Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 892: Dragon rabbits make great contributions!

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These overlords of the Dead Swamp rushed directly to the Devil Fruit.

Their purpose is the Devil Fruit.

As for the fight between life and death, let the demon survivors and the five archaic forces in Tianzhou fight each other.

"Black Dragon Saint, lead your people to leave quickly, otherwise, my demon survivors and you will never die."

The head of the Celestial Demon Clan roared angrily.

As a dragon clan, the black dragon sage is a cultivator and he is unimaginable.

Even the patriarch of the Celestial Demon Clan was extremely afraid of it.

Of the remaining death swamp overlords, which one does not have the power to destroy the world?

"Huh, is Lao Tzu afraid of you, the demon survivors? Lao Tzu's masters are like a cloud, really fighting, it is not easy to say who wins and who loses."

Black Dragon Saint sneered out loud.

This black dragon sage has been training for fifteen thousand three hundred years.

Ten thousand years ago, he followed the last king of the dead swamp beast to rob the Devil Fruit, but failed.

Now that thousands of years have passed, he has become the king of the beasts of the dead swamp. Naturally, he will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If there are no Tianzhou's five forces holding the imperial soldier.

Even if the beast tide is launched, it is difficult to **** the Devil Fruit.

Now for the Black Dragon Saint King, it is indeed an opportunity.

"Stop them".

The head of the Celestial Demon Clan shouted loudly. He is now fighting with Xiao Moli and has no time to be distracted.

Even if there are masters of the Heavenly Demon Relics to stop these overlords of the dead swamp.

"Sky Demon Fist".

An elder-level strongman of the Celestial Demon Clan rushed to the Black Dragon Saint, punching him with a punch.


The black dragon saint smirked and waved huge dragon claws to pat.

There was a loud bang.

The huge dragon claw of the Black Dragon Sovereign was shot on the elders of the Celestial Demon Clan and flew out of the elders of the Celestial Demon Clan.

The elder was a strong leader of the death swamp overlord, but he could not resist the attack of the black dragon sage. This black dragon sage was indeed the king of the beasts of the death swamp, and his strength was too strong.

The black dragon sage flew out the elders of the Celestial Demon Clan, and flew to the Celestial Demon Tree. The claws directly caught the Celestial Demon Tree.

At this time, dense patterns appeared around the Demon Tree, and the Demon Tree was enveloped by the large array.

"Break me ...".

The Black Dragon King madly fanned the wings, and the dense black storm bombarded the ban.

Click and click.

The prohibitions protecting the Demon Tree began to crack.

Five or six masters of the Celestial Demon Clan killed the Black Dragon Saint.

Each of them exhibits supernatural powers.

At this time, a strange syllable sounded from the mouth of the Black Dragon King.

"Dragon language supernatural power, the dragon's mastery".

Fire Crow said.

The Black Dragon Sage exhibited dragon language supernatural powers, and in the void, the surrounding voids were twisted.

Immediately afterwards, the void exploded directly, exploding all the masters of the Celestial Demon Clan.

A master of Zun Demon's relics exploded in half of his body.

The injuries are extremely serious.

"It's really a dragon race, one of the most powerful races, really powerful."

Lin Feng, who was looking at the magnificent black dragon sage, was also shocked.

The Black Dragon King continued to bombard the ban.

Click and click.

The prohibition keeps breaking.

Seeing that the prohibition would not be able to support for long, a mountain in the depths suddenly cracked, and an old heavenly demon came out of the mountain. This heavenly demon turned into a human, and he took a shot towards the Black Dragon Saint past.

This is the clan elder of the demon survivor, who has been in retreat. Now he is also alarmed and has to take action. Otherwise, the celestial devil who waits for thousands of years to mature will be taken away.

"Old and immortal, bloodline decay, but also want to fight with this seat?".

The Black Dragon Saint sneered out loud and waved a huge dragon claw to the elders of the Celestial Demon Clan.

With a clatter.

Just as the two ancient giants collided, the void split, and the force of twisted time and space surged out. All the monks involved in it or the heavenly demons died.

The black dragon sage was flew out by the old clan of the demon clan. Although the old clan was old and weak, it was still powerful and frightening.

Now it has shown its absolute strength and suppressed the Black Dragon Saint.

It was not easy to defeat the Black Dragon Saint King.

The black dragon sage roared and slain the clan elders of the heavenly demons.

