Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 540: Shocking strength

After the Heavenly Demon Emperor appeared, the monks under him saluted the Heavenly Demon Emperor one after another. There were quite a few monks under this guy, there were five to six million people, and their strength was quite strong. However, Lin Feng did not take these people to heart. .

Because Lin Feng knew very well that a being like the Heavenly Demon Emperor was an extremely proud person. Now that he had attacked his door, he would definitely deal with him personally instead of mobilizing the power of the monk army to deal with him together.

When the Demon Emperor realized that something was wrong and that he couldn't deal with him at all, he wanted to mobilize the monk army to deal with him.

Lin Feng would not give him this opportunity again.

In fact, to put it bluntly, many people die because of saving face.

If you don't want to lose face, you will use the most powerful means to deal with the other party as soon as it comes up.

Then, the probability of eventually overturning is much smaller.

The truth is that, but how many people in this world can be so vigilant, and how many people can completely lose face.

The Demon Emperor cannot do it.

Many people can't do it.

Even Lin Feng might not be able to do it.

Lin Feng looked at the Heavenly Demon Emperor with an indifferent expression. This person was indeed very powerful. Lin Feng felt that this person should be at the peak of the Creator's realm, which was higher than his own.

However, although Lin Feng's realm is not as good as this person, Lin Feng believes that with the means at his disposal, dealing with this person is not a problem.

This is a ruthless man who kills people like crazy. The arrival of Poison Ancestor, Xu Tu and others in the distance did not attract too many people's attention.

But when Xu Tu saw the Heavenly Demon Emperor, his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes flashed with hatred, and he could not hide his desire to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Lin Feng and the others can also understand Xu Tu's thoughts and the hatred in his heart.

Lin Feng looked at the Demon Emperor with an indifferent expression and said, "Why should others give me the courage to kill you? It's just something I can do casually."

"What? What is this kid talking about?".

Countless people couldn't believe it.

Many people were talking about it.

After all, killing the Sword Demon and dealing with the Heavenly Demon Emperor are completely different concepts. In the eyes of many people, although the Sword Demon is also extremely powerful, it is far behind compared with the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Although it is not appropriate to describe it as being thousands of miles apart.

But the gap between the two sides is indeed huge visible to the naked eye.

Do you think that if you can kill the Sword Demon, you will be able to feel righteous in front of the even more terrifying Heavenly Demon Emperor? This guy has absolutely no idea of ​​the terror of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. He is just trying to commit suicide. This is an idea that pops up in the minds of many people at the same time. Obviously, in the eyes of those people, Lin Feng cannot be the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. , mainly because the reputation of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is so great.

In the reincarnation passage, the demon emperor and the demon emperor are among the top-ranked beings.

No matter how powerful Lin Feng is, being able to tie with the Heavenly Demon Emperor is already a pretty good result. Wanting to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor is just wishful thinking. To take a step back, even if Lin Feng can suppress the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but , Don’t forget that this is the base camp of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. There are also hundreds of thousands of monks recruited by the Heavenly Demon Emperor. When the time comes, the Heavenly Demon Emperor can mobilize those hundreds of thousands of monks to deal with Lin Feng.


How could Lin Feng be the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Emperor? Facing the Heavenly Demon Emperor would definitely lead to death.

If you're lucky, you might be able to escape.

As for the Demon Emperor himself, after hearing Lin Feng's words, a murderous intent burst out from his eyes. He said coldly, "Boy, since you are seeking death, then I will help you and bring the devil to the world!".

After the shouts fell, the Heavenly Demon Emperor immediately displayed an extremely terrifying magical power. Everyone saw that a terrifying existence three thousand meters high emerged behind the Heavenly Demon Emperor. That existence lingered in the endless sky. In the demonic aura, he looked like a giant demon.

If the giant monster moves even slightly, the sky and the earth will collapse, and the mountains and rivers will collapse.


The Heavenly Demon Emperor shouted coldly, and the troll shouted coldly together with the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Their voices were completely blended together, and their voices were so cold, terrifying, eerie, and creepy.

Everyone then saw the giant demon punching towards Lin Feng. That punch seemed to have the power to shatter the world.

Not only was the power of that punch terrifying, it was also incredibly fast.

Many people were shocked. It was indeed the attack of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. The attack of the top powerhouse was so powerful that it made people have an impulse to tremble in their souls and worship him.

Many people felt that this punch was countless times more powerful than the previous attack from the Sword Demon. Lin Feng would have been crippled if not killed.

However, the actual situation is.

When the punch blasted away, Lin Feng made a slight tap in the void, and his body jumped up. The punch that came from the blast actually rubbed the bottom of Lin Feng's feet and blasted towards the void in front of him. , Lin Feng's feet seemed to land on the fist formed by the condensed energy, and then his body moved towards the place where the Demon Emperor was as fast as lightning.

"Boy, die!".

The giant demon roared, and another hand came across the air and slapped Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng slashed forward in the void.

Really just casual.

A simple blow.

It was like a casual wave.

However, a beam of light flew out. The beam of light, like the sword energy splitting the heaven and the earth, quickly streaked through the void.


The beam directly killed the troll's head.

The giant demon itself was not a real body of flesh and blood, but a manifestation of magical power. After the head was beheaded, the body also dissipated directly.

This scene made everyone look dumbfounded. In the eyes of many people, it was the demon body condensed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor using heaven-defying magic, and it was actually destroyed like this.

Moreover, what seemed so simple was destroyed.

All of this is incredible.

Even Xu Tu and the others next to Poison Ancestor showed shocked looks. Although they knew that Lin Feng was powerful, they did not expect that Lin Feng would be so powerful.

Moreover, they had heard from Poison Ancestor before that Lin Feng was only over 300 years old.

They were scratching their heads and couldn't figure it out.

How did Sanbaiduoshou improve his strength to this level?

It's impossible to be so powerful if you started practicing from your mother's womb.

But Lin Feng just happened to be so terrifying.

While everyone was in shock, Lin Feng had quickly reached the front of the Demon Emperor.

Lin Feng raised his right fist and punched towards the Demon Emperor.

(End of chapter)

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