Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 759: Su Wanning's request

Although he didn't know what Su Wanning wanted to ask, it was always impolite to let people stand outside. Lin Feng invited Su Wanning into his room.

Lin Feng's room was very large, divided into two rooms: inside and outside.

In addition to the living room, the outer room is also equipped with tables, kitchens and other things. There are various things inside, most of which are decorations.

On the table are pens, ink, paper, inkstones and other things.

Lin Feng sometimes writes and other things, not to practice calligraphy.

Mainly, this is a way to relax when nothing happens.

Lin Feng poured a cup of tea for Su Wanning and said, "This is a snow tea that I occasionally got earlier. How do you like it?"

Su Wanning took a careful sip and then said, "The taste is very fresh, slightly bitter with a hint of sweetness. It seems that there is a kind of Tao power brewing and flowing. Isn't this tea a bit similar to the legendary tea?" The Ancient Tea of ​​Enlightenment!".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "In some aspects, it does seem to be similar to the ancient tea of ​​Wudao!".

Lin Feng looked slightly serious and then asked, "I wonder what Sister Su wants to talk to me about?".

Su Wanning said, "That's it. After things here are over, will the young master go to the Demon Kingdom?"

Lin Feng did have this plan. After all, the Kingdom of Demons is considered an aborigine in the world of the Reincarnation Channel. The Kingdom of Demons is quite powerful. In addition to being a powerful force, the Kingdom of Demons also has a good relationship with many forces. Quite good, if you have a good relationship with the Kingdom of Demons.

It will be easier to recruit other forces to deal with the Monk Army on the Sons of the Pioneers side.

Lin Feng naturally knew all this.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, I plan to go to the Demon Kingdom later!".

Su Wanning said, "It's like this. A few years ago, I discovered a secret place called Shuiyue Cave. I opened the first few caves in the secret place, but I couldn't open the later caves. , I would like to ask Young Master Lin to help me go over and take a look, to see if the restrictions at the back can also be opened!"

Lin Feng thought for a moment and then said, "There should be top formation masters in the Demon Kingdom. As you, invite the strong men from the Demon Kingdom to help, I think they will not refuse!".

To be honest, if Lin Feng's question is heard by others, many people will definitely say that this is a question asked by a straight man. It is inevitable that there will be complaints like it's no wonder you are single.

In fact, Lin Feng knew all this.

Lin Feng also deliberately asked this question, mainly because Lin Feng has been too busy recently with various things, and there will be a war in Kyushu later. He doesn't have much thought to provoke Su Wanning, and to say the least, even if Lin Feng I have been deliberately not having anything happen to Su Wanning, but who knows what the situation is in the place Su Wanning mentioned. If that place is special, wouldn't it be terrible if I enter it and be trapped in it for a long time? Jiuzhou's Everything will be delayed.

Therefore, if Lin Feng could avoid taking action, he would try his best not to take action.

Su Wanning said, "It's because that place is special!".

"Oh? It's special? What's so special about it?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Su Wanning's charming and delicate face turned slightly rosy at this time, as if she was a little shy.

Lin Feng's observations were quite subtle.

Su Wanning's slight changes were all seen by Lin Feng. Lin Feng was surprised that exploring a secret place actually made Su Wanning shy. This kind of change was something Lin Feng did not expect.

Su Wanning said, "That's right! That place contains extremely powerful phantom formations. Some formations can have a serious impact on men and women, and may even make them... lose themselves and want uncontrollably...".

Speaking of this, Su Wanning's face became more and more rosy.

Even, in a pair of autumn eyes.

Full of spring water.

It's like a woman has met the man she likes. Her shy and emotional expression is really beautiful.

Lin Feng had to sigh, this woman was indeed too alluring.

Body, face, temperament, etc.

They are all so excellent.

Of course, Lin Feng also knew what Su Wanning was worried about from her remarks.

In that place, it is very likely that the monks who enter there will be unable to control themselves and something special will happen.

If this is the case, Su Wanning cannot freely invite others to help break the formation.

But she invited herself.

This is not to imply to herself that even if something happens to her, she will be willing to do so.

Lin Feng's mood was actually quite complicated.

Su Wanning made her words so clear, so why should he pretend not to understand anything?

Of course.

Lin Feng could still choose to reject Su Wanning, but he thought that if he rejected Su Wanning this time, Su Wanning might really find someone else to help him later.

Thinking that if Su Wanning found someone else, something like that would really happen.

Lin Feng felt uncomfortable in his heart.

This is what men do, if a beautiful woman is interested in him and rejects her for various reasons, but after knowing that something happened between this beautiful woman and other men, he will not feel comfortable after all.

Men are somewhat possessive.

Lin Feng naturally did the same.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Lin Feng said to Su Wanning, "Okay, wait until you get to the Kingdom of Demons and then look for me again!".

In fact, Su Wanning thought that Lin Feng would not agree, so after hearing that Lin Feng agreed to her request, Su Wanning was obviously stunned.

But then.

Su Wanning showed an expression of surprise, and looked at Lin Feng with eyes full of love.

She quickly stood up and came to Lin Feng's side.

Then, with Lin Feng looking confused, Su Wanning took the initiative and bowed slightly.

Red lips parted slightly.

Touch Lin Feng's lips lightly.

Su Wanning's face was turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What he did just now was probably done out of excitement.

In fact, Lin Feng originally thought that Su Wanning should have "experience". After all, a woman of her age should not be inexperienced, but now it seems that Su Wanning is really a clean and self-sufficient woman.

Su Wanning came to her senses and quickly separated from Lin Feng. Perhaps because she was too shy, she turned around and wanted to run outside.

However, Lin Feng grabbed Su Wanning's wrist.

"me…". After Su Wanning was caught by Lin Feng, she hesitated and didn't know what to say, and she didn't even dare to look into Lin Feng's eyes.

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