Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 711: The origin of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is shocking!

Some people are very high-profile, but in fact they are a bit bragging, because those people do not have those abilities at all, and they brag nonsense just to make people look high.

Make people think he is awesome.

But Lin Feng's high-profile at this moment is not exaggerated at all. People who know Lin Feng even think that Lin Feng is too low-key now, even though he is very good.

After all, it would take three days and three nights to describe all the great achievements Lin Feng had done.

Such people will leave their own wonderful chapters in the history of epochs and reincarnations.

Lin Feng's self-introduction was nowhere to be found.

And the spirit of the Reincarnation Sacred Tree, that is, the woman, also knew that Lin Feng was not lying, so she was surprised and curious about the root of Lin Feng's rise. Don't say that some people are born with the fate of heaven and earth. It's a type of words that are used to deceive children or people who don't understand. People who understand won't be fooled at all.

Some people, perhaps because they were born into wealth, are born with more luck than others.

However, this kind of luck is only relative to other newborns.

Compared with the powerful monks, it is still nothing worth mentioning.

The gathering of heaven and earth's luck actually has a lot to do with a series of things that will happen later.

It's not that simple and can be explained clearly in a few words.

But one thing I have to admit is that those who stand on the forefront of the times and gather countless fortunes of heaven and earth are indeed the darlings of the times.

Such a character is terrifying, and his talent is unimaginable.

If those ancient existences are yesterday's flowers, their potential is basically gone, and they can only rely on the accumulation of time to increase their strength.

Then young and powerful monks like Lin Feng are the pioneers and leaders of the new era. Such figures were either killed by those ancient beings when they rose up, and those ancient beings did like to do such things. , they don’t want to see new top powerhouses rise up, be equal to them, or even surpass them one day in the future. However, if the new generation of characters like these really grow up, their potential is truly unimaginable.

After a long time, the woman said, "This ancient ruin is far more complicated than you think. In a sense, this place cannot even be simply regarded as a ruin. It is also a A place containing endless new life and hope!”.

Hearing this, Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist looked at each other. This woman's words seemed simple, but they contained too much content.

If this place is just an ancient battlefield site.

So for the people in this place, they just had better luck after death and turned into Yin cultivators.

It’s hard to say what the future destiny will be.

In addition, they are still Yin cultivators, or, to put it more unpleasantly, Yin corpses. The Tao between heaven and earth itself will limit the growth of such existences.

It will be more difficult to come back from the catastrophe, condense the flesh and blood body again, and become a living being again.

But if this place is a place that contains vitality and hope, then it will be completely different. Transforming into Yin cultivation is no longer the "end" for the monks here. ….It’s just a “transition” for them.

Although they will all turn into inferi, one is the end and the other is a transition. The meanings are so different.

If it is a transition, then this place will obviously give them new vitality, and Yin cultivation may not be the end of many people, it may even be the end of many people. If so, that would be unusual.

Here, many existences have become Yin Xiu, and there will be many uncertainties in the future.

Perhaps, in the future, they will truly become monks of flesh and blood.

You can truly escape the catastrophe and come back.

The future is full of infinite hope.

Therefore, after learning what this place was like, Lin Feng immediately felt that everything in this ancient battlefield was of great value for exploration, including the various types of indigenous monks, which were simply one of the largest resources. Later, Lin Feng thought that he would have to conquer as many indigenous monks from the ancient battlefield as possible.

But it's hard to say how many of this type of monks can be subdued, and it's impossible to say with certainty.

Let’s talk about it after we get out.

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priest continued to listen to the woman's words.

The woman paused for a moment, glanced at Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist Priest, and then continued, "You may be very curious about why the Divine Tree of Samsara appeared at this time, and whether the Divine Tree of Samsara really searches for someone. A master, right?"

"That's right!". Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist nodded.

This matter has already spread throughout the world, and countless monks have become extremely crazy because of this matter. Everyone is looking forward to refining the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation and becoming the master of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Even if they have lower requirements, some Monks who are not that powerful also hope to admire the grace of the Sacred Tree of Samsara. If they can get some branches, leaves and other things from the Sacred Tree of Samsara, it will be considered a big opportunity. After all, it is the Sacred Tree of Samsara itself. Who knows if the things taken from it, especially branches and other things, can cultivate a sapling of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. This is also something that cannot be said for sure.

Furthermore, once the Sacred Tree of Samsara moves, many of the surrounding terrain will undergo huge changes. At that time, opportunities hidden in the dark will also appear one after another, and many people are staring at these opportunities.

The woman continued, "The news spread by the outside world is not true news!".

The boundless Taoist priest rolled his eyes and said, "So, the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation doesn't want an owner? With all due respect, there are some super terrifying existences out there that transcend reincarnation. The strength of those existences is unimaginable. If you wait for them to come in, it won't be a question of whether you or the Samsara Sacred Tree want to find the master. Those people have too many ways to make you or the Samsara Sacred Tree surrender!"

Wuliang Taoist Priest was obviously trying to persuade the Sacred Tree of Samsara to choose between him and Lin Feng, and to find one of them as its master.

Lin Feng would naturally not expose Wuliang Taoist's thoughts.

After hearing what the Taoist Wuliang said, the woman laughed disdainfully. She suddenly asked Lin Feng and the Taoist Wuliang a question, "Do you know how long this sacred tree of reincarnation has been around?".

This Lin Feng is really not very clear, but it is said that he was born in the last reincarnation.

Wuliang Taoist said, "Were you born early in the last reincarnation?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I can only tell you that this sacred tree of reincarnation is even older than the gate of eternal life and the Supreme Court of God."

"How can it be?".

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist's expressions changed drastically, with expressions of disbelief. .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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