The war was extremely tragic, and the Fire Crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan lurked in the past.

It is impossible to crack the large array because it will be discovered.

The Fire Crow frowned, and said, "It's really troublesome now. We haven't broken the big formation, and we can't pick the Devil Fruit."

They hid in the mountains and forests, more than three thousand meters away from the Devil Fruit, and in the middle of the distance, they were fighting, and the killing was extremely fierce.

Obviously, if you want to break through, you need to go by.

Lin Feng thought of an idea, that is to let Dragon Rabbit quietly pass by.

Dragon rabbits can shuttle through the ban, and the speed is extremely fast. Now that the war is tragic, no one will pay attention to a rabbit.

"Xiao Bai, come out ...".

Lin Feng summoned the Dragon Rabbit out of the slave beast bag. The little guy was sleepy and stretched out after being summoned.

"Eh, it turned out to be a dragon rabbit." The fire crow was also very surprised. Dragon rabbits are rare creatures.


After seeing the fire crow, Dragon Rabbit jumped up and stood on Lin Feng's shoulder, buried his head in Lin Feng's hair, and shivered.

The little guy is psychic and can feel the horror of the fire crow.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you". Lin Feng touched the head of the dragon rabbit, he said, "You go and pick the fruit that is in the ban."

The dragon rabbit squeaked.

"What is it saying?". Jin Shengyuan asked curiously.

"It said it was too dangerous and very scared," Lin Feng said.

Immediately Lin Feng appeased the dragon rabbit.

Then the little guy agreed to come down, lurking cautiously towards the devil.

It ’s night now, so it ’s easier to lurking.


When the dragon rabbit lurked next to the holy magic fruit, it rushed directly to the sky magic fruit.

The ban wants to stop Dragon Rabbit.

But the ban was hard for the Dragon Rabbit. The Dragon Rabbit instantly traversed the ban and came to the Devil Fruit.

It stretched out its claws and directly grabbed nine Heavenly Magic Fruits.

"No, it's a dragon rabbit. Someone even raised a strange animal like the dragon rabbit, and the dragon rabbit wanted to steal the fruit of the devil."

Many people exclaimed, and then became very angry.

Not only the wrath of the masters of the Heavenly Demon Clan, but also the overlords of the five forces of Tianzhou and the death swamps were extremely angry. Someone dared to pluck the tiger body. Is n’t this death?

Whoo ...

Dragon Rabbit rushed out in an instant, holding nine Heavenly Demon Fruits in his arms.

Many strong men killed Dragon Rabbit.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's face changed drastically, so many strong men besieged the Dragon Rabbit, and the little one was afraid of death.

He now regrets that he should not let Dragon Rabbit pick the Devil Fruit.

Although the devil fruit is precious, in Lin Feng's view, Dragon Rabbit has been with him for so long, equivalent to his loved ones.

The Devil Fruit is not worth mentioning compared to the life of the Dragon Rabbit.


Dragon Rabbit found that he was trapped and could not escape to make a horrified cry, but the little guy quickly calmed down and threw the fruit of the demon in his hands in different directions.

"Grab the Devil Fruit"

Many strong men were excited, and no longer ignored the dragon rabbit, and rushed to the fruit of the demon, while the dragon rabbit rushed in the direction of Lin Feng and others.

"Little rabbit, hand over the remaining three Tianmu fruits."

There are also monks killing Dragon Rabbit, because the little guy still holds three Tianmu fruits in his arms.

Dragon Rabbit is extremely fast and sensitive.

It avoided the siege of a group of people, and then rushed to Lin Feng beside them.

"Once you get it, go ...".

Lin Feng separated the fruits of the devil, three people one by one, they rose directly into the sky and flew towards the outside.

"court death……".

The roar shook the sky, the head of the Celestial Demon Clan and the years Dong Xiao Moli stopped the battle.

A man with years sword beheaded Xiang Huo, Lin Feng, Jin Shengyuan.

One person beheaded them with the supreme stone soldiers.


An imperial soldier.

A top-notch stone comparable to the imperial soldiers.

The attack made instantly shattered the void, and then enveloped the Fire Crow, Lin Feng, and Jin Shengyuan.

They suddenly found themselves unable to move.

The body is crumbling.

The attack of the imperial soldiers and stone tools is terrible, and the treasure that can kill the gods is not something they can resist.

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