his body. What Lin Feng could be sure of was that this force was not the force released from within the Origin Stone.

Instead, the power inside the island gradually invaded his body. With the invasion of this power, some terrible things are likely to happen later. By then, he may even lose control of his body. That can That's too bad.

Lin Feng was horrified. He quickly used the Eye of Truth and the Eye of Heaven. The two methods were superimposed, and he looked around again.

Lin Feng saw it.

The island that was originally like a fairyland turned into a gloomy island. The dense woods also disappeared, and the smell of death and ruin was everywhere.

Not far away, a monk stood in the void, watching him with an indifferent expression as he struggled with the Origin Stone.

But he and the Origin Divine Stone were not aware of it at all.

"who's that person?".

Lin Feng was shocked. It was obvious that that person wanted to reap the benefits.

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