Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9122: 757 Possible strategies for hatching stone eggs

Shitou Dan doesn't look like a serious person, and the method Lin Feng mentioned is naturally not to suppress certain people and let Shitou Dan swallow up their luck.

He didn't offend Lin Feng.

How could Lin Feng do that kind of thing? The method Lin Feng mentioned was connected with the subsequent Kyushu War. Now, the son of the pioneer, Su Yuexi and others went to discuss recruiting people with the forces behind them. When the time comes, they will inevitably attract a legion with a terrifying number and extremely strong strength. Lin

Feng's army is fighting with the opponent's monk army. It's unknown how many people will die by then, and even many top experts will die. When the time comes, the stone eggs can swallow up the luck of the dead monks.

However, there is also a problem in this place, that is, the various auras on the battlefield are relatively messy. The luck left by the dead monk will inevitably confuse various negative forces. Normally, it cannot be swallowed, because this kind of luck containing negative power will seriously affect the devourer, and even make the other party's temperament deteriorate.

Change to the point of going crazy, etc., but Stone Egg's methods are very special. Lin Feng knew that Stone Egg must have a way to remove those negative forces.

So Lin Feng told Shitoudan about the war in Kyushu. When Stone Egg heard Lin Feng mention the Son of the Pioneer, he couldn't help but was slightly startled. Stone Egg had not been born for a long time and did not know many things about the outside world, but he definitely knew what the word "Pioneer" represented.


Shitoudan said, "Is there really someone who has broken through to the pioneer realm?".

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded. Stone Egg said, "Is it an existence similar to me? Or is it the existence that came out of that place back then?" Obviously, in Stone Egg's view, if there is anyone who has the most hope of breaking through to the pioneer realm, it is definitely them.

Several ancient beings who were born in the birthplace of the Gate of Eternal Life and other things.

Lin Feng said, "You are overthinking. The existence of the first breakthrough pioneer is not the existence you think, but a strong man born in the early stage of this reincarnation!".


Shitoudan looked very surprised and said, "Has no one achieved a breakthrough in several reincarnations?".

"That's just one person!". Lin Feng said. Stone Egg said, "It seems that it is really difficult for the pioneers to break through, but this is normal. It is the supreme realm. Breaking through is naturally as difficult as reaching the sky. Moreover, although there have been several reincarnations, for the most top-level existence Generally speaking, cultivation is always moving forward. Time will change many things, but time will also make the cultivation system more perfect. Maybe someone in this reincarnation can complete a breakthrough. It is the former

It is the result of the development of several reincarnation monastic systems and the accumulation of experience! Lin Feng said, "There is a reason for this, but there is also some luck. It is said that the being at that time was the first being to successfully fuse the special seeds. The first person to eat the melon was obviously the most full." of,

Therefore, he completed the breakthrough, and those who tried to use this method to break through later failed! ". At this point, Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "Of course, there may be many reasons for the failure of those behind, but one thing cannot be ignored, that is, the special seeds they refined are also different.

The special seeds may also be an important reason for the failure of those people!” Improvement, but obviously, if you want to achieve higher achievements, you just rely solely on the experience of your predecessors.

Experimentation is not enough, innovation is needed..." Shitoudan said.

For some reason, Lin Feng felt like laughing when he heard Shitoudan's three or four-year-old childish voice with an old-fashioned tone.

However, some of what Stone Egg said was extremely reasonable.

this world!

But it's much more complicated than imagined! Cultivation is even more like this, it involves more far-reaching things, and all aspects involved are more complicated, so Lin Feng sometimes thinks about this issue, just like Lin Feng's cultivation is going smoothly now, starting from his ancestors

There were many extraordinary methods inherited there, including some inherited from his father, such as the Great Heavenly Freedom Magic Technique, etc., which allowed Lin Feng to practice and get twice the result with half the effort.

But Lin Feng's ambition is not just to become a cosmic boss, or to be able to compete with those powerful people from ancient times.

He wants to be a pioneer-level being, or even something beyond a pioneer.

This requires Lin Feng to develop some new methods and so on.

Of course, Lin Feng is also exploring.

For example, Lin Feng's Supreme Way is his exploration. Stone Egg was extremely interested in the Sons of the Pioneers and asked a lot of information about the Sons of the Pioneers. Apparently, Stone Egg seemed to have dealt with the Sons of the Pioneers during the Kyushu War, which was between heaven and earth.

The only time a pioneer son ever appeared.

Being the son of a pioneer is a blessing in itself.

However, Stone Egg was also worried that he might not be able to handle the Son of the Pioneer, and asked Lin Feng about the strength of the Son of the Pioneer. Lin Feng said, "Earlier, the strength of the Sons of the Pioneers was not so strong, but it has been a long time. Now the world has changed greatly. Every once in a while, a monk may undergo huge changes, so now I really don’t know what the strength of Son of the Pioneer is, but one thing is certain. This guy is far behind me. With your methods, there is no problem in dealing with him.

What a problem, but the only thing I'm worried about is that there might be a protector behind this guy. If there is such a strong person protecting him, it will not be so easy to deal with him! ".

But Shitoudan looked like he was better than Hong Hong, and said, "It's okay if there is no so-called protector. If there is such a protector, then I will also take the fate of that protector. Devoured!".

Lin Feng smiled slightly and did not try to undermine Shitou Dan's self-confidence.

Lin Feng actually had some connection with the pioneers. If possible, Lin Feng did not want to personally kill the son of the pioneers.

And if Stone Egg can successfully deal with the Son of the Pioneer, it can be regarded as helping Lin Feng solve a serious problem.

This is something Lin Feng is happy to see. Therefore, Lin Feng was in favor of the Stone Egg dealing with the Son of the Pioneer. At the same time, he also hoped that the Stone Egg could succeed. If it really swallowed up the luck of the Son of the Pioneer, and also swallowed up part of the energy of the monks who died on the battlefield. With luck, there is a high probability that the stone egg will be hatched, and Lin Feng is still looking forward to it.

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