Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 563: black stick

Beibei, Yaojun, and even Xiaolong (the good things Beibei helped Xiaolong find) all got good things that allowed them to get huge improvements.

But now, Lin Feng has not found that kind of particularly targeted treasure.

He always felt that there should be something more astonishing hidden among these many treasures, something that could really shock people's hearts.

Lin Feng didn't know why he felt like this. Maybe he could attribute it to his intuition.

The intuition of experts at their level is indeed extremely powerful.

This kind of intuition allows them to sense content that others cannot sense in many cases. However, sometimes it may not be so accurate. After all, no ability is 100% and it is also a matter of probability.

The accuracy of 60 to 70% was already quite astonishing in Lin Feng's opinion.

But Lin Feng did not give up. He was still patiently and carefully exploring every item in the pile of treasures. Lin Feng tried to find what he was looking for among them.


The result was exactly the same as before, but he still couldn't find it. Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin. This was not the result he wanted. Since this result was already destined, Lin Feng had no way to change it.

Just accept it.

Lin Feng then began to check those scrolls and jade tubes, wanting to see what was recorded in them.

Lin Feng discovered that the content here was really all-inclusive.

From practicing martial arts to cultivating magical powers, to the art of formations, to the art of refining medicine, everything is available.

There is even the art of Qimen Dunjia, and so on.

Nothing is lacking.

The level is still relatively high, and if a lot of things are spread out, they can definitely lead to countless monks fighting for their lives.

And some of the cultivation experiences.

Although Lin Feng only saw part of it, it could actually be a huge inspiration to experts of his level.

This made Lin Feng feel very happy, this is a good thing.

And this kind of cultivation experience even continues to the quasi-pioneer level.

Of course, studying these cultivation experiences does not mean that you need to practice according to the methods and steps recorded in these cultivation experiences.

Everyone has their own way. To study the cultivation experience of strong people is to find inspiration from it, take some aspects that are beneficial to you, improve them, and then you can use them, instead of letting you copy them unchanged. .

This is what is called "standing on the shoulders of giants" and doing things will be easier no matter what you do.

There are also relatively high-level inheritances such as martial arts and supernatural powers. However, these inheritances are not attractive enough to Lin Feng, mainly because Lin Feng's requirements are too high.

In the eyes of many people, things that can be called top-level inheritance may not be able to attract him.

Lin Feng plans to leave time and space.

He planned to go to the Book of Prophecy to take a look. This matter still concerned Lin Feng's mind. But just when Lin Feng was about to leave time and space, suddenly, Lin Feng felt that something seemed to be released in the pile of treasures. A trace of fluctuation.

That wave was very weak.

Almost inaudible.

But he was still captured by Lin Feng, which made Lin Feng's spirit suddenly lifted.

Could it be that it is some kind of good baby that releases waves?

It's really possible.

Lin Feng quickly checked again to see if he could find that thing. When Lin Feng started to explore the treasures one by one again, the treasures returned to calmness again. Which treasure was emitting the fluctuation before? is unknown.

It can't be found out either.

Not even a clue.

All this seemed to indicate that it was simply impossible for Lin Feng to find that treasure.

But Lin Feng has always been a character who refuses to admit defeat. The more impossible something is, the more he wants it to be possible.

Therefore, Lin Feng still searched for those things again and again.

Anyway, the number of things is not particularly large, and it is convenient to screen them with spiritual thoughts.

He didn't believe it, he really couldn't find any clues.

Lin Feng was really patient after searching for it hundreds of times.

Finally, Huangtian paid off.

Lin Feng found the clue.

He locked onto something.

This thing is a black stick-like thing, just like a fire mixer.

In fact, Lin Feng had already noticed this black stick when he was exploring these treasures.

He felt that the shape and color of this black stick were a bit weird.

I once studied this black stick-like thing carefully and wanted to see if there was anything strange about this black stick-like thing.

After careful study, I discovered it.

This black stick-like thing seems to be a broken magic weapon, but the internal magic circle is too broken.

It is difficult to judge what level of magic weapon this is.

Later, Lin Feng did not pay too much attention to this thing. After all, in Lin Feng's view, the reality of this thing had been almost explored by him, and it could not be the thing he was looking for.

Until just now, Lin Feng overturned his own understanding.

He focused his gaze on the black stick-like thing again.

The reason why he focused his attention on the black stick-like thing again was because Lin Feng felt that the black stick-like thing was the only one that was damaged among all the things.

This was not originally a concern.

But Lin Feng always likes to take the wrong approach. He feels that the less worthy of attention, the more likely to be the place where weaknesses are most likely to be exposed.

Lin Feng took out the black stick-like thing.

He took the thing in his hand.

This thing is not too heavy and feels cold in the hand.

Lin Feng decided to burn this thing with sky fire to see if some changes would occur. With this in mind, Lin Feng sacrificed the sky fire.

The powerful sky fire directly enveloped the stick.


The sky fire began to burn blazingly. As the sky fire burned, the temperature of the black stick began to rise sharply, and it did not take long before it rose to a shocking level.

"Ah, boy, stop it quickly. Stop it quickly. It hurts me to death. Do you know who I am? You dare to burn me with heavenly fire. I think you have eaten the heart of a bear. Leopards are so brave!".

Suddenly, the black stick screamed in pain.

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but suddenly condensed. The black stick finally showed its flaws. He looked at the black stick and said coldly, "I know you are not simple. What are you?".

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