Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 551: Goddess Ji Yao heard about Lin Feng’s pursuit of her

After the Emperor Jiu Ma made the oath, Lin Feng was in a good mood.

But some people feel quite unhappy, because many of the monks watching the fun here regard Ji Yao as a goddess. The guy Jiu Mu Emperor had sneak attack on the goddess Ji Yao.

They thought that this time the Nine-Female Emperor would fall into Lin Feng's hands, so the best outcome would be to be killed by Lin Feng.

This can relieve Goddess Ji Yao's anger, and they can also relieve their anger. Who let your grandson bully Goddess Ji Yao? He deserves to be killed.

But unfortunately, the development of things was completely different from what everyone imagined.

Originally the swords were at war, and the monks on both sides looked like they were either going to die or I would die.

The next moment, a settlement agreement was reached.

Everyone felt sorry for not being able to see the Nine-Female Emperor being killed, but to be honest, they could actually understand that there was no absolute sense of hostility and cooperation in this world.

Everything is for profit.

Just like the Nine-Female Emperor came to deal with Lin Feng, was it really just for the Heavenly Demon Emperor who was killed by Lin Feng before?

of course not.

This is because he knows that Lin Feng has a lot of good things in him, and the army of monks gathered under Lin Feng is also quite powerful.

By killing Lin Feng, you can get good things from Lin Feng.

They can also gather the monk army under Lin Feng.

at the same time.

He can also receive many praises, making the monks below him more loyal to him.

It was simply a move that killed several birds with one stone.

Therefore, what seems like a simple move is actually a very deep calculation.

"If there's nothing going on here, I'll leave first!" The Nine-Female Emperor said with a dark face.

Although he survived and reached an agreement with Lin Feng, his mood was obviously extremely unhappy.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, you go back. If anything happens, I will send someone to inform you!".

"Um!". Emperor Jiu Ma nodded, without saying anything else, and quickly left this place that made him extremely depressed and sad.

In the blink of an eye, it had disappeared without a trace.

Everything has returned to calm.

Compared to the shock of those outside, the Jiuzhou monk army was actually extremely shocked.

Including the current head of the Kyushu Monk Army, Sui Yao.

Also extremely shocked.

The enchanting demon did not expect that the formation arranged by Lin Feng would be so terrifying. The enchanting demon knew very well that if Lin Feng really wanted to kill the Nine-Die Emperor, then the Nine-Die Emperor would undoubtedly die.

That was a terrifying and powerful man who had comprehended forty or fifty Immortal Palaces. He almost died in their hands. It is incredible to think about it.

But this is what is happening in front of you. You can imagine how powerful Lin Feng's attainments in formations are. Charming Demon even feels that among all the worlds, there is only one person who can compete with Lin Feng in formations. I'm afraid there aren't many left, I can probably count them with both hands.

And Lin Feng is so young and already so defiant. It is impossible to imagine what achievements he will be able to achieve in the future.

The key is.

Lin Feng is not a simple formation master yet.

His talent and strength in cultivation are equally incredible.

The succubus couldn't help but become excited. This was an expectation for the future. She felt that it was a wise move to take refuge in Lin Feng. By following Lin Feng, she might be able to create unlimited possibilities.

Lin Feng said to Charming Demon, "You still need to worry more about the next things here!".

"Don't worry, Master, I will take care of everything here!" The charming voice of the enchantress came out.

Lin Feng had previously told Poison Ancestor and Xu Tu to stay in Jiuzhou Mountain to assist Charming Demon.

As for Lin Feng, he planned to go with Xiao Tianlei to find the secret place that Xiao Tianlei mentioned.

Originally, Lin Feng planned to leave an external incarnation behind, but now there is no need to do so. Firstly, because the formation here is powerful enough, and secondly, after the previous battle with the Nine-Female Emperor, Lin Feng believed that as long as he didn't have any eyesight, Things that will never come to trouble him again.

And as his reputation gradually spread, many monks must have come to join the Kyushu monk army.

By then, the strength of the Jiuzhou monk army will inevitably increase a lot quickly.

At this moment, Lin Feng temporarily put aside the affairs of the Nine Provinces Monk Army. He and Xiao Tianlei quickly flew towards the place where Xiao Tianlei said. Along the way, it was quite peaceful and they did not meet anyone. What a dangerous thing.

Just when Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei were rushing on their way.

News of the battle between Lin Feng and the Nine-Female Emperor also reached the Immortal Organization.

The Immortal Organization is now one of the most powerful forces on the island. After all, the appeal of Goddess Jiyao has always been extremely powerful, and many people regard themselves as the flower protectors of Goddess Jiyao.

Therefore, the strength of the monks of the Immortal Organization is relatively strong.

Everyone was very happy to hear that Jiu Ni Emperor was almost killed, but they heard that the mysterious "Ji" finally reached a reconciliation with Jiu Ni Emperor.

Many people immediately began to curse.

The mouth is quite unclean.

And when "I have made a decision now, I will pursue Goddess Ji Yao, and soon I will hold Goddess Ji Yao in my arms, but I guess you can't see what happened at that time, but, Now you can imagine the scene where I and the goddess Ji Yao sleep together, how beautiful and touching it is." After this sentence spread.

Lin Feng directly angered many people in the Immortal Organization.

"What does this boy think he is? He actually wants to pursue the goddess Ji Yao. He is simply overestimating his abilities!".

"Yes, the toad also wants to eat swan meat. It's really ridiculous."

Many people were mocking Lin Feng.

But in fact, if they were really asked to deal with Lin Feng, they really didn't have the courage. They would just complain and complain in private, despise Lin Feng, and show off their addiction.

But Lin Feng's previous words that deliberately angered the Nine-Female Emperor also reached the ears of Goddess Ji Yao.

When several maids of Goddess Ji Yao were communicating quietly in private, Goddess Ji Yao heard them.

The head guard of Goddess Ji Yao scolded several maids. The maids turned pale with fright and quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Goddess Ji Yao who did not know when she appeared in the corridor of the pavilion and begged for mercy.

Goddess Ji Yao did not blame them and asked them to retreat.

She looked at the guard chief (female) and asked, 'Who is that Ji? ’.

The captain of the guard said, "The identity is very mysterious!".

Goddess Ji Yao nodded and looked into the distance.

It hasn't moved for a long time.

I don't know what I'm thinking about.

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