Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 655: There is a different world

The passage in front suddenly became larger.

A huge cave abode appeared, but to be honest, the appearance of this cave abode was not particularly unexpected, and it was within Lin Feng's expectation. Because of such a huge internal structure, there was no possibility that a cave abode would appear. It's very small.

However, there was one thing that Lin Feng did not expect, that is, this cave was too magnificent.

Yes, it is magnificent.

The decoration inside is too luxurious. Various gold and silver objects are inlaid in different places on the rock wall, shining with golden and silver luster. The colors of gold and silver are intertwined with each other, so dazzling and colorful.

In addition, there are many things carved from white jade placed in the cave, such as tables, chairs, benches, kitchen cabinets, etc.

There are also many rare treasures placed in the cave, which are almost dazzling. Lin Feng has never even seen many exquisite decorations.

Royal palaces in the secular world, or the palaces of some ancient dynasties in the cultivator world, are notoriously extravagant.

But compared with what Lin Feng saw, it was nothing.

Lin Feng couldn't help but mumbled, "Did I see it wrong? Could it be that I was influenced by some external force? So, what I saw were all illusions?"

This possibility does exist.

After all, this place itself is quite weird.

Some illusions are also impossible to guard against.

Lin Feng opened his Eyes of Origin and wanted to see what was going on in the magnificent cave in front of him. He thought he would be able to see some clues, but after taking a closer look, he did not find any flaws.

This made Lin Feng slightly surprised. This was completely different from what he imagined. He felt that this place should be an illusion, so Lin Feng also used the Celestial Eye. The original eye and the Celestial Eye were used together. The ability to see through the essence of this place would be It improved significantly, but when Lin Feng used the Sky Eye, the scene he saw was the same as the scene he saw before.

Everything is real.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Could it be that there were other monks practicing here in seclusion in the past? As for the tiger and leopard beast, they also occupied this place later, but the tiger and leopard beast did not destroy the cave.

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng felt that this hypothesis was also possible.

But no matter what.

Lin Feng had already decided to go into the cave in front to explore. There were so many good things in such a magnificent cave, and there might be some things that could be of great help or attraction to Lin Feng.

Soon, Lin Feng entered the cave.

He walked towards a shelf made of white jade. There were many things placed on it, such as slips made of white jade, which seemed to have many words engraved on them. This kind of slips would naturally last longer than those made of bamboo. Things like bamboo slips made of forged materials will last much longer.

In addition to this kind of jade slips, there are many good things, such as jade tubes, jade carvings, etc., all of which seem to hide some secrets.

Lin Feng picked up a jade slip, opened it, and saw that there were many words densely engraved on it.

This is an extremely ancient text that Lin Feng does not recognize.

Lin Feng knew that now was not the time to explore these words, so Lin Feng closed the bamboo slips and put them back. He would put away everything here later.

"Hey, that's it?".

Lin Feng saw some porcelain bottles on another shelf. He walked over, picked up a porcelain bottle and opened it, and found that it contained some special liquid. It was a liquid that Lin Feng had never known, but that liquid was very special and contained The energy is not only extremely pure, but also extremely majestic.

Although it is just a small porcelain bottle, the amount of liquid it contains is not much, but the energy contained in the liquid in the porcelain bottle gives Lin Feng the feeling of being as strong as the sea. This is definitely a good thing, and it is good for cultivation. Something very useful, Lin Feng quickly checked the other porcelain bottles and found that each porcelain bottle contained this unknown liquid.

The specific function of this liquid is not yet known, and it will not be too late to explore it later.

Lin Feng was just about to look at other things.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

Because Lin Feng discovered that there were life fluctuations coming from the depths of the cave.

It turns out that this cave is divided into two rooms: inside and outside.

The location that Lin Feng is currently in is the cave abode outside. Going inside, there is a smaller cave abode, which is the cave abode inside.

Life fluctuations come from here.

When he first entered the cave, Lin Feng also explored the situation of the cave and did not find any breath of life. But now, the breath of life appeared. This made Lin Feng a little surprised. He didn't know what was going on. Lin Feng looked toward him cautiously. Walk towards the cave inside.

At this time, you must not be careless. After all, this place is really dangerous and weird. No one knows what dangers are hidden in the dark. If you are not careful, you may run into big trouble or even lose your life here.

Not long after, Lin Feng entered the cave inside. After entering, Lin Feng immediately discovered that the cave inside had some similarities with the cave outside.

But there are also some places where there are big differences.

The same thing is that the cave inside is also extremely luxuriously decorated. The difference is that although the decoration inside is luxurious, the overall color is pink.

This kind of environment can easily create an ambiguous atmosphere.

"How many years has no one come here? Who are you here to find? It shouldn't be the slave family. After all, there is no intersection between the slave family and you. So, are you here to find the one who can shake the holy beast? ?". Suddenly, a voice came.

Lin Feng looked to the left of where the sound came from and saw a huge white jade bed with a pink mosquito net surrounding it.

On the white jade bed, a female cultivator was lying on her side, although it was unclear what she looked like.

But judging from those voluptuous and charming curves, we can tell that she is definitely a beautiful woman.

And Lin Feng also saw it.

Behind this woman, there are several snow-white tails moving around.

This woman seems to be a woman from the nine-tailed fox clan of the demon clan.

However, for some reason, Lin Feng felt that this woman's aura was different from that of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. After all, Bai Qiu and Bai Qingcheng were from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan.

Lin Feng was quite familiar with the aura of the nine-tailed fox clan.

Lin Feng calmed himself down and asked, "Does the heaven-shaking holy beast the fairy mentioned refer to the existence that looks like a tiger or a leopard?"

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