Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9136: Is 771 destiny?

Probably no one thought that this hazy being would be so determined to take care of this matter, especially those beings in the darkness. They believed that the hazy being was a smart person and should know how to deal with it.

of choice.

However, the choice made by that hazy being was completely different from what they imagined.

"In that case! Then don't blame us for being ruthless!".

The leader said coldly.


He uttered one word coldly, and the other companions all started to kill the hazy existence. As for him, he was still suppressing the purple phoenix at the head.

So I didn't get away. Of course, although the other beings are not as powerful as him, their combat power is also unimaginably terrifying, and they also know the art of combined attacks. If such powerful beings are to deal with one person, the leading being feels that, looking at all the other beings,

There are only a handful of people in the world who can withstand it.

But the next moment, the leading being in the darkness showed an expression of disbelief. Because, he saw that hazy existence stepping forward, and he didn't know what method he used. All his subordinates were frozen in place. This was really incredible. After all, those of his Down

He was so powerful, even he couldn't immobilize those people instantly.

But the hazy existence did not stop there. He continued to move forward, and something terrible happened.

The bodies of those beings in the darkness, even the terrifying beings that could kill the strong men of the Purple Phoenix clan, turned into ashes in an instant.

A gust of wind blew.

The ashes turned into by those strong men were all blown away. Even the leader's being in the darkness almost had his eyes popping out. It was too terrifying, really too terrifying. He had only seen such terrifying methods from their master. From then on, long years passed.

He has never seen another person with such ability, but today, he saw it.

Without thinking, the leading being in the darkness turned into a ball of black energy and tried to escape.

The hazy existence sighed and said, "The world has been ruined by moths like you!".

After the words fell.

The hazy being flicked his finger, and a beam of light flew out at an incredible speed, instantly hitting the fleeing being.

After the being screamed, its body turned into ashes and was blown away by the wind.

Zi Fenghuang did not expect that this hazy existence would be so powerful. Before this, he had never even heard that there was such a mysterious figure between heaven and earth.

Purple Phoenix sighed! If this mysterious master could have come earlier, the Purple Phoenix clan might have been saved.

Maybe this is fate.

After all, his body couldn't hold on any longer, and he quickly fell towards the mountain forest. At this time, a mysterious force enveloped his body, allowing him to land smoothly on the ground.

That mysterious power then entered Zi Phoenix's body.

I want to treat Purple Phoenix's injuries. "It's a pity, it's a pity! Your injury can no longer be cured by relying on the power of ordinary elixirs. It can only be cured with the immortal elixir. Since those mysterious seeds that can be turned into the immortal elixir were banned by some ancient beings, now

It’s hard to find the elixir of immortality! ", said the hazy existence.

What he said was actually a declaration! The purple phoenix is ​​afraid that there is only one way to die!

Of course, the Phoenix family all have the ability to achieve Nirvana, unless the Purple Phoenix can achieve Nirvana. If Nirvana is successful, there is still a chance to return from the catastrophe.

However, Nirvana cannot be achieved just by saying Nirvana. There is a probability issue.

It's like Lin Feng has also practiced some methods of rebirth, but it is difficult to increase the probability after it reaches a certain level.

If it were true, he would be killed.

It's hard to say whether one can achieve nirvana or rebirth with the help of these magical powers. There is a question of probability.

Zi Fenghuang said, "In life and death, wealth and honor are determined by heaven. This may be the fate we are waiting for. This sir, I have one more thing to ask for before I die. I hope you can fulfill it!".

"Say it!", said the hazy existence. Zi Fenghuang said, "My clan still has an unhatched Phoenix God egg. Please accept this Phoenix God egg. After this child is born in the future, he will be able to serve you and become your slave."

This child is the greatest blessing! ".

"Okay, I promise you!". The hazy existence said.

The purple phoenix, after thanking him profusely, took out a divine egg and handed it to the hazy being.

That divine egg should be the last member of the Purple Phoenix clan. Zi Fenghuang continued, "My clan's divine blood has endless magical effects. Although we are dead, the divine blood still contains endless divine power. I no longer have the ability to repay you for your great kindness. After your death, your Lord

You can extract the divine blood from me and my people and refine it into a magical elixir, which may be of some help to you adults! ".

After saying these words, the purple phoenix bowed three times to the hazy existence.

He died of anger.

Unfortunately, when he was about to die, he failed to trigger the ability of nirvana, and ended up with the end of his body and soul.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the Purple Phoenix clan still has a Phoenix egg passed down.

It won't be like being completely wiped out.

At this point, the picture completely disappeared.

Lin Feng's consciousness also returned to his body, and he looked at something like a crystal glass ball in his hand.

It seems that that thing is likely to be refined by incorporating the origin of the Purple Phoenix Clan, divine blood, and possibly some other extraordinary things.

But the mysterious strong man didn't use it. Lin Feng estimated that the mysterious strongman only extracted the origin and divine blood of the strong people of the Purple Phoenix clan and refined it into this crystal glass ball, not because he needed it, but because he wanted to satisfy the last need of the Purple Phoenix before his death. Heart


Many people believe that only by fulfilling the wishes of the deceased can the deceased die in peace.

So that being, after forging the thing into shape, immediately buried the thing into the ground.

After endless long years passed, Lin Feng and others, by chance, dug out these crystal glass **** that had been covered in dust for a long time.

The value of these things is absolutely unimaginable.

"How to use this thing? After some induction, there is no information at all!". Wuliang Taoist priest murmured.

The others also nodded, saying that they found nothing after exploring the crystal glass ball.

Even the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast, which sensed the position of the crystal glass ball, had nothing to gain.

This surprised Lin Feng. In other words, among the people who sensed the crystal glass ball, he was the only one who "saw" what happened in the past year.

But really speaking, what happened in the past years has a lot to do with the Yang family.

Once again, he had a causal relationship with Yang.

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder, what was going on, and why he had a causal relationship with Yang one after another.

Could it be that it was destined? Or is it that he himself has some relationship with the Yang family that even he doesn't know about?

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