Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9116: 751Life originated in the ocean

After being swallowed by the scroll, Lin Feng found that he appeared in the world inside the scroll. There was nothing on the scroll except two clouds. But after entering the world of the scroll, many differences appeared.

Such a place.

There are blue sky, sea, clouds, islands, and so on. Yes, Lin Feng appeared above the ocean. The sun was dazzling but also warm. You could hear the sound of blue waves, and you could also see seabirds flying near the sea in the distance, seemingly looking for small fish in the sea.


But suddenly. A big fish rushed out of the sea, opened its huge mouth, like the mouth of a sea monster, and swallowed the seabirds. The seabirds fled in panic, but several seabirds still did not escape and were That looks like

The strange big fish ate it, and then its huge body fell into the ocean.

This place seems to be no different from the ordinary ocean, but how can such a place be simple?

"What secret is hidden here?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder.

He was flying above the ocean. Lin Feng planned to see what secrets there seemed to be hidden in the void above the ocean, but after a careful inspection, he found nothing.

Islands appear from time to time in the ocean.

They are all small islands.

There are also creatures on the island, but Lin Feng discovered that the creatures on the island are very ordinary, and even beings with activated spiritual intelligence are extremely rare.

Even if the spiritual intelligence is turned on, it is only initially turned on. It is smarter than ordinary beasts. That's all. It cannot communicate with Lin Feng in any way.

The world here is not like the world of cultivators.

It felt like an ordinary world to Lin Feng.

No, not even as good as the ordinary world. Because even in ordinary worlds, extraordinary creatures have actually been born. For example, in some ordinary worlds, in some mountains and forests, in oceans, lakes, etc., there may be extremely powerful beasts.

They are wise and powerful.

Because people in the ordinary world don't have much strength, they don't dare to go to those dangerous places easily.

But here, there are no powerful creatures, not even as good as the ordinary world. This is what makes Lin Feng more confused.

In particular, this scroll is so extraordinary.

The world inside should also be more extraordinary.

Even Lin Feng would not be surprised that some ancient and powerful beings were sealed here. Only the current situation made him feel a little confused.

There must be something wrong somewhere, Lin Feng thought.

"Although even the ordinary world seems to be inferior, this world seems... to be a world full of vitality!"

Lin Feng observed the world and couldn't help but think slightly.

The reason why I say this is because a strong person like him can clearly feel what a world is like. For example, a world that seems to be full of vitality is actually heading towards weakness and death.

And a world in decline may be about to reverse this decline, turn from decline to prosperity, and regain its youthful vitality.

To put it bluntly, this seems to be somewhat similar to the direction of human life.

The feeling of this world to Lin Feng was like the early stage of a person's growth. Although he was still young and had not yet mastered any special abilities, it was precisely because of his youth that the future was full of infinite hope.

Just like the newborn sun.

Full of hope and sunshine.

"Life originated in the ocean." Suddenly, a sentence flashed in Lin Feng's mind. This is a sentence from an extremely ancient classic. Unfortunately, who wrote that classic is no longer known, because the last name of the classic is damaged, and there is only one "Yang"

The word, this is the surname, the name behind it is gone.

This sentence brought a lot of shock to Lin Feng at the time.

Because, in the world of cultivators, there has never been a saying that life originated from the ocean.

Among the myths, there are also a series of myths such as Nuwa's creation of human beings.

Although this is just a myth, these things can be extended.

In particular, some ancient beings are the Holy Spirit who were born and raised in the earth. Later, after these ancient beings were born and became stronger, they could create "races".

This much is certain. And those Holy Spirits who are born in the earth are born in special sacred stones, such as the reincarnated pioneers and others. They are all beings who came out of the sacred stones. A small number of them may be born from some special flowers.

Flowers, among the vegetation.

But these things don't exist in the ocean.

Therefore, the argument that life originated in the ocean may sound unrealistic.

Of course, we cannot completely deny it. After all, the four universes contain too many worlds.

Maybe, in some worlds, life is really born in the ocean, although it is not universally applicable.


In some specific worlds, this may happen.


Lin Feng looked towards the ocean.

There is nothing special about any place above the ocean, but there are some special places below the ocean.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly flew towards the interior of the ocean.

Soon he entered the bottom of the ocean. There were many creatures in the ocean, but they were basically ordinary creatures that had not yet evolved into more powerful sea beasts.

Lin Feng was flying quickly in the world at the bottom of the ocean.

I want to see if there are any secrets hidden here.

Soon after.

Lin Feng saw a hazy world appearing in front of him.

In the hazy world, there seems to be an ancient stone gate. That ancient stone gate looks so mysterious and extraordinary, and it releases an aura of immortality.

"God, what is that? it so like the door to eternal life?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked. In another area, some sacred stones were born. The number was not large, but the aura contained in those sacred stones was also extraordinary. However, those sacred stones also gave Lin Feng a familiar feeling, a bit like the aura of the sky-shaking stone monument.


This made Lin Feng's expression shocked. Could it be the sacred stone that forged the Sky-shaking Stone Monument?

Lin Feng looked towards another area, and his eyes suddenly condensed. Because, in that area, a huge temple can be vaguely seen, like a glorious and immortal divine palace. It stands there. It is unknown how many millions of years it has been conceived. That place is like the birthplace of life.

The place of origin is general. "The aura and the Supreme Court are like..." Lin Feng was shocked in his heart. This place is so extraordinary and weird. How come it seems to have given birth to a new Supreme Court, the Gate of Eternal Life, and the sacred stone that forged the sky-shattering stone monument?

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