Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 692: Ring of Punishment

The woman did not kill Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan because she still wanted Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan to help her destroy the holy statue.

Lin Feng and Young Master Hua Fan are very powerful, and it is indeed possible to accomplish that task. Replacing someone else would not only waste time, but also may not have the ability of Lin Feng and Young Master Hua Fan.

The woman waved her hand and everything returned to normal.

Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan both took the magic weapon back.

Lin Feng said, "Oh, actually we just made a little joke with our seniors!".

The woman said calmly, "I also made a little joke with you!".

"We have agreed to what you said!" Young Master Hua Fan said.

In fact, there is nothing you can do if you don't agree. This woman's strength is really too abnormal. She probably can't get out of this place yet. And her birth may have a lot to do with destroying the holy elephant. This is what she wants. Although Lin Feng guessed the root cause of destroying the sacred elephant, Lin Feng felt that it was probably something close to the same thing.

The woman said, "As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are very good and have made a choice that makes me extremely satisfied. If this is the case, you will make a vow. If you fail to help me complete the task, there will be thunder and lightning. , I must die a good death!”.

Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan almost exploded when they heard the oath this woman asked them to make.

This woman is so poisonous.

Who can guarantee that the task will be completed, so this woman made them swear an oath that they would die a good death if they did not complete it. In this way, Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan could only risk their lives to help this woman complete the task.

The most poisonous woman's heart.

Seeing that this woman has a good figure and a nice voice, she is probably a beauty, but her heart is really not kind.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, could only lament that he really couldn't afford to offend this ancestor.

"Swear, don't make me wait too long!". the woman reminded.

Lin Feng said, "This oath is a bit too poisonous, but we will do whatever it takes to rescue our seniors. But, you see, our current situation is not too good. This place is extremely dangerous, especially that legend." We don’t even know what is going on inside Wushuang City. If our seniors can give us some benefits and let us improve our strength, then we will not only be full of energy, but even, with the improvement of our strength, we can successfully destroy the Holy Spirit. The probability of elephants will also be greatly increased, do you think this is true?"

The woman said, "Well, it's not that I can't give you something!".

As the woman spoke, she wanted to take out something and give it to Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan.

The stunned expression of Mr. Hua Fan on the side, the two of them were in such a miserable situation, how could Lin Feng still benefit from this woman?

Young Master Hua Fan really admired Lin Feng.

The main thing is that he can't say those words, but Lin Feng can really say them, and he still looks like he's talking. Asking for benefits is originally a matter of asking for help, but after listening to what Lin Feng said, I The benefit is not for myself, but to help you.

What a noble statement.

At this time, there were two more things in the woman's hands.

One thing was a purple crystal, and there was a small dragon sealed in the purple crystal.

"Is it a spirit?". Mr. Hua Fan looked at the purple crystal in surprise.

Lin Feng also discovered that the little dragon sealed in the crystal was not a real dragon, but a spirit.

Magical spirit.

But the spirit of the magic weapon actually condensed into the shape of a real little dragon. This is really incredible.

It seems that the dragon spirit is definitely an extremely high-level spirit.

If it is refined into a magic weapon.

Just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

But Mr. Hua Fan obviously fell in love with the dragon spirit sealed in purple crystal.

In this case, Lin Feng didn't bother to argue with him.

What's more, Lin Feng felt that the value of the other thing was no worse than the blessing of the dragon spirit.

The other thing is a ring.

Although he didn't know what the ring was, Lin Feng felt that the ring was definitely not simple. Otherwise, the woman would not have taken out the ring at this time.

The woman said, "Both of these things are extraordinary. The dragon spirit in this purple crystal is an extremely rare transformed spirit, and its value needs no explanation!".

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"As for this ring, it is called the Ring of Punishment. Originally, the Ring of Punishment and three other different types of rings were combined together, but I was not able to get the other few rings, and this Ring of Punishment , can continuously absorb the power of heaven and earth and transform it into the power of punishment. When these powers of punishment accumulate to a certain level, they can be released. The power of punishment is a power of judgment, which is extremely powerful and terrifying, and can form An extremely lethal attack."

"The power contained in this kind of attack is destructive. In particular, all the power will be concentrated and released at once, and it will be released through the Ring of Punishment. These powers can be compressed infinitely, and you should also understand that infinite Once the compressed power breaks out, it will be so terrifying. In the past, this ring has released powerful attacks that are close to the attack strength of the pioneers!"

"So, these two things, one for each person, how do you choose?".

This woman looked at Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan.

Both of these things are good things, but Lin Feng is obviously more interested in the Ring of Punishment. This thing is a big killer. It can release the power of punishment at critical moments to deal with the opponent, and maybe it can kill the opponent directly.

It is suitable for Lin Feng to use.

As for Master Huafan! Although he thought the Ring of Punishment was also a good thing, he was obviously more interested in the dragon spirit.

This is very easy to distribute.

Master Hua Fan said, "I want the dragon spirit!".

Lin Feng said, "I want a punishment ring!".

After the distribution was completed, each of them got what they dreamed of.

Afterwards, Lin Feng and the two made an oath.

The woman said, "Okay, you can leave here now. I hope you remember your oath! I also hope you can destroy the holy elephant quickly. In this way, you will also regain your freedom. For both of us, These are all good things!"


Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan both nodded, and then they stopped staying and returned the same way.

This time, I never encountered any danger.

Even the previous danger was created by that woman in order to test Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan.

They made it outside successfully.

Lin Feng knew that it was basically impossible to save Master Hua Fan now, because Master Hua Fan's strength had already recovered a lot and he was not something he could handle.

What's more, he and Mr. Hua Fan will have to cooperate later in destroying the stone statues.

So Lin Feng stopped attacking Master Hua Fan.

Naturally, Mr. Hua Fan did not make a move against Lin Feng. He said, "Although that woman asked us to go to Wushuang City to do business, Wushuang City has not appeared at all now. Let's wait patiently. After Wushuang City appears, the two of us will meet again. Help her destroy the temple icons!".

"Can!". Lin Feng said.

Master Hua Fan was still seriously injured, so after saying this, he quickly left to find a place to heal his injuries. As for Lin Feng, he also quickly left that place. He also had certain injuries and needed to recover quickly. At the same time, Lin Feng also wanted to have a good health. Study the Ring of Punishment and see if the Ring of Punishment is really as powerful as the woman said.

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