Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 609: Tower of the Sacred Tree

Lin Feng said, "It seems that these monks were unable to retreat in time, which caused a series of extremely serious tragedies. In fact, it was because the depths were too dangerous, and some problems actually occurred while they were advancing inside. , just like the powerful monk before flew into the depths and died there before flying very far. But when the monk army advanced, the power to kill the monk seemed to have disappeared, but now it seems that actually Instead of disappearing, all the power can be controlled. If these people can successfully advance to such a deep position, they must have been lured into the enemy. After this battle, the losses of the major forces participating in this battle are not small!"

Lin Feng was very calm, neither happy nor gloating.

He is used to seeing big scenes and has long been able to deal with various emergencies.

Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

She had warned those people before, but those people didn't listen to her.

Yingying, is she really kind?

Lin Feng couldn't help but burst out a few words in his mind.

He smiled bitterly, why do he always think of her? I'm just a little confused now.

"Hey! The more these people lose, the better, it's good for us!". Poison Ancestor grinned.

As time went by, the monks who were fighting towards the depths also gradually retreated, but many of the monks who successfully retreated were actually injured to some extent.

Only the more powerful monks, or those in the outer areas, were not injured.

Lin Feng said, "Many forces are afraid that the situation is over!".

Of course, Lin Feng didn't take his words too seriously. After all, he still didn't know what the rules were for competing for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

If some special rules arise, the monk army will play a smaller role.

So, for some top monks, the impact may be smaller.

But for Lin Feng, it will obviously bring some bad effects. He still prefers to rely on the overall strength brought by the monk army to fight against various forces or some top powerhouses.

People who had withdrawn from various places were also looking for places to repair.

Privately, many people began to curse Gengzi Demon Lord. These people felt that if it had not been for the bad idea of ​​Gengzi Demon Lord, their losses would not have been so serious.

People are often like this, they always like to find someone to take the blame after failure.

After this failure, everyone turned the blame on Demon Lord Gengzi. If Demon Lord Gengzi hadn't been too powerful, they wouldn't have dared to provoke Demon Lord Gengzi. If it had been anyone else, they would have been attacked by all the major forces. The monk was quartered.

But these people seem to have actively ignored one thing. When they ignored the kind reminder of Qiankun Ghost Mother and followed the advice of Demon Lord Gengzi, they themselves had chosen to believe in Demon Lord Gengzi, or in other words, they themselves They also wanted to take action, but Demon Lord Gengzi's proposal only made them more certain about this matter.

Gengzi Demon Lord naturally knew that many people hated him with gnashing of teeth.

But he didn't care at all.

"What next?". Poison Ancestor looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Wait a minute, I guess some changes are coming soon!" Lin Feng said. .... This time Lin Feng's premonition was extremely accurate. Two days later, something really changed. Deep in the darkness, a huge phantom of a sacred tree appeared.

That sacred tree seemed as huge as a mountain peak.

Holding up the sky and the earth.

"It's the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation that has appeared...". Seeing the giant tree, many people roared excitedly.

The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation has been a sacred object for a long time, making everyone crazy for it.

Regardless of whether they can get the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, everyone wants to see it appear as soon as possible. Now, it has finally appeared. Some people think that even if they can't get the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, they can **** branches, branches, leaves or even Things like tree bark are also good.

Some people don't even ask for anything related to the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. They feel that the emergence of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation will also involve the emergence of other opportunities. Their goals are these opportunities, which is more practical.

But this time after the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation appeared, no one rashly killed it. The main reason was that the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation felt so extraordinary, making everyone extremely fearful.

Rather than taking the risk and killing it, it is better to wait for new changes to appear.

This is more practical.

"Look, words appear in the void!". someone shouted.

Everyone looked around, and sure enough they saw some words appearing on the edge of the dark world. Those words were originally relatively small and had a darker luster.

can not see clearly.

But as time went on, the fonts grew larger and brighter.

Those words are also clearly visible.

"If you want to fight for the sacred tree, you need to enter the world of the sacred tree!".

This is the first text.

But everyone knows that this is just the beginning. How to enter the world of the sacred tree has not yet been explained.


New text appears.

If you want to enter the world of the sacred tree, you need to find the sacred tree token. The sacred tree token is not only a pass to enter the sacred tree world, but also has something to do with how many layers of the sacred tree tower a monk can climb to practice cultivation after entering the sacred tree world. The higher the level of the tower of the sacred tree, the greater its value.

The Tower of the Sacred Tree records several of the most mysterious ancient inheritances of reincarnation, and even the art of immortality. How much you can gain depends on your own understanding.

Seeing those text introductions, many people took a breath of cold air.

My dear.

Not to mention whether we can get the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

Just say that if you can enter the Tower of the Sacred Tree and comprehend it, it will be an incredible opportunity.

At this moment, everyone's enthusiasm was instantly ignited.

Swish, swish, swish!

Huge pillars suddenly rose up, hundreds of them in total.

There are many tokens sealed in each pillar.

It’s just that there are more and less tokens.

Those tokens didn't fly out.

And the text did not continue to appear.

this means.

To get those tokens, you only need to enter those light pillars.

"Kill!". A large number of monks roared, and they quickly rushed towards the pillars that sealed the tokens.

"follow me!".

Lin Feng also locked a beam of light. Not only does he need to get tokens, he also needs to get a lot of tokens so that he can understand some high-level content.

Therefore, Lin Feng chose a light beam with more seal tokens and rushed towards it.

Behind him, the monk army also moved.

Follow Lin Feng to kill the light pillar.

But the fastest ones are not these monks, but the casual cultivators. After all, the fast movement of the casual cultivators has always been their biggest feature. A large number of casual cultivators were the first to reach the area where the light pillars were, but at this time something terrible happened. , a dazzling light shone out from those light pillars.

Countless monks were instantly strangled by those rays of light.

Sure enough, it is not easy to get those tokens. .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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