Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9145: 780 The situation is critical

Lin Feng turned around and looked behind him, and saw the evil man standing not far behind, looking at him with a sarcastic smile.

This is a special space constructed inside the body of evil spirits, and evil spirits can naturally enter. And here, he can conceal his aura very well, so when he came in, Lin Feng didn't notice it. If the evil way tried to sneak attack him, it would most likely be successful, but the evil way didn't do this. After all, he was the top It is really shameful for a strong man to resort to sneak attacks in the inner space he created. And from the previous understanding of the evil way, we can know that although this evil way has been bad since childhood, it should be

He is a person who values ​​face very much and is not very good at using sneak attacks.

Lin Feng knew that it was useless to say anything now. This evil man was determined to kill him, but Lin Feng still wanted to say something, not for anything else, but to delay time. Lin Feng said, "I know your life. You were saved by your master when you were a baby. From childhood to adulthood, you were very good at disguising yourself. You never did good things and never did bad things. I'm really curious about what is the reason that makes you Such

distortion? ".


Xie Dao sneered, "You, a dying person, dare to provoke me. You really think you are dying too slowly!".

Lin Feng said, "Your answer showed me a coward. You don't even dare to face yourself, so you don't dare to answer my question!".


Xie Dao shouted coldly, "Who do you think you are, that you are worthy enough to call me a coward?".

Lin Feng said, "Did I say something wrong? Aren't you acting like a coward now? You can only lash out incompetently. What else can you do?"

The corners of Xie Dao's mouth twitched slightly, and it really made him quite annoyed to be so looked down upon by a junior.

He originally planned to kill Lin Feng.

but now.

We can't let Lin Feng die so happily, because, in the eyes of evil, if we let Lin Feng die happily, that would be the greatest kindness to Lin Feng.

And he would never be kind to Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng must be killed with the most cruel means.

Only then can we relieve our hatred.

He smiled ferociously and said, "Boy, I have to say that you have successfully angered me. Later, after you are caught by me, I will let you taste what it means to live worse than death!".

Saying this, he walked towards Lin Feng, as if he wanted to attack Lin Feng.

But at this time, Lin Feng continued, "A coward is a coward. After talking for a long time, I still haven't said why you have been so bad since you were a child."

Xie Dao's face turned dark.

Lin Feng was still talking about this matter. Xie Dao felt that if he didn't answer Lin Feng, even if he killed Lin Feng, Lin Feng would despise him.

And the evil way happens from childhood to adulthood.

What I hate the most is that others look down upon me and look down on myself. He said coldly, "What is good and what is bad? In my opinion, whatever you do and what is in line with my heart is good, and anything that is not in line with my heart is bad! Therefore, as far as I am concerned, what I think is good. Everything you do is good

thing! ". Hearing this evil explanation, Lin Feng finally knew who this evil person was. Other bad people did bad things, and he admitted that he had done bad things. He also knew that he was a bad person and a villain, but

People don't care about being bad people, or they pretend not to care about being bad people.

This evil way is good. This guy doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong at all. Those wrong things, things that harm others, etc., in the eyes of the evil way, are all good things, and of course they are good things for him. To put it bluntly, this evil way, At once

Is a pure egoist.

For such people, everything is based on their own subjective imagination.

You really should stay away from this kind of person.

Otherwise, you never know when the other party will suddenly burst out and pick up an ax and chop you to death directly. It's like something Lin Feng heard about a few years ago. It was said that in a certain sect, there were several senior brothers who were very close to each other. But one day, one of them took a picture while the others were sleeping. Killed with an ax

Among the other brothers, the perpetrator complained externally that those brothers discriminated against him.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

Just did this.

In fact, that was not the case. Those fellow apprentices had not discriminated against him. It was just that this guy had delusions of being persecuted and felt that others were persecuting him.

so! Only then did he take action to kill several fellow disciples.

What's more, that guy didn't have any paranoia about persecution at all, he just simply wanted to kill people. After killing people, he compiled a reason to try to find some sympathy.

Or use this lame excuse to cover up his crimes. Lin Feng looked at Xie Dao and said, "A person like you only has evil in your heart. No matter how great your achievements are, you still have no one to share them with. Your life is full of boredom, and I believe that in countless nights, you one

You must feel empty, lonely and cold, right? Have you ever regretted your own life constantly? Don't cover up or explain. In my opinion, all your cover-ups and explanations are feeble and ridiculous."

"What a eloquent boy. I'm too lazy to listen to all the nonsense you say. You're dead today!". Xie Dao said fiercely, with a feeling of gnashing his teeth. From Xie Dao's performance, he knew how angry Xie Dao was now. In countless years, Lin Feng was probably the first to uncover his various scars.

The person who appears in front of himself in blood.

Xie Dao stepped forward and struck Lin Feng with one palm, but at this time, Lin Feng had already activated the defensive magic weapon.

Several powerful defensive magic weapons!

A powerful defensive light shield was immediately constructed, and this defensive light shield protected Lin Feng and the Taoist trapped behind Lin Feng.

When the evil attack comes.

Lin Feng's defensive light shield resisted the evil attack.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, multitasked while using the powerful defensive light shield formed by the defensive magic weapon to resist evil attacks.

While trying to help the evil master get out of trouble.

When he was just arguing with the evil way, Lin Feng had already secretly mobilized various powers. This took a certain amount of time, and during the process of arguing, Lin Feng had already brewed various powers to the ultimate peak level.

Lin Feng held the black dragon sword and slashed at one of the chains with one sword after another. In one breath, Lin Feng slashed a dozen swords.

The rather strong chain could not withstand it and was cut off by Lin Feng with the black dragon sword. Seeing this scene, Xie Dao was almost driven crazy. He shouted angrily, "You little beast, you dare to plot against me. You are seeking death. Your methods are nothing compared to me. I am now Then break yours

The defensive magic weapon will tear you into pieces! ".

After the words fell, the evil path began to gather more terrifying attacks, trying to destroy the defensive light shield constructed by Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon. After a moment, I saw a purple thunder ball of light condensed from the evil path. Looking carefully, every pattern on the purple thunder ball looked like a twisted dragon body. The power contained in that purple thunder ball , which gave Lin Feng a creepy feeling. He was horrified in his heart. This evil attack was a bit too terrifying. And the next moment, the purple thunder ball of light came towards Lin Feng, and in an instant

Submerged Lin Feng and the evil master in it.

Click click click.

The defensive light shield outside Lin Feng shook violently and seemed to be shattered. "not good…". Seeing this situation, Lin Feng's expression changed drastically.

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