Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 575: The terrifying spine-backed dragon king

"Boy, you are looking for death!".

Seeing Lin Feng who suddenly came out to attack him, the Dragon King roared angrily. He already hated Lin Feng.

And now.

Lin Feng was actually hiding in the dark, hoping that a mantis would catch the cicada and the oriole would follow behind.

However, Lin Feng got the upper hand.

This made the Spineback Dragon King very angry.

It’s just a combination of old and new hatreds.

Can you not be annoyed?

A powerful force shook out of his body, trying to shatter the runes imprinted on his body. It had to be said that the strength of this spine-backed dragon king was indeed remarkable. Although he was seriously injured, he was killed by Lin Feng by surprise.

But the power that shook out of his body was still incredibly strong. Although Lin Feng tried his best to suppress the Dragon King on the spine, he found that the runes that suppressed the Dragon King on the spine were being destroyed continuously.

This made Lin Feng's expression change slightly. This guy was really difficult to deal with, but Lin Feng would not give up. He continued to work crazily, condensing new runes to suppress the Spineback Dragon King.

Lin Feng's idea was quite simple. If possible, he would even want to surrender the Spineback Dragon King.

This existence is most likely a terrifying powerful man with around fifty immortal temples. It goes without saying how much help such a powerful man can provide him as his subordinate.

Therefore, whether Lin Feng can successfully conquer the Spine-backed Dragon King is a key factor in whether Lin Feng can truly compete with the elders on the island, and whether he can quickly gain a foothold in the reincarnation passage after leaving the island.

A large number of runes shook out terrifying fluctuations.

But there is still no way to suppress the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

The sinister and cold eyes of the Spineback Dragon King stared at Lin Feng, and said fiercely, "Boy! Who do you think you are and you want to suppress me? If it weren't for the conspiracy that caused me to be seriously injured, how can you be such a little kid? Character, I can crush you to death in one fell swoop!".

It is extremely normal for the Spineback Dragon King to look down on Lin Feng's strength.

After all, his own realm is indeed too advanced. Lin Feng's realm is too far behind him. If he confronts him head-on, Lin Feng will definitely be defeated in an instant. Even with the support of the undead army, he will have to use a large formation to be able to compete with this level of power. Those who circle around, and refer to the battle against the Nine-Female Emperor.

This Spine-backed Dragon King was much more powerful than the Nine-Female Emperor. Lin Feng even felt that even the monk army plus formations might not be able to deal with the Spine-backed Dragon King.

It is precisely because of this.

Now there is a possibility of suppressing the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

For Lin Feng, this was extremely valuable.

Maybe give Lin Feng a thousand more chances.

Lin Feng may not be able to find such a good opportunity.

No matter how much it costs, Lin Feng will not give up.

He responded to the Spineback Dragon King with a sneer, "So, it doesn't matter if you are strong, haven't you been made miserable by me now? Your fate has been determined a long time ago, and you will definitely be suppressed by me!".

One person makes crazy moves to suppress the other party.

One person resisted crazily and wanted to destroy all the sealing runes.

They are all trying their best.

In this confrontation, the surrounding void is constantly shattering, reuniting, shattering, and reuniting again.

Lin Feng's body was so powerful that he vomited blood.

Of course, the situation of the Spineback Dragon King is no better than that of Lin Feng.

After all, he was a seriously injured body and suffered serious injuries.

But his realm is profound.

Lin Feng's side was gradually losing strength, while the advantage of the Ridgeback Dragon King was expanding.

Lin Feng had a premonition that the situation was getting a little worse.

It has gradually gotten out of control.

This made him quite annoyed. He thought that this guy, the Dragon King, had been fighting fiercely and was injured many times in a row.

It is a state of exhaustion and aggravation of injuries.

He was able to successfully suppress the Dragon King on the back of the spine, but he did not expect that he would still be unable to defeat the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

Lin Feng knew that he had to find an opportunity to get out of his current state and left quickly.

The main reason is because there is a gap between his realm and the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

When the Spineback Dragon King destroyed all the sealing runes, he turned to deal with him.

that time.

What Lin Feng faced was the terrifying thunderous offensive from the Spineback Dragon King, and at that time, Lin Feng was in dire straits.

But just when Lin Feng was about to withdraw.


The demon king's voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind, "You and I will work together to deal with him!".

In fact, under normal circumstances, the Demon Lord will try his best not to take action. Firstly, because he spends most of his time in seclusion and cannot take action even if he wants to. Secondly, because the Demon Lord seems to be afraid of something, he It seems that it is easy to expose oneself by taking action, so the demon king is less likely to take action.

Of course, there are other reasons.

However, sometimes at critical moments, the demon king will still come to help.

Such as this time.

After reaching an agreement with the Demon Lord, Lin Feng quickly displayed his unique skill of mirroring.

This is a powerful magical power that Lin Feng obtained from the enchantress.

This magical power is quite incredible.

The mirror clone formed by mobilizing 30% of one's own mana has 100% of its own combat power and can last for thirty breaths. Moreover, the mirror clone can conceal all fluctuations, making it difficult for the enemy to detect. His presence.

It can also be seen from the introduction of the mirror clone that the mirror clone is definitely a critical moment and can play a role in reversing the situation of the battle.


Because the mirror clone will drain away 30% of the caster's mana.

So obviously.

Either this method is not used.

If you cast it, it must have a huge effect, otherwise, you have to escape quickly. After all, after allocating 30% of the mana, the caster's own combat effectiveness will definitely drop significantly. What else is there to fight at this time? Ah, it's important to run away quickly.

So when Lin Feng displayed the mirror clone, it was already destined that this would be one of Lin Feng's last means of fighting.

Behind the Ridgeback Dragon King, a shadow appeared.

The shadow is solid.

It was Lin Feng's mirror clone.

The mirror clone instantly burst out with its strongest attack, blasting towards the back of the Spineback Dragon King.

When the terrifying attack came, a kingdom of dragons appeared behind the Dragon King.

The dragon kingdom instantly swallowed up the attack of the mirror clone.

Even the extremely terrifying devouring power surged out from it, swallowing up the mirror clone at once.

The Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge burst into laughter, "Boy, I have been on guard against your other methods for a long time. It is simply wishful thinking to try to plot against me again!".

Lin Feng's face was extremely ugly.

At this time, the Demon Lord also appeared behind the Spineback Dragon King.

"You're still here? You're really overestimating your capabilities!" The Ridgeback Dragon King said sarcastically.

The next moment, the dragon kingdom continued to show its power, and terrifying devouring power surged from within, trying to swallow the demon lord as well.

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