Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9078: 713 The cosmic crystal of the seventh city of Wushuang City

Give the dead Taoist a little sunshine, and the dead Taoist will shine. Give the dead Taoist a little hope, and he will feel that he can become a pioneer.

Lin Feng didn't know whether to lament that Wuliang Taoist was a born optimist, or to complain that this guy was obsessed with money.

Of course, there are many opportunities in those extremely dangerous places, but correspondingly, such places are also extremely dangerous. Don't always think that you are so awesome. When you get to such a place, you can ignore all dangers.

Most people who think like this will die miserably. Lin Feng doesn't know how this guy, Wuliang Taoist, is so lucky that he can survive to this day.

The woman was too lazy to pay attention to Wuliang Taoist now. She looked at Lin Feng and said, "There is a crystal of the universe hidden in the seventh level of Wushuang City. I need that thing." The name "Cosmic Crystal" sounds quite awesome. Lin Feng guessed that it might be something like energy crystal. The energy stored in this kind of thing is unimaginable. For some huge, or extremely ancient and terrifying things,

The resurrection of existence, such as the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, can be of extremely great help. Wuliang Taoist priest said, "No problem, just leave it to us, but if we really find something like the Crystal of the Universe for you, what do you have for us? You know, something like the Crystal of the Universe

The value is unimaginable. Aren't transactions two-way? We can't lose money, right? ". The woman said, "Okay, if you can find the Crystal of the Universe, I can give you some Holy Liquid of Reincarnation. This is truly the ancient Holy Liquid born from inside the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. I know that outside Some liquids that incorporate the power of reincarnation dare to call themselves the Holy Liquid of Samsara, but those so-called Holy Liquids of Samsara are nothing compared to my Holy Liquid of Samsara. If you get this Holy Liquid of Samsara, you should be able to get it. two persons

The strength has improved a lot! ". Lin Feng said, "This Holy Liquid of Samsara does sound like a very precious treasure, but to be honest, it is not that easy for monks of our level to find some rare treasures that can improve our cultivation. also

It's not that it can't be done, so this Holy Liquid of Reincarnation can only be given to you as an accessory at most. Let's see if there are any other good things that can really attract us! ".

The woman snorted coldly and said, "It's so heartless! But that's all, I can give you a chance! Whether you can seize this opportunity depends on your own luck!"

"what chance?". Wuliang Taoist priest asked quickly. The woman said, "There is a reincarnation stele somewhere in the inner space of this sacred tree of reincarnation. This stele of reincarnation is not simple. It is a condensation of the great avenue of heaven and earth. It was born with the sacred tree of reincarnation. It has an unimaginable long history. Some of the imprints on it are imprinted on it. The content is beyond the imagination of outsiders. If you can understand one or two things, then it will be a heaven-defying opportunity! After it is completed, in addition to the divine liquid of reincarnation mentioned before, I will also send you to reincarnation.

Go back to the stone monument and observe it for three days. What do you think? ".

"make a deal!".

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist said at the same time.

Then Wuliang Taoist asked, "But when will Wushuang City appear?".

The woman said, "I watched the stars at night and found that Wushuang City should not appear too late. It will definitely appear in ten days at most."

Ten days!

This time is not too long, it is still acceptable, and Lin Feng feels that if Wushuang City appears, the trip to this mysterious ancient battlefield will probably be almost over.

When he returns to the reincarnation channel, Lin Feng still has a lot of things to do.

But there's no point in worrying now.

Take it step by step.

Lin Feng also asked a question, "Will the Sacred Tree of Samsara do anything big in the future?".

The woman said, "I will proceed as planned!". Lin Feng sighed slightly. If the original plan goes as planned, and many strong people are attracted to compete for the opportunity to become the master of the Samsara Sacred Tree, or to compete for the opportunity here, it is obvious that some of those strong people will

Die here and become the nourishment of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, nourishing the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

This is something that the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, or the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, will not change easily.

Lin Feng had no ability to prevent this from happening. Moreover, Lin Feng also knew that in addition to them, there would definitely be some people who would be entrusted with the same task, which was to find the Crystal of the Universe. The specific reward would depend on how the individual negotiates it. As for the final decision,

Who found the Crystal of the Universe and took it over to the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara.

For the spirit of the Reincarnation Sacred Tree, it is simply indifferent.

The result is the same anyway.

Of course Wuliang Taoist knew this, but neither Lin Feng nor Wuliang Taoist mentioned this matter.

Since the spirit of the Reincarnation Sacred Tree still wants to proceed according to the original plan, then Lin Feng has some ideas.

He said, "If I want to deal with some people, can you please help me at a critical moment?".

The woman snorted coldly and said, "Do you think of me as your thug? You can think about this kind of thing when you dream about it, but don't talk about it at other times!".

Lin Feng said, "Don't be so heartless. It will hurt our relationship so much. Okay, I'll take a step back. I'll only let you take action once. How about that?"

The woman was still hesitant.

Obviously she had a lot of concerns, not just the issue of not wanting to take action, but once she did, there might be a deep causal relationship with Lin Feng.

In this woman's opinion, Lin Feng was extremely lucky.

With Lin Feng continuing to be involved in a deeper causal relationship, who knows if some things will get out of control later.

Lin Feng seemed to know what this woman was afraid of. Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, the situation will be so chaotic and the causes and effects of so many people will be complicated. You won't be specially noticed!". The woman said, "Okay, then it's settled. If I want to take action, you can try to contact me with your mind. However, there is a premise, that is, you cannot provoke those extremely powerful beings, because

Because, even I am not willing to be an enemy of those beings. If you provoke those extremely powerful beings, even if you call me, I will most likely not help! ".

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my own safety!".


After Lin Feng finished speaking, the light flickered, and Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests were sent to the mountains and forests outside.

It was quiet.

In the distance, everyone is still waiting for the Samsara Sacred Tree to change.

No one knew that Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist had already made a deal with the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree in advance.

"Soon, there will be a river of blood here!". Looking at the figure of the monk in the distance, Lin Feng murmured to himself and frowned slightly.

There were some things that he had no way to stop. All he could do was to inform people he knew well not to get close to the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation when it appeared. As for the rest of the people, whether they live or die depends on their own destiny.

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