Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 596: Arrive in time

"Hahahaha, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Yes, yes, you finally looked away!" The young man from the dark prison burst into laughter.

Bai Qiu said, "But you must agree to a condition before I can give the thing to you!".

"What? You said it!". The Black Prison Master said.

"I asked you to make an oath that after you get the things, you will let us go!". Bai Qiu said.

The Black Prison Master rolled his eyes slightly and said, "I thought it was something, but it turns out you just want me to let you go. No problem, I will make an oath now!".

The words fell.

The Black Prison Master then raised his right hand and began to swear, "I! The Black Prison Master! I hereby swear that as long as Bai Qiu hands over the reincarnation sacred tree to me, I will let Bai Qiu and others leave, and I will never embarrass Bai Qiu again. Qiu and others! Otherwise, the sky will thunder and crack, and you will die badly!"

I heard that the Black Prison Master made a poisonous oath.

Bai Qiu and others finally felt relieved.

Bai Qiu began to recite the spell. When the sound of his spell fell, Bai Qiu opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a piece of sacred wood wrapped in mana flew out.

Saw that sacred tree.

The eyes of the Black Prison Master suddenly became brighter. Obviously, it was the sacred tree of reincarnation that he had been obsessed with.

The Black Prison Master grabbed the Samsara Sacred Tree in his hand, looked at it carefully, and after making sure it was correct, he put the Samsara Sacred Tree away.

Bai Qiu said, "Can you let us leave now?".

"no problem!".

The Black Prison Master nodded, waved his hand and said, "Let Bai Qiu and others go!".

"Yes, sir!".

The monks under the Black Prison Master responded, and they quickly went over and untied the chains on Bai Qiu and others.

"Go quickly!". Bai Qiu said to Bai Qingcheng and others.

Few people dared to stay.

Quickly walked outside.

After arriving at the mountain forest outside, he accelerated towards the outside, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible.

But at this time.

Many monks appeared in the mountains and forests.

The water surrounding them was impenetrable.

These people are all the monk army under the command of the Black Prison Master.

This made Bai Qiu and others' expressions suddenly change.

The Black Prison Master and others also flew out.

Bai Qiu looked at Young Master Black Prison with an ugly face and said, "Master Black Prison, you swore a poisonous oath, are you going to break your oath?".

The Black Prison Master said, "I'm not a fool. Of course I won't break my promise. Don't worry, I won't deal with you, but I can't guarantee that my subordinates won't deal with you!".

Obviously, this young man from the prison played a word game on Bai Qiu and the others.

Doing so is a bit rogue.

But if we really want to pursue it strictly.

The Black Prison Master did not break his oath by doing this.

"You are mean!". Bai Qiu and others cursed angrily.

The Black Prison Master laughed sinisterly, "It's you people who are too naive! Take it down for me!".


The monks under the Black Prison Master roared loudly and attacked Bai Qiu and others.

Bai Qiu and the others are not in good condition.

There are so many people on the other side.

The disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too huge.

There was simply no way to fight against the army of monks besieging them.

It was quickly suppressed.

"Bai Qiu, Jintan is imprisoned. As for Bai Qingcheng, Su Wanning, and Nangong Yao, I will accept them with a smile!"

The Black Prison Master laughed extremely proudly.

With a wave of his hand, powerful mana surged out and swept directly towards Bai Qingcheng, Su Wanning, and Nangong Yao.

All three of them had expressions of horror and despair.

But now, they have no way to resist.

"Young Master from Black Prison, you bastard! You are worse than a beast!".

"Young Master from Black Prison, you will not die a happy death!".

Bai Qiu and Jin Tan were both cursing Young Master Black Prison loudly, but these curses could not cause any harm to Young Master Black Prison.

Soon, they were escorted down.

The other side.

Lin Feng and others were not far from the mountains where the Dark Domain monks were stationed.

Wang Zikun pointed to a dark mountain range in the distance and said, "Brother Ji, that place is where people from the dark realm are stationed!".

"Um!". Lin Feng nodded.

The group speeded up and soon reached the dark mountain range.

Wait until you get there.

The patrolling monks quickly flew out and surrounded Lin Feng and others.

These patrolling monks naturally knew the three demon clan members.

The patrol captain sarcastically said, "Is this the reinforcement you brought here? How dare you come here to die with just three reinforcements? Let me take them all!".


Dozens of monks from the patrol team quickly surrounded and killed Lin Feng and others.

The Dragon King on the back of the ridge stepped out and opened his mouth to take a breath.

Powerful suction force suddenly surged in all directions, and the monks all flew towards the Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge involuntarily.

Then, he was swallowed by the Spineback Dragon King.

Only the patrol leader was left, looking at this situation dumbfounded. The patrol leader turned around and flew towards the depths.

But the Dragon King on the back of the spine punched from the air.

After the patrol leader withstood the punch.

His body exploded and he died tragically on the spot.

At this time, Lin Feng had already scanned the entire mountain range with his spiritual thoughts. It seemed that there were indeed almost half a million monks stationed here.

It should be enough to leave these people to the Dragon King and others to deal with.

What really worries Lin Feng is actually another thing.

He discovered the whereabouts of Bai Qingcheng, Su Wanning, and Nangong Yao.

At this moment.

The three women are about to suffer a tragic fate.

"Uh-huh!". Lin Feng's body swayed and disappeared without a trace.

And in a room in the main palace deep in the mountains.

Bai Qingcheng, Su Wanning, and Nangong Yao were all restrained, unable to struggle at all.

The Black Prison Master looked at the three women with extremely evil eyes and said, "Hahahaha, three beauties, you will soon experience the happiest thing in the world. I promise that it will be unforgettable for you all your life!".

As soon as he finished speaking, the guy quickly began to take off his clothes.


The Black Prison Master felt that something was not quite right. He turned around and punched behind him.


Along with that fierce collision sound came out.

The Black Prison Master and Lin Feng couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Mr. Ji...".

After seeing Lin Feng, the eyes of the three women, who were already desperate, suddenly became brighter.

At this time, the Black Prison Master also saw clearly who was coming.

His eyes became extremely cold.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you interfere with my good affairs? Don't you want to live anymore?". The voice of the Black Prison Master was filled with cold murderous intent.

The look he looked at Lin Feng was even colder and solemn, as if he were looking at a dead person.

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