Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9152: 787 Taiwu Zhenjun

Changing one's destiny against fate is not an easy thing.

Many people want to change their fate at a critical moment, but ultimately fail.

But this time, Lin Feng felt that, regardless of whether he could succeed in helping the evil master reverse his destiny, he would still have some advantages.

First of all, in terms of mentality, the evil master had a new understanding after hearing what Lin Feng said before.

Mentally, it has been sublimated.

His mentality is quite good now.

It goes without saying that a good mentality plays a role in a monk.

Secondly. This time Lin Feng used the elixir of immortality. Although the evil master's foundation was extremely damaged and was difficult to cure with medicine and stone, there are still some differences between the elixir of immortality and other miraculous elixirs.


The most powerful thing about the elixir of immortality is when everyone feels that they are doomed.

The elixir of immortality may change some seemingly irreversible fates.

This is also the reason why the elixir of immortality has been highly regarded in many reincarnations.

at last.

One should not underestimate some of Lin Feng's methods. For example, the life force born from the saplings of the Tree of Construction controlled by Lin Feng is an extremely domineering life force and can play an extremely important role in many cases.

In addition, there is another extremely important thing, that is, Lin Feng's immortal bloodline. Needless to say, the extraordinary role of the immortal bloodline, although it is impossible for Lin Feng to give the ability of the immortal bloodline to the evil master.

But when Lin Feng circulates his immortal blood, Lin Feng can mobilize the power of his blood.

This time, the evil master changed his destiny against heaven.

Lin Feng also used the bloodline power born from the immortal bloodline.

This bloodline power can form a powerful repairing effect, combined with the power of the immortal elixir, the life force of the Jianmu Tree, the power of destiny played by Lin Feng, and the power of the immortal bloodline.

Of course, the power of the evil master cannot be underestimated.

These different types of forces are intertwined, and they are all making their own contributions to the reversal of the evil master's fate.

But invisibly.

It seems like there is a big hand that wants to strangle all of this. This invisible big hand may be the power of fate.

Want to change the destiny that is already destined.

It's absolutely impossible.

Lin Feng could even feel that the aura of the evil master was constantly weakening, and his aura became more chaotic.

Weak breath itself is a relatively bad situation.

If coupled with the disordered breath.

The situation would be even worse, and it would be a bit like going crazy. If he goes crazy at this time, then the evil master will definitely die.

Lin Feng originally thought that they would have many advantages in helping the evil master to change his destiny this time, and they might be able to successfully help the evil master to change his destiny. But who would have thought that such a bad situation would happen? .

Destiny is irreversible.

This sentence is like a curse, cursing countless monks throughout the ages, causing countless people to end up with tragic endings when they reverse their fate.

Lin Feng was secretly anxious now.

But he has been able to reach the limit of what he can do. If he wants to break this situation, he has to rely on the evil master himself.

Lin Feng felt that he might have given birth to an inner demon.

It is said that the more critical the moment of reversal of destiny, the more likely it is for terrible inner demons to appear, and the inner demons themselves are extremely terrifying, and it is difficult to defeat the inner demons even in retreat.

What's more, he's still in bad health.

This may be an important reason why many people fail to reverse their destiny.

The aura of the evil master is still weakening.

By the end, his breath was extremely weak.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After all, had he failed?

He felt very sad for such a powerful person.

It is really a very sad thing to die like this.

But just when Lin Feng thought everything was hopeless.

Something happened that surprised Lin Feng.

The aura fluctuations in the body of the evil master, which were already almost imperceptible, actually began to become stronger, although the aura fluctuations increased very weakly.

But it has improved after all.

It's like an infinitely falling trend chart that suddenly stopped falling and started to reverse upward.

This slight change suddenly lifted Lin Feng's spirit.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate, and quickly continued to work hard, hoping to form some kind of special resonance with the body of the evil master, if it could form a resonance.

The body of the evil master will definitely recover faster.

Hard work pays off.

With Lin Feng's efforts, the aura of the evil master became more and more powerful.

An hour later.

The aura of the evil master has become extremely stable.

Lin Feng was already sweating profusely.

tired! It’s so tiring!

This time, in order to help the evil master reverse his fate, it was simply more tiring than a life-and-death battle.

However, it's all worth it.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that there was basically nothing wrong with the evil master.

Lin Feng also quickly began to adjust his condition.

Lin Feng soon recovered as before.

Shortly after he recovered, the evil master also opened his eyes.

Lin Feng looked at the evil master and asked, "Senior, how do you feel now?".

The evil master said, "I'm lucky, my life span has been extended for ten years. I hope I can complete a breakthrough within these ten years!".

Lin Feng said, "With senior's strength, there will definitely be no problem!".

The evil master said, "I haven't formally introduced myself yet. My name is Yang Yuanming, and I call myself True Lord Taiwu."

Lin Feng had indeed never heard of the name Taiwu Zhenjun. After all, he was a figure who lived many years ago.

I don't know, but that's normal.

What really caught Lin Feng's attention was his last name.

The evil master’s surname is actually Yang.

The mysterious person who lived in seclusion in the first-level city was also named Yang, and there was a high probability that he was a member of the extremely mysterious Yang family.


Could it be that the evil master is also a member of the Yang clan?

Think about it carefully.

He and the strong man surnamed Yang in the first level city of Wushuang City may still be figures of the same era. Even if they are not figures of the same era, they should not be too far apart.

Lin Feng is a person who always asks questions when he has questions.

Whether the other party is willing to answer his questions is not something Lin Feng can control, but Lin Feng just needs to be himself. So, after hearing the self-introduction of the evil master, Lin Feng asked, "So... does the senior have any connection with the ancient and mysterious Yang family of the past? Could it be that the senior also comes from that family?".

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