Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9112: 747 Fierce battle with wild demon

"The Valley of Transformation into Gods and Demons...". The moment the Desolate Demon was teleported in, he couldn't help but let out an angry roar. He was also a well-informed person, and he was also an indigenous person. Naturally, he knew this place, the Demonic Valley of Transformation. After arriving here, the Desolate Demon immediately

I feel that my various abilities are plummeting. This is the terrifying thing about the Valley of Transformation Gods and Demons. It can greatly suppress the strength of gods and demons such as Huang Mo.

"I kill you!". The wild demon roared and looked at Wuliang Taoist Priest with a fierce killing intent. In Huang Mo's view, if it were not for Wuliang Taoist priest, he would have escaped this time and would not have been teleported into the God-Transforming Demon Valley. Now

Wuliang Taoist priest had successfully replaced Lin Feng and became the person that Huang Mo wanted to kill most. Huang Mo waved his fist and punched out the divine and demonic fist, blasting towards Wuliang Taoist priest.

"Help, my life is at risk!". The Wuliang Taoist priest screamed in horror. The attack of the Desolate Demon was too terrifying and he could not resist it. The Wuliang Taoist priest wanted to dodge, but found that he had been locked by the Desolate Demon's breath. It was impossible.

Avoid this terrifying attack from the land reclamation demon.

However, before the terrifying attack of the Desolate Demon came over, Lin Feng appeared between the Desolate Demon and the Wuliang Taoist Priest.

Lin Feng instantly activated the indestructible power of the Vajra. Lin Feng did not activate the magic weapon to construct a defensive light shield to resist the attack of the wild demon because the attack of the wild demon was already coming. Lin Feng was not given this time at all. However, it would be faster to activate the indestructible power of the Vajra, although this time difference

There is no way to activate several top-level defensive magic weapons, but you can activate the indestructible power of the Vajra.

The defensive ability of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Art is also quite amazing. It should not be a problem to withstand the attack of the wild demon.

boom. The next moment, Lin Feng and the Desolate Demon collided fiercely. Although he withstood the Desolate Demon's attack, the extremely violent force still sent Lin Feng flying away. Then Lin Feng bumped into Wuliang Taoist Priest behind him, and was with Wuliang.

Taoist Liang flew out together, and the wild demon wanted to attack Lin Feng and Taoist Wuliang, but at this time the formation was activated. Lin Feng and Taoist Wuliang were covered by the formation, and they didn't know where they landed.

thump! thump!

Wuliang Taoist and Lin Feng fell to the ground one after another.

"Ouch! You knocked me to death!" Wuliang Taoist priests screamed.

Lin Feng said, "I took away all the strength. How much strength did you bear, and it fell you to death?".

Wuliang Taoist said, "Master Tao, I am different from you. You have rough skin and thick flesh, so you are not afraid of falling at all. Master Tao, I have thin skin and tender flesh, and I cannot bear such a beating!".

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

This **** Taoist priest is always so thick-skinned, which is admirable.

But this time, Wuliang Taoist priest was able to move the Desolate Demon into the Valley of Transformation Gods and Demons, and he had indeed made a great contribution.

Lin Feng said, "Taoist, I want to thank you this time. It seems that you still love me. That's good. After I deal with this guy, I will give you a thousand super-level fairy stones as a reward for your help!".

In fact, Wuliang Taoist Priest also knew that the 10,000 pieces of super-level immortal stones he wanted before were a bit too unrealistic, and it was just like blackmail.

Being able to get a thousand super-level immortal stones has already made Wuliang Taoist extremely satisfied, but Wuliang Taoist is satisfied in his heart, but he will not show it on his face.

He said, "It's not too late to talk about remuneration after it's over!".

Wuliang Taoist was thinking to see if he could get some more super-level fairy stones from Lin Feng. This guy simply used Lin Feng as a cash machine.

Lin Feng also knew that the top priority now was to quickly suppress Huang Mo.

This is the most ideal situation. Because the Desolate Demon is very powerful, if possible, Lin Feng would naturally want to conquer the Desolate Demon and use it for his own use. However, if it is impossible to conquer the Desolate Demon, then he would have to kill the Desolate Demon. Lin Feng would never stay. this

Such a deeply troubled person.

Under Lin Feng's greeting, everyone returned to their positions, and then activated the formation together. Because the Demon Valley of Transformation suppresses the combat power of the Desolate Demon extremely, after the Desolate Demon came in, his combat power has been continuously declining. The Desolate Demon knew that his situation was quite dangerous, so when he came up, he burned his own origin to increase the power of the Desolate Demon.

Improve your own strength.

The battle strength of the Desolate Demon has indeed improved astonishingly.

However, with so many people from Lin Feng and the others, coupled with the cooperation of the formation restrictions and the God-Transforming Demon Valley, Huang Mo was immediately in trouble.

Lin Feng even sacrificed his Sky-shaking Stone Tablet.

At this time, the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet can often play a quite astonishing role. The wild demon couldn't break out even if he wanted to. He was knocked away again and again. He was very embarrassed. The wild demon couldn't help but roared, "Damn it! Damn it! It's really like a tiger falling flat and being bullied by a dog. You people will only hide in the big formation." after

Now, manipulating a large formation to deal with me is simply the behavior of a villain. If you have the guts, then come out and have a one-on-one with me! ". Lin Feng said, "Desolate Demon! You'd better save it. It's useless to talk nonsense. This world will only remember the winner, not the loser. You are a loser now, no matter how strong you are,

But if you die in our hands, you will become a thing of the past. Who will care about a dead person? ".

"Lin Feng! You despicable villain, you have no way to kill me!". The wild demon roared, and he turned into a ball of light and rushed quickly in one direction.

It seemed that he wanted to forcibly tear apart the formation restriction at that position, and then rush out from that position.

However, Lin Feng's eleven sky-shaking stone tablets fell from the sky, trying to suppress the wild demon.

But Huang Mo was so powerful that he actually blew away eleven of Lin Feng's sky-shaking stone tablets, and then continued to try to tear apart the formation and rush out.

The wild demon's body burned even more fiercely.

This guy has tried his best to get out of trouble.

Even if it was the formation restriction arranged by Lin Feng, it seemed that he could hardly hold on at this time.

Formation restrictions are constantly being destroyed. If this continues, the Desolate Demon will have to break through the encirclement.

"This guy is so terrible in trying to fight for his life. I'm afraid we won't be able to stop him from getting out!". Wuliang Taoist said.

The rest of the people also looked solemn. Lin Feng said, "He himself is injured, and he has burned so much of his essence. He has already been injured more and more. Although he looks extremely powerful, in fact, he is just at the end of his strength. He only needs to break his current state.

, the Desolate Demon will inevitably be defeated, you continue to mobilize the large formation to deal with the Desolate Demon, and I will break the Desolate Demon's current state."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng disappeared from the formation's eyes.

When Lin Feng appeared again, he had already appeared above the Desolate Demon. Lin Feng sacrificed twenty-three stone swords and went towards the Desolate Demon to kill him.

"It's just a small trick."

Seeing the stone sword that Lin Feng had sacrificed when he suddenly appeared, Huang Mo's voice was extremely cold, and he could only hear him yell, "Big Demon Hand!".

He stretched out his right hand, and with a sudden sweep in the void, a big hand containing endless demonic power was formed.

That big hand, so weird, mysterious, and unimaginably terrifying, actually swept those stone swords away. Then, the big hand grabbed Lin Feng's neck directly, as if he wanted to grab Lin Feng's neck and strangle Lin Feng to death.

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