Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 499: trade

The monk transformed from the origin of the Kyushu universe was rescued.

Lin Feng didn't chase him. The opponent was extremely well prepared. Even if he chased him, he probably wouldn't be able to catch him, and he might even be ambushed or something.

Lin Feng's brows knitted together tightly. The monk who was transformed from the origin of the Kyushu universe was actually related to the son of the pioneer, Su Yuexi and others.

Lin Feng is really worried that someone will be recognized by the origin of the Jiuzhou Universe and become the new Master of the Universe of the Jiuzhou Universe. By then, he will have nothing to do with him.

However, after Lin Feng thought about it, he felt that this kind of thing was basically impossible to achieve. In the final analysis, the root cause still lies in the monks who were transformed from the origin of the Jiuzhou universe.

Unless this guy dies, no one can become the new Lord of the Universe. Moreover, even if he dies, if others are not recognized by the original subject of the Nine Provinces Universe, they still cannot become the new Lord of the Nine Provinces Universe, and the origin of the Nine Provinces Universe is transformed into Monks are extremely ambitious beings.

"What a pity, what a pity!" The Origin God Stone on the side shook his head repeatedly. He really felt that it was a pity. If the monks who were transformed from the origin of the Jiuzhou universe were killed, it would at least be able to share part of the origin. And now, stone creatures have been born inside it. It was too important for it to obtain the most elite source power of the universe, but now it was in vain. It simply hated Su Yuexi, the son of the pioneer, and others.

Although Lin Feng also feels it is a pity, it is not unacceptable. Anyway, in Lin Feng's view, he has now completed his first head-to-head confrontation with the monk who was transformed from the origin of the Kyushu universe. This is an important clue. You must know that Lin Feng had previously understood the origin of the Kyushu universe. Although I have been peeping for a long time, there is no clue at all, and it is still unknown whether the origin of the Kyushu universe can be found.

But it’s different now. The monk who was transformed from the origin of the Kyushu universe has been born. This guy is quite high-profile. It is difficult to find the origin of the Kyushu universe. But if you want to find him, the difficulty factor has been greatly reduced. As long as you find him Him, kill him, and it will not be difficult to guess where the original subject of the Kyushu universe is hidden.

At this time, the hope of becoming the Lord of the Kyushu Universe is still quite high, so Lin Feng can accept today's results.

But one thing caught Lin Feng's attention. Although the Sons of the Pioneers and Su Yuexi and his ilk were not powerful figures, one thing is that they were still relatively cautious, especially after knowing their own strength. He became more cautious and would not confront him head-on easily.

But thinking about what Su Yuexi and the Son of the Pioneer said just now, they seemed to be very confident in killing him. This was not a bluff. Lin Feng was very confident after hearing it, so they must have said those words. For some reason, they felt that they had the ability to kill them, which made Lin Feng extremely confused. Could these guys really have some unknown means or conspiracy?

This incident attracted Lin Feng's attention, and he might have to take precautions. Otherwise, who knows what kind of things Su Yuexi, the Son of the Pioneer, and others might do.

"You said you wouldn't make things difficult for me, can you let me go now?" The Origin Divine Stone looked at Lin Feng and asked.

It wasn't too worried that Lin Feng would deal with it. After all, Lin Feng swore on his family. This kind of betrayal of family loyalty was not unheard of, but it was very rare.

Especially, a top powerhouse like Lin Feng would not do such a thing.

Lin Feng said, "If you want to leave, you can leave anytime, anywhere, but before leaving, I have something I want to talk to you about. What do I do?"

The Origin Divine Stone asked vigilantly, "What do you want to talk about?".

"I also have a very special lotus seed here. It is a lotus seed produced from a special seed. This thing will definitely be of great use to you. How about changing it to your Taoist pattern?"

As Lin Feng spoke, he took out a lotus seed. He actually had a few lotus seeds that had not yet been refined, all of which he had snatched from Cang Jie.

"Is this the lotus seed of the Blood Demon Lotus?". The Origin Divine Stone asked.

"yes!". Lin Feng nodded.

The Origin Divine Stone said, "Okay, I'll change it for you. I can teach you another rune. What do you think?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

The Origin Divine Stone said, "You have to know that no matter how good things are, they are only disposable consumables, but my Divine Marks are priceless treasures!".

There is no big problem in saying this about the Origin Divine Stone.

But Lin Feng knew that if he missed this village, he would never have this shop again.

You must seize the opportunity to redeem some more runes from the Origin Stone.

Lin Feng said, "That's it. If I guessed correctly, the rune I learned before should be a metallic rune, right? So the attack power is particularly powerful!".

The Origin Divine Stone said, "Yes, that is a metallic rune, and it is also the most powerful rune in terms of attack power. Other runes are far less powerful than this rune!".

Lin Feng said, "You also said that other runes are far less powerful than this one. Isn't it a good deal to trade one for one? But I know that since there are metal runes, they must also have wood and water properties. The attributes, fire attributes, and earth attribute runes just combine to form the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. After these five elements are combined, the power should be increased to an astonishing level. Therefore, I want the other four attributes of the runes. arts!".

The Origin Divine Stone said: "Are you kidding me? You want to exchange a lotus seed for my four attributes of runes. Don't even think about it, there is nothing like this in this world!".

Lin Feng said, "That's good. I'll add another lotus seed and exchange two lotus seeds for your four runes. However, I have to inform you in advance that this kind of lotus seed is resistant to antibiotics. The second lotus seed is more effective than the third lotus seed." A lotus seed is a lot different, what about it? Should I change it?"

The Origin Divine Stone did not answer Lin Feng immediately. After thinking for a while, it said, "We have never known each other before, so I will consider it a loss today and trade with you, but you must remember that no matter who it is, even your son, You must not teach him the runes I taught you, I don’t want to involve too much cause and effect!"

Lin Feng said, "No problem!".

He then took out another lotus seed, two lotus seeds in total, and Lin Feng handed it to the Origin Stone.

The Origin Divine Stone also taught Lin Feng the other four attributes of runes.

"We will meet again in the future!". The Origin God Stone left a word, soared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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