Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 626: Unexpected harvest, the promise of the fishing old man!

In the following time, Lin Feng began to become familiar with the various improvements brought to him after the completion of the evolution of the Pioneer bloodline. Unfortunately, this time the improvement of the Pioneer bloodline absorbed all the essence contained in the mysterious spiritual liquid here.

If it is not completely absorbed, then Lin Feng can still rely on these substances to continue cultivating his other three major bloodlines.

This world.

There are many things that don't go as planned.

Don't force it.

What's more, Lin Feng is actually extremely satisfied with this harvest.

There is no need to ask for more.

After being in seclusion for a while, Lin Feng came out.

After he left this place, he continued to try to sense other opportunities here.

But no matter how Lin Feng sensed it, he could no longer sense any other opportunities.

Lin Feng knew.

I have received three opportunities in this place, and I have basically reached the limit.

I want to continue to get new opportunities.

It's basically impossible.

There is no need to stay in this place any longer.

So Lin Feng left this special place and came outside.

The old fisherman is still fishing in the galaxy.

As for Mr. Hua Fan, he has disappeared for a long time. Lin Feng is really worried that Mr. Hua Fan is guarding here. That guy is too powerful. If he is really guarded here to deal with him, he will definitely be a big trouble.

Fortunately, this guy left, but if you think about it carefully, there is a high probability that he will not stay here. After all, even if he is unwilling, he still has to consider the actual situation. He also has to look for opportunities. He cannot All time is wasted here.

Lin Feng felt that it was necessary to talk to the old fishing man. At the same time, Lin Feng was also more interested in the identity of the old fishing man. He originally thought that the old fishing man might be a being like the weapon spirit of the Tower of Reincarnation, but now it seems that maybe, his Identity is far from that simple, so what exactly is the identity of the old fisherman is worth pondering.

Lin Feng quickly flew towards the old fishing man, and soon flew to the old fishing man's side.

Lin Feng clasped his fists and said, "Senior, your spirit is so high!".

The old fisherman turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Fishing is not only fishing, but also self-cultivation!".

Lin Feng nodded, anything can be achieved.

This old man's way is probably related to fishing.

The old man continued, "It seems that your harvest is not bad!".

Lin Feng said, "Thanks to you, my harvest is indeed pretty good!".

After a pause, Lin Feng said in a side-note, "Senior, have you always been fishing here?"

The old man said, "Yes!".

Lin Feng continued to ask, "Then how did the Tower of Reincarnation we are now formed?"

The old man said, "I think the formation of the Tower of Reincarnation may be related to the power of each reincarnation!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. From the old man's answer, he deduced two things.

The first thing is that the old man is most likely not the weapon spirit here. If he is the weapon spirit, he definitely knows how the Tower of Samsara was formed.

If it wasn't a weapon spirit, it might be a foreign monk.

But how he, a foreign monk, could stay here all the time, and even become the leader of many things here, is unknown. Some unknown things must have happened in the past, which led to these things happening.

The second thing is that this Tower of Reincarnation should also be an innate spiritual weapon born from the power of reincarnation.

It seems that the relationship with the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is not particularly big. If it must be related, it is that their properties are similar, that is to say, they are both born from the power of reincarnation.

Lin Feng asked, "Will the old man leave here?".

The old fisherman looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "What? Does the young hero have any other ideas?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "The strength of an expert like Senior is unfathomable. If possible, I would naturally like to represent my team and invite Senior to join."

The old fishing man said, "I think your character is very good. If there is a chance in the future, I will look for you!".

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Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He originally just planned to give it a try.

But I didn't expect that this old senior would actually agree.

This was naturally a surprise to Lin Feng. The strength of this old man was indeed something that even Lin Feng could not understand. If he really joined their side in the future, then their side would have one more general at its peak combat power.

Lin Feng said, "If the seniors come, the juniors will definitely sweep up the couch to welcome you!",

The old man smiled and nodded.

Lin Feng saw that the old man wanted to see off the guests, so he didn't plan to disturb the old man any more. Most of the time, he just clicked and stopped.

Keep struggling. .

On the contrary, it will make others unhappy.

Lin Feng clasped his fists and said, "Senior, I'll take my leave first!".

"good!". The old man responded.

Lin Feng flew towards the distance. Since they could stay here for about three hundred days, there were still dozens of days left.

Therefore, Lin Feng planned to make good use of the next period of time.

Maybe you can still gain something.

Lin Feng found a quiet place and felt the stars between heaven and earth.

It took about a few days for Lin Feng to get in touch with a star.

Then Lin Feng flew into the star.

This star was surrounded by an extremely cold aura. Lin Feng searched for it to see if there was any great opportunity. However, Lin Feng did not find an opportunity that would be useful to him. However, he found an opportunity for the undead inside the Book of the Dead. Useful opportunity.

The undead inside the Book of the Dead have now almost recovered.

You can continue to further improve your strength.

And here, there is a place where yin gathers.

This place of gathering Yin contains extremely powerful dark attribute power, and this dark attribute power is not an ordinary dark attribute power.

This is a dark attribute power that contains the powerful power of reincarnation.

Therefore, this kind of dark attribute power is very special and can completely allow the undead inside the Book of the Dead to complete their evolution.

Moreover, the dark attribute power here has been accumulated for a long time. Although Lin Feng does not know how long it has been accumulated, it must have spanned many epochs.

Such a majestic dark attribute power.

For the hundreds of thousands of undead monks inside the Book of the Dead, this is definitely a great opportunity.

Just in time, they can take advantage of this golden opportunity to continue to improve their strength.

The stronger the undead army is, the greater its help will be to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng summoned the Book of the Dead.

The majestic dark attribute power turned into a long river, flying continuously towards the inside of the Book of the Dead.

The undead inside the Book of the Dead are bathed in this dark attribute power.

One by one they looked up to the sky and roared.

Boom boom boom.

Powerful auras came out one after another. This had just begun. Many undead monks had already completed their breakthroughs.

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