Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9131: 766 Weird courtyard

The ground is dyed red with blood. Regardless of whether you are strong or weak, you must be careful in this kind of melee, because others may hit you from behind at any time and at any time, but you are not aware of it. This is

An extremely terrible thing. Fortunately, the number of the puppet monk army is far less than the number of monks from the four major coalition forces. Although the puppet monk army is quite powerful, under the attacks of the four major regional coalition forces, the puppet monk army is also retreating steadily.


"This thing seems good for forging an external avatar!". There are monks who are communicating in a low voice and have taken a fancy to the puppet monk army. In fact, what the other party said has some truth. First of all, the origin of the puppet monk army is mysterious. It must have been very powerful in life, which is in line with the characteristics of forging external incarnations.

Secondly, these puppet monk armies have been forged into puppet-like existences. There are some similarities between forging external incarnations and forging puppets. Therefore, it would be easier to use this kind of puppet to forge the external incarnation. Therefore, after killing the puppet monks, some monks collected some relatively well-preserved puppet monks, probably intending to forge the body.

The external incarnation is that this kind of puppet monk is not very useful to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng has no intention of recruiting these puppet monks.

An extremely tragic battle ended with a tragic victory for the four major regional coalition forces.

No matter what the process is, the result is finally good.

After the war, the monk army began to repair. However, the monk armies of the major forces quickly dispersed and were repairing in different areas. Obviously, the monks of the major forces later had to change from a cooperative relationship to a competitive relationship. As for the casual cultivators, they were also grouping together.

The power cannot be underestimated.

"Why do I feel that my soul is affected by some kind of power!".

"Me! I seem to feel it too!".

During the break, many people in the monk army were talking in low voices. In fact, Lin Feng also discovered this matter. This place seems to be able to produce some kind of suppression on the soul power. This suppression will naturally not have any impact on strong people of Lin Feng's level, but

It may have a certain impact on the ordinary monk army.

Moreover, Lin Feng felt that the power to suppress the soul seemed to be increasing.

It’s the Unparalleled City! This Wushuang City has undergone some changes after it was opened. This change is obviously unknown to outsiders such as Lin Feng, but it is obvious that some kind of power that suppresses the souls of the monks has been produced. It is just a change of Wushuang City.

Just a change.

This is a perceptible change.

There are many changes that are hidden in the dark and have not been discovered for the time being. This is the most terrifying thing.

It's just useless to worry about these things now, just take it one step at a time.

An hour later.

The monk army is ready to go.

"Let's first explore what good things there are in the first level city!". Lin Feng said.

Now he is in no hurry to enter the deeper city. After all, Lin Feng doesn't know much about Wushuang City now. Some things need to wait and he can't be in such a hurry.

In addition, Lin Feng was still waiting for Mr. Hua Fan to come to him.

Later, if he wants to destroy the sacred image in Wushuang City Temple, he has to work with Master Huafan. This is not an easy task.

Lin Feng has not forgotten the matter of searching for the Crystal of the Universe. Lin Feng hopes that things can go smoothly.

The first level of Wushuang City is extremely large in area, as huge as an ancient city, and is no different from other cities.

Various shops and houses are scattered around. It seems that many business people appeared in Wushuang City in the past, although I don't know what type of people live here.

But these people also need to live. Since they need to live, they have various needs.

It seems to be a normal thing for someone to do business. Many shops, houses, etc. were guarded by powerful formation restrictions. Under the leadership of their respective commanders, the monk army under Lin Feng quickly dispersed. Of course, they were all in nearby locations. These monk armies opened up.

He began to attack banned houses, shops, etc., wanting to destroy the restrictions in these places and enter them to see if there was anything good. "Hey, this house is a little different!" Wuliang Taoist had his eye on a house. The house he was referring to was not a larger house near the mainland, but a house in a small alley. From where Lin Feng and the others stood

From his position, he could just see the house. Lin Feng said, "Then let's go over and take a look!".

So Lin Feng, Wuliang Taoist and others quickly walked towards the house that Wuliang Taoist mentioned.

Soon they came to the house, which was not very glamorous.

It looks very old and dilapidated.

"No matter when, this kind of place doesn't look like a place where rich and powerful people live. Could it be where some hermits lived in the past?" The Back Dragon King said.

Lin Feng knew that Wuliang Taoist Priest might not be that powerful in other aspects, but his ability to find opportunities was still considerable.

At this time, Taoist Wuliang said, "Who knows who lives in this place? Although we are only active in the western city area now, I think this house is definitely one of the most important houses in the first level city!".

Seeing how serious and cautious Taoist Wuliang said it, everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

If this small courtyard is really so extraordinary, it would not be a bad thing for everyone.

Maybe you can really find a lot of opportunities in the small courtyard, which can be said to be a happy thing for everyone.

"Open the small courtyard first, enter the small courtyard and then see what the specific situation is!". Lin Feng said.

With the cooperation of everyone.

The formation restrictions in this small courtyard were quickly and completely cleared.

Wuliang Taoist opened the courtyard door and entered the small courtyard first. Lin Feng and others followed closely and entered the small courtyard one after another.

When they came in, they discovered that several gardens had been opened in this small courtyard.

This situation is quite normal. Many people will open gardens where they live and plant some rare herbs or precious elixirs.

But what surprised Lin Feng and the others was that these things were not grown in the gardens here.

But... very common vegetables and fruits. For example, Lin Feng saw a bright red fruit that seemed to be called a tomato.

There are also cucumbers, cabbage... and other vegetables.

"This soil is not simple. It is Jiutianxi loam. Are you using such precious soil to grow these ordinary fruits and vegetables? What kind of brain circuit does this owner have?" Wuliang Taoist couldn't help but murmur. But at this time, the fruits and vegetables that were originally lush and green, maybe because the courtyard gate was opened, black gas was emitted from inside. The black gas swallowed up all the fruits and vegetables in an instant.

The fruits and vegetables quickly withered and died, and the black energy was extremely strange, as if it had its own spirituality, and it quickly swept towards Lin Feng and others.

The Wuliang Taoist priest who was walking at the front waved the fly whisk in his hand, trying to disperse the black energy, but failed.

These black spirits! It seemed that they could not be destroyed. After being dispersed by countless Taoist priests, their number became even larger.

The black energy continued to surge towards everyone.

The Taoist Priest Wuliang quickly retreated. As he retreated, he shouted in horror, "What on earth is this ghost that devours the power of life?".

Lin Feng stepped forward and fired the sky fire. He wanted to use the sky fire to burn the black energy. It stands to reason that the sky fire can deal with the black energy, but something even more shocking happened.

After the black energy came into contact with the sky fire, one black energy split into countless strands, and the black energy became more and more terrifying, and continued to sweep towards Lin Feng and others.

For some reason, Lin Feng felt cold in his heart. Even the most powerful Desolate Demon seemed to feel that something was extremely wrong. He shouted loudly, "Sir, I feel that this place is too weird and makes me feel extremely uneasy. In the trap of the Sacred Tree of Samsara, I don't even feel uneasy at all." this

It's so strong here, let's get out quickly, I'm afraid things will change if we wait too long."

"Okay, exit first and then talk!". Lin Feng said in a deep voice. But it was already too late for them to retreat at this time.

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