Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 526: Female nun in the black mist area

In the area shrouded in black mist, all that could be seen were corpses.

There are many corpses here, but most of them have become bones.

The strong fishy smell permeated the air, so unpleasant that it made people feel extremely sick.

Perhaps, the smell permeating the air already contains some kind of terrible poison, but Lin Feng's body is highly resistant to poison, so there is no problem for the time being.

"What's going on with these corpses?" Lin Feng frowned. He felt that the situation was very strange. There were too many corpses, which was not normal.

This place is absolutely weird, otherwise, this situation would not happen.

Lin Feng became more vigilant, mainly because Lin Feng knew that there are always some special beings or special places in this world, and the methods they displayed were incredible, and these methods were very likely to have a huge impact on the monks.

As long as a monk is not careful, he may encounter a disaster. This is not alarmist, but Lin Feng's experience gained after experiencing countless dangers.


Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze, because Lin Feng vaguely heard a cry for help, the sound was a little weak, it was a woman's cry for help.

It seems that someone encountered danger after entering this place.

Lin Feng hurriedly followed the sound. The cry for help had never been stronger or clearer. It was getting weaker and weaker. It sounded like the woman calling for help was getting worse.

Lin Feng was naturally quite anxious. After all, saving a life was better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Lin Feng's nature is kind.

If you encounter it, you will naturally not ignore it.

Finally, Lin Feng saw a woman next to a valley. The woman had a good figure and was lying on the ground, so it was difficult to see what the woman looked like.

It was the woman who called Lin Feng over.

As if she sensed someone coming, the woman lying on the ground raised her head with difficulty.

She saw Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also saw this woman's appearance.

When he saw the appearance of this woman, Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly surprised. This woman was so beautiful.

She has an oval face shape and exquisite facial features, but her eyes are very charming, which makes her whole person feel glamorous.

It is definitely the best among the best, the best among the best.

It's just that this stunning beauty is very pale now. It's obvious that her physical condition is very bad.

"Little brother, save me...".

The woman's charming eyes looked at Lin Feng pitifully.

"What's wrong with you?". Lin Feng asked with concern.

He walked towards the woman quickly. How could he let such a beauty suffer here? Of course, Lin Feng's rescue did not necessarily involve anything happening with her.

As a man.

You still need to have some sense of responsibility and responsibility.

It is even more imperative to save the weak women and children.

"Little brother, I feel so uncomfortable...".

The woman did not answer Lin Feng's question, but kept talking to herself. Perhaps it was because her physical condition was extremely bad that she did not answer Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sped up.

Soon, Lin Feng was still about two or three meters away from the woman lying on the ground, but when he got here, Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

Because, Lin Feng felt something was wrong.

This woman calls him the title of little brother.

Full of charm.

Normally, when two people who have never met each other meet, they would not use the title "little sister" or "little brother" with a hint of ambiguity and provocation.

You also have to think about it. If you are willing, others may not be willing.

He won't speak so casually.

Say it in harsher terms.

No serious person would use an ambiguous and provocative nickname to call a stranger when they meet him for the first time.


There was definitely something wrong with the woman in front of me.

This was also the reason why Lin Feng stopped.

Lin Feng opened his eyes of reality. He wanted to see the reality of this woman.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

The person lying on the ground was not a delicate beauty at all, but a set of bones.

This is a pair of slender white bones.

this means.

The skeleton in front of me is indeed that of a woman, although the ones I just saw were illusions created by the skeleton.

But there is a high probability that the skeleton was such a beautiful person during his lifetime.

It's a pity that such a stunningly beautiful woman fell here and turned into a harmful skeleton monk.

Now that I've seen through this woman's reality.

There's not much to say.

Lin Feng directly sacrificed the stone sword, and the twenty-three stone swords quickly slashed towards the bones lying on the ground.

But the speed of the white bones was extremely fast. When the stone sword was slashing at her, she quickly stood up and retreated, avoiding the slashing stone sword.

"Little brother, you are very powerful. You can actually see through the reality of the slave family."

The bone monk said with a sweet smile.

Since Lin Feng has removed the Eye of Truth, what he sees now is still a living beauty, but Lin Feng knows that everything is false and cannot be taken seriously.

Then she would be nothing more than a skeleton. Don't be fooled by her voice and beauty.

Lin Feng said, "I came here for a cause and effect, don't block my way forward, otherwise, I don't mind destroying the flower with your own hands!".

The female nun chuckled and said, "No matter what cause and effect you want to solve, I advise you to leave here quickly, otherwise, you will die miserably in this place."

Having said this, the female cultivator glanced at the surrounding mountains and forests, and then said, "The horror of this place is not what you can imagine, nor can you resolve it. Over the years, you are the only person I have persuaded to return." Those people, those other people, I don’t even bother to care about them, they are willing to die, I have no problem at all! Do you know why I treat you alone?”

"Appreciate further details!". Lin Feng shrugged.

The female cultivator said, "Because you are very in line with my taste, sister. Unfortunately, sister, I am already dead and have become a slave of this mountain forest. I will never be able to leave here. Otherwise, sister doesn't mind reshaping her body and will You are included in the harem!".

Lin Feng was a little speechless and ignored her, but said, "May I ask, how did you die here?".

The female cultivator said calmly, "Don't say it, don't say it. Since you didn't die in my hands, I have done what I should do, and the superiors can't criticize me harshly. Just leave as quickly as possible. I won't say the same thing." The third time!".

Lin Feng said, "I will not retreat!".

The female cultivator frowned slightly, and she obviously felt Lin Feng's determined attitude.

She said, "Forget it, you want to die, I won't stop you!".

She made a way for Lin Feng, but her eyes were full of pity when she looked at Lin Feng. She didn't know what danger was waiting for Lin Feng, but she felt that Lin Feng would definitely die during this trip.

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