Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 572: The Vajra Circle Shows Its Power

The current corpse emperor is extremely miserable, and his face is twisted together. It can be seen that the poison of time that spans reincarnation has caused huge harm to him. The situation of the others is not much better than that of the corpse emperor. go.

Lin Feng said to the Spineback Dragon King who was attacking him, "Did you see that I was helping you just now? If it weren't for me, you would be even worse than you are now. Plus you have to endure so many top-level powerful forces." Attacked by the attacker, you are dead now if you can't help it! You should not be hostile to me, but should be grateful to me!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the corners of the Dragon King's mouth twitched violently, wondering why this guy is so shameless. The Dragon King said with a sinister smile, "Yes, I'm grateful to you. The way I thank others is to catch someone." I’ll take the person I’m thanking and crush every bone in his body inch by inch!”

"Damn, you're cruel!".

Lin Feng cursed in a low voice. Immediately, he was too lazy to deal with this guy anymore, because Lin Feng knew very well that trying to reason with this kind of person was just playing the piano to an ox. Facing the attack of the Thorn-backed Dragon King, Lin Feng directly sacrificed the precious treasure of the Diamond Circle.

The diamond circle is a very powerful treasure. The fatal blow released by the diamond circle can exert between three and fifteen times the power of a monk. The specific number of times the power can be exerted depends on the state of each activation and What is the strength of the monk himself?

Lin Feng had so many magic weapons. The reason why he sacrificed the Diamond Circle at this time was entirely because the Spine-backed Dragon King had a high self-esteem and felt that even a seriously injured body could cause extremely serious harm to Lin Feng, so he killed Lin Feng without any scruples. Come on, he probably thought that after he came over, he could easily suppress Lin Feng, and then crush Lin Feng's bones inch by inch as he said before.

If it were anyone else, this might be the fate.

But it's not feasible to deal with Lin Feng like this.

The way to deal with Lin Feng is to use long-distance magical attacks instead of close combat.

Buzz buzz.

The Diamond Circle made a violent trembling sound after being sacrificed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng knew that the Diamond Circle had a cooling time, so this attack was extremely important. He used a huge amount of mana to activate the Diamond Circle, and even mobilized his foundation. Power, such as the power inside the altar that has accumulated more than two thousand epochal power, was mobilized by Lin Feng. Various means to enhance one's own combat power, such as external incarnations, holy bones, etc., are all used to support oneself. Was mobilized by Lin Feng.

Therefore, the power released by the current King Kong Circle is quite terrifying.

Directly reaching an astonishing eight times the power, Dragon Elephant Critical Strike was passively activated, superimposing twice the combat power, reaching sixteen times the combat power, and Lin Feng also superimposed the Chi Zha Jue.

After superimposing four times the power of Chi Zha Jue, the power released by the Vajra Circle instantly soared to sixty-four times.

Lin Feng can actually continue to stack the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques (it can double, quadruple, or eight times the combat power of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, and the side effects on the body are not as severe as thirty-three times the combat power). However, with his current In terms of mana, superimposing the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques is a bit too much for the body, and Lin Feng feels that sixty-four times the attack is almost enough. There is no need to use the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Techniques at the cost of huge losses and side effects. If so, If it hurts the origin or something, then the gain outweighs the loss.


The next moment, the Diamond Circle and the Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge collided fiercely.

Suddenly there was a huge sound that shook the earth.

before the collision.

The Spineback Dragon King never expected that Lin Feng's attack would be so violent.

It wasn't until this collision happened that the Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge felt the power as majestic as the sea.

If he were in his peak state, the Spineback Dragon King would not be afraid of this level of power.

But the key is.

He is injured now, and the injury is quite serious.

But I can't bear such a serious blow.

The Dragon King on the back of the spine was instantly knocked out by the diamond circle launched by Lin Feng.


The powerful force shocked the Dragon King on his back and vomited blood.

And what's even more shocking is.

The Liancheng Jue that Lin Feng had practiced before was also activated.

Liancheng Jue and Dragon Elephant Critical Strike are both rare passive skills for machines.

No need to run.

When a monk who masters this method displays any magical power or activates any magic weapon, there is a chance that these two magical powers will be passively activated. The power of these two magical powers has its own merits. The dragon-elephant critical strike doubles the attack power.

As for the City-Connecting Technique, there is a minimum probability of 30% and a maximum probability of 80% that the magical power used will hit once in a row without reducing the power.

This time the Liancheng Jue was triggered.

The Diamond Circle launched a second wave of attacks on the Spineback Dragon King almost instantly.

"Fuck! What's going on?". The Dragon King on the back of the spine was dumbfounded and cursed loudly.

The attack just released by the Diamond Circle is so powerful. It stands to reason that its power will definitely be greatly reduced now, and the destructive power and threat it poses will be greatly reduced.

But the actual situation is not like this!

Diamond Circle, the second attack released in a short period of time was no worse than the first attack, and it was more aggressive. Without giving him any time to prepare, the Spineback Dragon King could only choose to resist forcefully, but no surprise, the Spineback Dragon King again Once, he was knocked away by Lin Feng's Diamond Circle.

Although the Spineback Dragon King was careless in the first attack of the Diamond Circle, he was relatively well prepared after all.

However, there was no preparation for the second attack of the Diamond Circle, the Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge.

That terrifying attack struck the spine of the Dragon King, sending it flying out again. The damage caused by the second attack to the Dragon King was much more serious than the damage caused by the first attack. .

The Spineback Dragon King spit out a few mouthfuls of blood again, and there was even a sound like bones breaking from his body.

It can be seen how serious the injuries suffered by the Spineback Dragon King were.


Lin Feng summoned twenty-three stone swords and quickly rushed towards the Dragon King on the back of the spine. If he could take this opportunity to kill the threat of the Dragon King on the back of the spine, it would be a huge gain. After all, if this person did not die, it would be a huge blow to Lin Feng. threats.

And just when Lin Feng was killing the Dragon King on the back of the spine, on the other side, he was the only one among the top powerhouses who rushed towards the Book of Prophecy who was not affected by the Book of Prophecy.

The wild demon launched a sneak attack on the monks around him, and the person he targeted was the goddess Ji Yao.

Mainly because Goddess Ji Yao is closest to him.

Therefore, he planned to kill Goddess Ji Yao first.

After killing Goddess Ji Yao, it won't be too late to deal with the others.

Sure enough, this guy conspired with the Book of Prophecy to plot against all the powerful people.

The wild demon instantly reached in front of Goddess Ji Yao, roared with its three heads, moved its six arms, and used a heaven-defying method to kill Goddess Ji Yao, hoping to kill Goddess Ji Yao instantly.

This deliberate attack by Huang Mo was really terrifying, making the other top experts look horrified. They felt that if they were suddenly attacked by Huang Mo like this, they would be seriously injured even if they were not killed, and they would not be able to escape death in the end. Now, Goddess Ji Yao is afraid that she will meet a tragic end.

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