Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9140: 775 The method of borrowing life

"Another person died. It's the same situation as before. Did anyone see how he died?" someone asked with a solemn expression.

That was a lone monk. There was no one around, and no one paid attention to him, so everyone was shaking their heads and didn't pay attention to what happened.

Moreover, Lin Feng also said before that what just happened was not a curse of human skin. Everyone still trusted Lin Feng's words. After all, Lin Feng was a top powerhouse and the leader of the Kyushu monk army.

The credibility of what he said is relatively high. Since it’s not a curse, it’s some other means. But no matter what this means is, there should always be some clues. If you can find clues, you may be able to use these clues to

Solve the crisis faced by everyone.

However, now no one knows how the person died just now, which means that there will be people who will continue to die.

as expected. Another scream was heard. The monk who died this time was also a monk in the outer area. There were no familiar people around him. Everyone was looking towards the place where the dead monk was, not paying attention to the situation outside.

The monk was robbed silently.

"Still no one knows how he died?". Someone asked in a gloomy voice.

No one answered.

"Quit first and then talk!". Someone suggested. This proposal was quickly recognized by many people. There is something really weird about this Taoist temple, which makes every monk who enters the Taoist temple feel chilled and cannot stay in the Taoist temple any longer. Otherwise, return

I don't know what terrible things will happen.

But when everyone turned around and wanted to go out.

However, everyone discovered that the door of the Taoist Temple was missing.

"Where's the gate?" someone said with an ugly expression.

"Could it be that we have been deceived by an illusion?" someone then said.

Many people are showing off their magical powers and want to see if it is an illusion.

If it is an illusion, breaking the illusion can solve the immediate crisis. But soon everyone was sure of one thing, that is, what everyone experienced was not an illusion, everything happened really, including the death of the monks, and naturally included the discovery that the door had disappeared.


The gate itself may be weird and special.

When some special means set on the gate are triggered, it is extremely normal for the gate to disappear.

Just like the situation before me.

Everyone is trapped in the Taoist temple, and the situation is not good.

"Everyone, calm down! If you panic now, you will die faster. I think we should gather together, don't be alone, and look outside. Maybe we can avoid tragedy!" A monk said.

Many people felt that what the monk said was very reasonable, so everyone quickly gathered in the middle.

And, everyone looked outside.

If something similar to what happened before happened, everyone should be able to see it immediately.

The next moment, screams were heard, and another person was robbed.

It seemed that even if they gathered together, they could not prevent the monk's death. Lin Feng had the impression that the monk who died this time was a strong man from the Sea Clan. He had followed the Sea Emperor and the others before, but now the Sea Emperor and the others did not appear here. He didn’t know if he had gone to a deeper location. die

The monk who went there was accompanied by several strong men from the Sea Clan.

They stand together. "What happened?" Several sea tribe monks looked at each other. Even though their dead companion was standing next to them, they didn't find out how that companion died. Everything was too sudden and too fast.


No one reacted or noticed, everything was so weird, it made people feel chilly in their hearts.

"It's not a curse of human skin. Is it the rumored way to borrow life?" A monk said with a slightly trembling voice.

"The method of borrowing life? What is this?". someone asked.

The rest of the people also looked at the monk who spoke. The monk who spoke said, "First of all, I read about the method of borrowing life in a fragment of a scroll. I don't know whether it is really the case. The method of borrowing life is described in this way, It is said that there is an extremely evil spell, and some special means are arranged in certain places in advance. When someone arrives in that area, these special means can be activated, and then borrow the monk's life. After the person whose life is borrowed dies, Often only a piece of human skin and a pool of blood are left behind. It is very similar to the human skin curse, but it is a completely different method. There is another difference. The human skin curse can be prevented, but with the help of There is almost no way to do this

Be on guard, and the method of borrowing life is an evil method that is used only when you want to resurrect some terrible existence! ".

"What? Resurrection of some terrible existence? Doesn't that mean that the dead people were borrowed their lives to resurrect certain existences? And those who died became sacrifices?" Someone trembled. said the voice.

"It's most likely like this." The monk who mentioned the method of borrowing life nodded, confirming what this monk said.

The crowd suddenly became extremely commotion, because this showed that there might be a terrifying existence dormant in this place.

If so, that would be terrifying.

If that being is really resurrected, I don't know how many people will die in his hands.

Someone looked at Lin Feng and said, "Master Lin, are the people behind you here? Or is the Qiankun Ghost Mother here? How about asking them to take action?" Many people's hopeful eyes are on Lin Feng. They feel that Lin Feng has the support of a strong person. Even if the strong person is not here, it would be fine if the Qiankun Ghost Mother is here. A strong person of this level may take action.

to resolve the immediate crisis.

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "Sorry! They are not here!".

"Are there any strong men of this level here?" someone asked.

Still no one answered.

ah! Screams were heard again, and another person died tragically.

This has cast a shadow over many people.

Lin Feng said, "Everyone! Regardless of whether there are strong men of that level hiding in the dark and unwilling to take action, we all need to take action, otherwise, sooner or later, we will die here!".

"Take action? How to take action? We don't even know where our opponent is!". Someone said with a pale face. Lin Feng said, "Go deep and take a look, maybe you will find something, and you must be quick. After all, someone will die every once in a while. If the crisis cannot be solved quickly, everyone present may die next."

people! ". After the words fell, Lin Feng took the lead and rushed towards the depths, while the others gritted their teeth and followed Lin Feng, heading towards the depths.

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