Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 898: Star meteorite!

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Qiao Zhenyu said with a smile, "Have Brother Lin ever heard of a star meteorite?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I have never heard of it, I don't know what this star meteorite is?".

Qiao Zhenyu said, "In the past few years, the major forces of the Tianwu Continent have been reopening the Starry Sky Road's space-time tunnel. They must reopen the Star Trial, and this Star Meteorite is the material for repairing the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Those who are qualified to go, in addition to paying a large amount of spirit stones, also need to pay for star meteorites, because the space-time tunnel of the ancient Xingkong Road may have problems anytime, anywhere, and many major forces must have enough star meteorites. In order to cope with emergencies, if there is a problem with the space-time tunnel of Xingkong Ancient Road, and there are not enough star meteorite to repair the space-time tunnel of Xingkong Ancient Road, then the consequences can be imagined. "

Lin Feng nodded. If the problem of the space-time tunnel could not be repaired in time, the monk in the space-time tunnel might die tragically, and the rest would be trapped in the extraterrestrial world and unable to return.

"Since Brother Qiao mentioned the star meteorite, could it be that Qiao Qiao knew about the meteorite?". Lin Feng asked.

Qiao Zhenyu nodded and said, "There is a star meteorite mountain in the ancient forest of Fallen Immortals, and there are star meteorite in it. If Brother Lin wants to go to the extraterrestrial sky for trial, he must pay the star meteorite. Let's go to the Xing Meteorite Mountains together to find Xing Meteorites. I don't know what Brother Brother Lin intended? ".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Okay, don't know when to leave?".

"Several friends are coming, wait for a few friends to arrive and set off immediately." Qiao Zhenyu said.

"no problem".


Lin Feng and Qiao Zhenyu separated and returned to their residence.

After a long night, sleepless, Lin Feng flew to the eaves to drink.

Looking into the distance, you can see the endless forest, which is the direction of the ancient forest.

The roar of the beast roared from ear to ear, and the fierce beasts in the ancient forest fell into the mountains and rivers.

The matter of the star meteorite is not on Lin Feng's heart. Since there are in the star meteor mountain range, it is certainly possible to find this place. Even if the star meteorite is extremely rare, it can be found with its own dragon-finding tactics.

Lin Feng is thinking about the Heavenly Tribulation Demon Realm, and the Ancient Forest of Falling Immortals is too huge. It is really difficult to find the Heavenly Tribulation Demon Realm.

The map imprinted on the tortoiseshell is only an approximate location.

Plus, this is a map branded before the endless years.

Changing times.

The location of the Heavenly Tribulation Demon Realm has long since changed.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to find the Heavenly Tribulation Demon Realm.

Fragrant wind hit.

Qiao Tingyu flew up and sat beside Lin Feng.

Slender body, attractive beauty. Legs.

The woman is full of charm.

"What did your brother talk to you about?" Qiao Tingyu turned to look at Lin Feng.

Looking at Qiao Tingyu up close, she knew how beautiful she was.

Wind bun dew temples, lightly sweeping eyebrows with spring, skin delicate as warm jade and soft light as greasy, cherry small mouth is not a little bit red, glamorous as drops, two strands of hair on the cheek gently brush the face with the wind Amorous feelings, a light green long skirt, waistless grip, so beautifully flawless.

It seemed that Lin Feng's eyes were hotter, and Qiao Tingyu's pretty face was reddened. This kind of shy look added a different sense of seduction.

Lin Feng said, "Brother Qiao told me about star meteorites and invited me to find star meteorites together."

Qiao Ting Yu Qiao's face showed a happy expression.

Lin Feng and Qiao Zhenyu go to find the meteorite together, doesn't it mean that staying with them will be longer?

The next day, Lin Feng went out very early, planning to go out and buy what he needed.

He needs to purchase some formation materials, maybe he can use them, and he needs to purchase some other necessities.

Qiao Tingyu and sister Qiao Tingyue saw Lin Feng was going out and came over.

Qiao Tingyue asked, "Do you want to go out, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I'm going to buy some necessities."

"Let's go with you." Qiao Tingyue blushed.

Lin Feng will not refuse to follow this pair of Needy Sisters.

Along the way, I didn't know how much envy, jealousy and hatred looked at Lin Feng.

When a man goes out, there are two big and small girls who are accompanied by beautiful and beautiful women. It is really enviable.

Some people even wickedly think about whether the kid has already done things with the couple of Needle Sisters.

Lin Feng purchased some necessities, and smiled at the sisters and asked, "What do you have to buy?".

Qiao Tingyue was more lively and said, "Although there is nothing to buy, we always want to go to a place to have a look."

"which place?". Lin Feng asked.


The sisters said in unison.

Immediately the two women's pretty faces turned slightly red.

Qiao Tingyu said, "We have only heard of Shifang, but have never been to it, and we are very curious."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "There seems to be a small stone workshop in Wangxian Town. Since you want to visit Shifang for a long time, let's go over and see."

"Lin Gongzi, you are so nice. If the elder brother is here, we must not let us go to the place where dragons and snakes are mixed."

Qiao Tingyue happily hugged Lin Feng's arm, and Lin Feng suddenly felt his arm caught in a choppy storm.

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling that Qiao Tingyue was really thick, did she not realize what kind of touch would happen when she hugged her arm like this?

Soon Qiao Tingyue felt it, her cheek turned slightly red, loosened Lin Feng's arm, and lowered her head to dare not look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dryly coughed and concealed his embarrassment. He said, "Come on, let's go to Shifang to see if we can cut out something good."

The two women nodded excitedly.

The three came to Shifang in Wangxian Town. The streets outside were crowded and crowded. It was indeed a place where three religions and nine streams were mixed. Many people saw Qiao Tingyu and Qiao Tingyue as a pair of superb sisters. A bad look.

There are even some people who want to join in and take advantage of it, but Lin Feng glances at those monks coldly, and many people feel that Lin Feng is not easy to provoke, so they spread out and dare not step forward.

"There are some inferior stones outside, let's go inside and see." Lin Feng said.

The sisters nodded and went to the depths of Shifang together with Lin Feng. There are many courtyards here.

"Tingyu, Tingyue, why are you here?".

The sound of surprise came.

A dozen monks flocked in, led by a Tsing Yi son and a Wong Yi son.

The young man in Tsing Yi looked at Qiao Tingyu with hot eyes.

The young man in white looked at Qiao Tingyue with a happy face.

It was only when the two saw Qiao Tingyu and Qiao Tingyue, the pair of top-quality sisters, that were accompanied by Lin Feng from left to right.

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