Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 532: The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation

"You won't lose your memory, will you?" Lin Feng looked at the woman and asked.

The woman shook her head slightly, but she didn't speak, and she didn't know if she was mute.

Seeing that the woman was silent, Lin Feng said, "We have something to talk about!".

Lin Feng waved his hand, and he, the woman, and the stone man Xiao Tianlei all flew out of Lin Feng's time and space.

After coming outside, Lin Feng looked at the woman and asked, "What is your name?".

The woman just looked at Lin Feng quietly, still saying nothing. Even if she couldn't speak, she would definitely know how to transmit sounds, but she just didn't communicate with Lin Feng.

It seemed that he didn't want to tell Lin Feng his name.

This made Lin Feng a little speechless. He said in his heart that no matter whether it was because of some cause and effect that he had to save you, but considering how hard he worked to save you, your attitude should be better, right? This is People with some emotional intelligence would do this as a human thing, but this woman just turned a deaf ear to Lin Feng's words.

Lin Feng didn't bother to ask anymore. Anyway, he was not particularly interested in the origin of this woman or how many secrets she had. Saving her was already the limit, and it could be considered the end of benevolence and justice.

Lin Feng said, "Now that you are out of trouble, just do whatever you want to do. Let's say goodbye here."

Lin Feng winked at Xiao Tianlei.

Xiaotian Thunder God Association and Lin Feng left quickly.

Lin Feng said to Xiao Tianlei, "Without further ado, let's go directly to find the place you mentioned!".

"good!". Xiao Tianlei responded.

According to Xiao Tianlei, that place is in another area, which is far away from this place, and it must be at least half a month away.

There is naturally no problem on Lin Feng's side.

In the next few days, Lin Feng and the others saw too many fights.

A large number of monks fought fiercely in order to compete for profits.

Some relatively powerful forces have also begun to divide their territories on the island. For example, the goddess Ji Yao, who was reborn before, quickly formed a team on the island. The name is the same as the outside, also called Immortal. , there are many strong men gathered under his command.

The enemy of Goddess Ji Yao, Taoist Jiutian, also formed a force.

Of course, there is also the Nine-Female Emperor who betrayed Goddess Ji Yao and secretly attacked Goddess Ji Yao, and also formed a force.

In addition, there are some mysterious strong men who have formed forces.

Lin Feng and the others were not always on the road, sometimes they would stop to rest. When Lin Feng and the others stopped to rest that day, Xiao Tianlei couldn't sit still and went to Landa. When he came back, he brought back an extremely important news.

He said, "I finally know the main reason why those people quickly formed new forces, and it's not just to compete for territory or resources!".

"Huh? What else?". Lin Feng couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Have you ever heard of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation?". Xiao Tianlei asked.

Lin Feng shook his head. He had never heard anyone mention the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation before, but the name was indeed something extraordinary, and it was probably closely related to reincarnation.

Xiao Tianlei continued, "As eras change, reincarnations also change. Rumor has it that in every reincarnation, something special will appear. For example, in the first reincarnation, there will be the Disk of Reincarnation, the Wood of Reincarnation, the Sword of Reincarnation, and the Sword of Reincarnation. Bells and other things are secret treasures transformed from reincarnation, possessing unimaginable divine power!"

"The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation appeared in the last reincarnation. It is rumored that it was a sacred tree born in the endless years of reincarnation. After the destruction of the last reincarnation, it was said that the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation was destroyed, but just like an old man After a dynasty is destroyed, a new dynasty must take its place. After the old emperor dies, a new emperor will ascend the throne. After the last reincarnation sacred tree was destroyed, it is said that a new reincarnation sacred tree appeared. This new one The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is even more extraordinary and mysterious!"

"But what we are discussing today is not the new Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, but the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation from the previous reincarnation. It is a Sacred Tree of Reincarnation that spans the years of reincarnation. It is long-lasting, mysterious and powerful. It is said that the tree that controls the reincarnation is With the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, monks will have many incredible abilities, and can even master the power of life and death. The benefits obtained by obtaining the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation are simply unimaginable. What's more, no one has ever been able to master the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Tree, the pioneer was able to become a pioneer because he was the first monk to cultivate special seeds in his body. As the first person to eat melons, he received the greatest improvement!"

"No matter how precious the special seeds are, they are far behind the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. If we can get the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation from the last reincarnation, will we be able to break through to the pioneer realm again with the help of that Sacred Tree of Reincarnation? What about becoming the second pioneer-level powerhouse? Some people think that this possibility is not small, so they start recruiting troops, hoping to **** the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation when it appears!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but be extremely surprised. He didn't expect that such a big secret was involved.

But Lin Feng also had some doubts. He asked, "Wasn't the sacred tree of reincarnation destroyed in the last reincarnation? Why did it appear again? And there are still so many monks who know that the sacred tree of reincarnation has not been destroyed. Even on this island?"

Xiao Tianlei said, "I also asked about this matter, and it was said that more than one strong man has been entrusted by the Sacred Tree of Samsara in his dreams. It is said that the Sacred Tree of Samsara will reappear in the world soon!".

Hearing this, Lin Feng was shocked.

Because Lin Feng knew very well that the matter of entrusting dreams was not as simple as ordinary people dreaming, especially it was even more difficult to entrust dreams to strong people.

And the fact that the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation came into being still entrusted dreams to so many strong men made this matter even more incredible.

But that's exactly why.

Lin Feng felt that this matter was most likely true.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "Why didn't the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation entrust me with a dream? Is it because I am a foreign monk? I am not a monk in the Reincarnation Channel, so I don't want to entrust a dream to me?".

Xiao Tianlei said, "It's really hard to say this. After all, the word reincarnation is really something special."

Theoretically speaking.

Those beings who were born in the passage of reincarnation have the greatest possibility of being recognized by the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, and the possibility that one of them will obtain the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is also the greatest, but everything is uncertain. After all, in Lin Feng's view , in this world, everything is possible.

At this moment, Lin Feng's brows couldn't help but frown slightly, because he vaguely heard a call.

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