Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 606: Defeat Jiutian Taoist

"Go back quickly!".

Many monks yelled in horror. The losses of these casual cultivators were too heavy. It was difficult to resist the light from the light beam. They had to choose to retreat to protect themselves. Of course, this is not an absolute situation. There are some extremely powerful casual cultivators. , there is no problem.

For example, if the old stone man steps towards one of the light pillars, countless terrifying rays of light intertwine and strangle towards the old stone man.

However, when those beams of light struck the old stone man, they were not even able to break through the old stone man's defense, which shows how powerful the old stone man is.

On the other side, Demon Lord Gengzi also took action. He was like an immortal giant with the power to swallow up all the wastes. He also ignored the attacks of those light beams.

But whether it is the old stone man or the Gengzi Demon Lord.

They all stopped at a position about a hundred meters away from the light pillar. They did not continue to move forward. Instead, they attacked and tried to destroy the light pillar. Maybe they discovered something terrible, so they were very restrained and would not be like some people. When I see the baby, I rush over without any care.

In the end, it will only kill yourself.

At this time, the monk army under Lin Feng fought with another monk army, because the other monk army was also eyeing the light pillar that Lin Feng was eyeing. Who made that light pillar have more tokens? It was used by different monks. It is very normal for the army to target the light pillar, and the monk army that stared at the light pillar at the same time as Lin Feng was the monk army led by Jiutian Taoist, but it was not just the monk army led by Jiutian Taoist.

This is because Jiutian Taoist led his army of monks to fight deep into the dense forest. Like many monk armies, the monks army under Jiutian Taoist suffered heavy losses.

After withdrawing, Taoist Jiutian quickly recruited two other smaller monk army groups that also suffered heavy losses.

Those two groups are also groups formed by external forces.

One alone is not very good, but the strength of two together is actually quite strong. When added to the monk army under Jiutian Taoist, the strength of the monk army under Jiutian Taoist will immediately increase.

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Not surprisingly, the two monk armies collided fiercely, and they were inextricably killed.

"You two hold back the Dragon King, and I'll kill that kid!".

Taoist Jiutian said to the two powerful men beside him. Those two powerful men were not simple. They were the leaders of the other two monk armies.

Although his strength is not as good as Jiutian Taoist.

But when they were alive, they were all top powerhouses in the last reincarnation. After death, they awakened their consciousness and turned into Yin cultivators. Although their strength was not as powerful as in their previous lives, it was still extraordinary. What's more, when the two of them joined forces, their strength was even more amazing.

The two of them nodded and quickly moved towards the Crest Dragon King. Their goal was not to kill the Crest Dragon King.

After all, the Dragon King on the back of the spine is so powerful, and even if they work together, they can't kill the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

Their most important purpose.

It's the dragon king holding back the spine.

The main battlefield is still the battle between Lin Feng and Jiutian Taoist.

Taoist Jiutian is so powerful, it is probably not difficult to deal with Lin Feng. After Taoist Jiutian has eliminated Lin Feng, Lin Feng will not have anything to worry about. Although there are many people, without Lin Feng as the leader, they are just a mess. That’s all.

I have to say that the wishful thinking of Jiutian Taoist and others is really good. Jiutian Taoist is extremely fast and is quickly approaching Lin Feng. When he is quickly approaching Lin Feng, he has been brewing magical powers. Of course, he is brewing. Don't release it, wait for the critical moment to release it, and launch a killing blow against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also knew that he had no advantage at all against a strong man like Taoist Jiutian.

So facing the Jiutian Taoist who rushed in quickly.

Lin Feng sacrificed the Jizhou detonator he had previously obtained from Goddess Ji Yao.

Lin Feng didn't know how terrifying this thing could be. After all, Goddess Ji Yao had only briefly talked about the effect of this thing before, but not in detail.

Therefore, after the Jizhou Detonator was sacrificed by Lin Feng, Lin Feng was also looking forward to the Jizhou Detonator's attack.

Jiutian Taoist naturally also saw the Jizhou detonator flying quickly.

He is a man who thinks very highly of himself.

Although he knew that this Jizhou detonator might be a very powerful thing, he had no intention of backing down.

Character determines a person's behavior.

Taoist Jiutian decided to take action and detonated the Jizhou detonator in advance, so that even if the Jizhou detonator was powerful, it would not be able to harm him at all.

This guy's thoughts are really wonderful.

He also took action. With a gentle sweep in the void, a powerful beam of light flew out and quickly flew towards the Jizhou detonator.

It stands to reason.

After being locked by an attack from a strong man like Taoist Jiutian, there is basically no way to dodge it.

However, Lin Feng and Beibei have already communicated secretly.

Beibei will help.

So when Taoist Jiutian's attack was about to hit the Jizhou detonator.

The ultimate detonator leaps into the void.

He immediately dodged the attack from Taoist Jiutian.

When the Jizhou detonator appeared again, it had already arrived beside Taoist Jiutian.

"not good!".

Taoist Jiutian's face couldn't help but change slightly. He had calculated everything, but he really didn't expect that the Jizhou detonator could avoid the attack. This was all too unusual. It must have been deliberately calculated by Lin Feng, and this happened just now. matter.

otherwise! This kind of thing is simply impossible to happen.

But it is useless to worry about these now. Although the Jizhou detonator has been killed in front of him, Taoist Jiutian is not afraid at all.

After all, this guy is really powerful.


The next moment, the Jizhou detonator exploded, and Taoist Jiutian activated the defensive magic weapon and constructed a defensive light shield himself.


Taoist Jiutian did not expect that the power of the Jizhou detonator was completely beyond his imagination. All the defensive offensives he constructed were unable to withstand the powerful impact caused by the explosion of the Jizhou detonator.

The terrifying impact destroyed the defense constructed by Taoist Jiutian.

The blast hit Taoist Jiutian fiercely.

"Ah..." Taoist Jiutian couldn't help but scream, as if his body had been hit by a cannonball.

Fly directly upside down.

In mid-air, he vomited blood.

It looked like the injury was serious.

But it wouldn't put his life in danger.

Lin Feng felt a little emotional. An ordinary person would have died countless times, but Taoist Jiutian was only injured. This guy was really ridiculously strong.

Lin Feng said, "Taoist Jiutian, eat a few more detonators from me!".

When Taoist Jiutian heard that Lin Feng still had this thing, the hairs all over his body stood up.

How dare he stay? As he fled towards the distance, he shouted loudly, "Retreat, retreat quickly!".

When the monk army on Jiutian Taoist side saw that Jiutian Taoist had all withdrawn, and Jiutian Taoist also issued a retreat order, they dared not fight, so they withdrew from the battlefield in embarrassment.

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