Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9102: 737 opportunities

This breakthrough obviously brought a huge surprise to Lin Feng. The main reason was that this breakthrough was an unexpected breakthrough, and the improvement in strength was quite astonishing.

Not only his own realm has been improved, but his soul and body have also been improved. Originally, Lin Feng's soul level was the soul power of the quasi-pioneer level of thirteen immortal temples, but after this breakthrough, it directly reached the soul power of seventeen immortal temples. This improvement is really huge.

It was beyond Lin Feng's expectation.

It was indeed a breakthrough in a major realm, and the accompanying soul power increased extremely much, making Lin Feng extremely happy. The improvement in the physical body is also quite astonishing. As mentioned before, Lin Feng's physical body is extremely close to the pioneer level, almost reaching the second level of Yu Leap. Although Yu Yue is one and a half steps into the pioneer level. Existence is only a very small level, but the monks still carefully divided the differences between Yu Yue. Of course, now Lin Feng's physical body has almost reached the third level of Yu Yue, which is far from the physical level of the pioneer realm.

, go one step further.

This breakthrough can be said to be an overall improvement for Lin Feng. Next, Lin Feng needs to stabilize his own realm. After all, breakthroughs in large realms are different from breakthroughs in small realms. Breaking through several levels in a small realm in a row, stabilizes his own realm a little, and then continues to break through.

Maybe there won't be much of a problem.

But after breaking through to a big realm, you still need to settle down. This is especially true for monks of Lin Feng's level. Only by settling down the foundation can you jump higher later.

After several days of seclusion in time and space, Lin Feng came out of seclusion. Although Lin Feng had been in seclusion in time and space for a long time, only a few hours had passed in the real world. The Ghost Mother Qiankun was still in seclusion to heal her wounds. Lin Feng looked at the Ghost Mother Qiankun and noticed her face.

The ruddy color has returned, and the originally chaotic aura has become more and more stable. It seems that Qiankun Ghost Mother will be able to come out of seclusion soon.

As expected by Lin Feng, after an hour, Qiankun Ghost Mother opened her eyes.

She saw Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was also looking at her.

Qiankun Ghost Mother's pretty face seemed to turn slightly rosy and she said, "Have you seen enough?"

Lin Feng said, "Fairy, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean any blasphemy, I just appreciate it. After all, appreciating beauty is human nature!"

In the past, Lin Feng was called Senior Qiankun Ghost Mother, but recently he was called Fairy.

But it’s different from “calling me Xiao Tiantian before, but now calling me Mrs. Niu”.

Qiankun Ghost Mother quite likes the change of titles between the two parties.

Lin Feng said, "There is something strange in the depths. It seems that the Sacred Tree of Samsara is about to take action. Let's leave quickly!".


Qiankun Ghost Mother nodded. In fact, Qiankun Ghost Mother has not yet refined the reincarnation mother essence she got, but this is not the place to refine the reincarnation mother essence, and the time is wrong, so Qiankun Ghost Mother plans to go out and refine the reincarnation mother essence.

Too late.

Lin Feng and Qiankun Ghost Mother quickly flew towards the border. After reaching the border, they tore through the void and wanted to leave the world created by the Samsara Sacred Tree. At this time, violent fluctuations came from the depths.

That place was far away from where Lin Feng and the others were, but even though it was so far away, Lin Feng felt frightened by the fluctuations in that place.

The killing has already begun.

Lin Feng sighed slightly, wondering how many people would die tragically in it.

He and Qiankun Ghost Mother left the world created by the Samsara Divine Tree, but they have not yet left the Samsara Barrier.

Qiankun Ghost Mother looked at Lin Feng and said, "I plan to leave the reincarnation barrier directly and go to the outside world. What are your plans?".

Lin Feng said, "I have to wait a while, because some of my friends are still looking for opportunities in the enchantment of reincarnation!".


Qiankun Ghost Mother nodded, and then said, "Let's say goodbye here!".

"good". Lin Feng answered simply.

Qiankun Ghost Mother left quickly.

Soon after, Wuliang Taoist priest also came out.

But Wuliang Taoist priests were miserable.

His hair was disheveled and his body was covered in blood.

When he saw Lin Feng, Wuliang Taoist burst into tears.

He even ran towards Lin Feng, opened his arms, and wanted to give Lin Feng a big bear hug, but Lin Feng dodged him.

Lin Feng said, "I don't do **** things!".

Wuliang Taoist said, "The Taoist is not doing anything, the Taoist just wants to be comforted."

Then Wuliang Taoist priest began to tell the history of his blood and tears. His history of blood and tears was narrated in the process of denounced the spirit of the sacred tree of reincarnation.

turn out to be. A large number of monks were attracted into a secret place. That secret place was where the Divine Tree of Samsara had laid a trap. The Taoist Wuliang also went there and found a blood stone of samsara. According to the Taoist Wuliang, the samsara blood stone was

The blood stone is too precious, and the blood stained with it is extremely mysterious. If you can get the reincarnation blood stone, you might be able to forge a pioneer-level treasure.

Lin Feng was extremely shocked by Wuliang Taoist Priest's words. He did not expect that the so-called reincarnation blood stone was so precious, which was shocking.

But he was about to get the reincarnation blood stone.

The killing begins.

Various killing formations broke out, and the treasure of the Samsara Blood Stone was also covered by the formation. The treasure that was right in front of us just disappeared.

Wuliang Taoist priest was so angry that he almost vomited blood. "That place... has really flowed with blood. It's too terrifying. At least tens of thousands of large formations are superimposed. I don't know how these large formations are superimposed. Master Dao, I can be regarded as walking through the south and breaking through. North characters

But it was also the first time I saw so many large formations stacked together. It was so shocking. Killing people was as easy as chopping vegetables and melons! " said Wuliang Taoist Priest.

Lin Feng was also moved. He did not expect such a terrifying situation to occur. He said, "It's time. The Samsara Sacred Tree has enough time to set up these formations!". After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "Logically speaking, if you communicate well with the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree, relying on our previous friendship with the Samsara Sacred Tree Spirit, she shouldn't make things difficult for you, right? Why, you would do this So embarrassed?"

. Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Didn't I get the reincarnation blood stone?" I scolded the spirit of the reincarnation tree. That woman was so small-minded that she almost killed me. If it wasn't for him, I would have ended up in the end. Kneel down and beg for mercy

, Master Dao, I may have really explained it in it! ". Hearing Wuliang Taoist's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. Wuliang Taoist is really such a mean-spirited man. If the spiritual net of the Samsara Divine Tree hadn't been opened, he might have been trapped inside. , this Taoist priest

, sooner or later you will die from his mouth. Lin Feng then touched his chin. Lin Feng was thinking about something. Previously, because Lin Feng asked the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara to help him rescue the Universe Ghost Mother, he could not continue to ask the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara to help him suppress the Desolate Demon. But since the killing array he was in was so terrifying, Lin Feng felt that the wild demon might also be seriously injured. If this was the case, it would be a great opportunity to suppress the wild demon.

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