Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9100: 735 The Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God Shock

Lin Feng has entered his own time and space, and he is not afraid of the Qiankun Ghost Mother finding out. They are all 'one of his own' anyway. Even if the Qiankun Ghost Mother finds out, he will probably only feel that he has entered a special world, and may not necessarily know it.

It is a special place like time and space. Lin Feng adjusted his condition first. After adjusting his condition to the best, Lin Feng took out the reincarnation mother essence. The reincarnation mother essence given to Lin Feng by Qiankun Ghost Mother was not small. A porcelain bottle was basically full.


This surprised Lin Feng, who thought there weren't many reincarnated female spirits inside.

Lin Feng now really feels that this Miss Meng'er is a beautiful person with a kind heart. She really has nothing to say to him. Such a good person, but he usually pretends to be cold.

I don’t know what to think.

Moreover, there seems to be some deviation between obtaining this title and her temperament.

Lin Feng quickly recovered his thoughts.

The most urgent task now is to quickly refine the mother essence of reincarnation and improve the cultivation level.

The rest will be discussed later.

Lin Feng swallowed the reincarnated mother essence directly. It tasted weird, a little sour and bitter, like a rotten apple.

But the energy contained is really violent enough.

Before Lin Feng took the initiative to refine the Samsara Mother Essence, the Samsara Mother Essence dispersed and turned into pure and majestic energy.

The powerful energy that shook out quickly dispersed within Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng was originally a little worried that the energy of the reincarnated mother essence would not be enough to support him to complete the breakthrough, but now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

The Mother Essence of Samsara is indeed much more precious than the origin of Samsara. It is indeed a treasure that can be of great help to big bosses such as Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Although Lin Feng only got a small part.

But it definitely has a greater effect than obtaining many sources of reincarnation.

Now, Lin Feng does not have to wait to obtain the origin of reincarnation before he can try to break through to the realm of pioneering mysteries. Lin Feng is naturally extremely happy, and this energy has indeed brought Lin Feng too many surprises.

Lin Feng even felt that this kind of energy should be described as domineering.

This energy brought Lin Feng too many surprises.

over time.

Lin Feng's level also began to rise steadily.

In fact, the interval between Lin Feng's breakthroughs this time is relatively short. Normally, he needs to settle down. This can stabilize his own realm and also be of great help to his subsequent cultivation.

And if the breakthrough is too fast, it will easily lead to an unstable foundation.

That's it! Even if a breakthrough is achieved, problems may arise later.

But Lin Feng didn't have a big problem this time.

Firstly, although Lin Feng made a very important breakthrough last time, his level of improvement was not much.

Second, Lin Feng planned to use the sky fire to refine his magic power and supernatural powers, and even use the sky fire to temper his physical body in depth.

A two-pronged approach.

There will be no problems with subsequent breakthroughs.

While Lin Feng was practicing, the sky fire had already enveloped Lin Feng's body.

The blazing flames completely enveloped Lin Feng, and Lin Feng could not even be seen.

But Lin Feng was very happy because everything was as he expected.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Four days.

five days.

It took ten days.

Finally, Lin Feng discovered that there was only the last layer of obstacles left in front of him.

As long as this layer of obstacles is broken through, he will be able to achieve the final breakthrough.


When Lin Feng tried to break through this obstacle, Lin Feng suddenly heard a shout.


This shout was very strange, as if it had the ability to influence people's minds. When Lin Feng heard this shout, he raised his head involuntarily.

He then saw a mysterious being standing in the void.

Lin Feng didn't know who that mysterious being was, but that mysterious being gave Lin Feng a feeling like he was standing tall on a mountain.

he! He is so aloof and arrogant that he controls the fate of hundreds of millions of creatures. He is immortal and makes people want to kneel in front of him and worship him.

"Kneel down! Swear to the God of Pioneer! You will become a servant of the God of Pioneer, and you are willing to give everything you have for the God of Pioneer!".

The mysterious being looked down at Lin Feng and said in an unquestionable voice.

"Are you kidding?" Lin Feng sneered.

"Kneel down! Kneel down! Kneel down!...".

But what Lin Feng didn't expect was that after he refuted the so-called God of Pioneer, countless voices suddenly resounded in his mind. It was the voice of the God of Pioneer.

This is not as simple as a simple sound.

Because this voice contains irresistible willpower.

That kind of strong willpower was unbelievable, so Lin Feng almost couldn't hold it back at the first time, and almost knelt on the ground to worship the **** of pioneering.


Lin Feng's willpower is strong enough, and his willpower plays a major role at critical moments.

An idea came into Lin Feng's mind.

die! You can’t kneel either!

"Kneel down! Kneel down! Kneel down...".

The more Lin Feng resisted, the faster and louder the voice in his mind became.

The pressure released by that rapid and high-pitched voice became more and more powerful and terrifying.

It seemed increasingly difficult for Lin Feng to resist.

That willpower seemed to have the aura to dominate the world and would definitely overwhelm Lin Feng.

"It's just a breakthrough. To actually create such a big battle and try to defeat my willpower is really ridiculous. I don't care who you are. If you dare to stop me, I will smash you to pieces."

Lin Feng's voice could be described as extremely cold. He used strong willpower to resist the oppression of the pioneer god.

Lin Feng gathered an invincible punch and blasted directly towards the **** of pioneering.

The **** of pioneering roared angrily, "I am the highest god, you dare to attack me? You are seeking death, go to hell!".

The God of Pioneer also took action, and also punched Lin Feng down. His punch contained unimaginable will power, and everyone was enveloped by his punch.

I probably have to give up even the idea of ​​taking action.

However, Lin Feng's willpower overcame all thoughts that had an impact on his spirit, and he punched out.


The smoke disappeared.

The **** of pioneering also disappeared. "This is..." Lin Feng was surprised. He instantly thought of a certain possibility. In some key realms, various "difficulties" may always occur. For example, this time must be a "difficulty". Of course, it can also look

Success is an important test. But what Lin Feng doesn’t know is that when he breaks through to the realm of pioneering mysteries, not only will he be tested by the **** of pioneering, but every monk will be tested by the **** of pioneering. The **** of pioneering is fictitious, but he is

It is real, because it is a **** that evolved from the realm and is specifically designed to test the willpower of a monk.

In the confrontation with the **** of pioneering, a monk who knelt down in less than a minute would not be able to break through the secret of pioneering.

A monk who can persist for one to five minutes without kneeling can complete a breakthrough, and for more than five minutes, the longer the persistence, the greater the potential. The greater the potential, the higher the possibility of breaking through to the quasi-pioneer realm later. .

Generally, those who can survive for more than ten minutes are as rare as a feather, and those who can directly destroy the **** of pioneering like Lin Feng are extremely rare.

When Lin Feng completed his breakthrough, countless amounts of luck fell from the sky and poured into Lin Feng's body. When the overwhelming luck fell, it even caused the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Divine Court to tremble. "What happened?" In the Supreme Court, inside the Gate of Eternal Life, an ancient strong man opened his eyes.

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