Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9154: 789 Tianji Fairy Dust

Poison Ancestor and others followed Lin Feng and the others, walking towards the depths with the evil master.

In fact, not only Lin Feng and the others were fighting towards the depths of the Taoist Academy.

There were other monks, so no one paid special attention to Lin Feng and others.

Poison Ancestor asked, "Sir, who is this? I don't think I've seen it before!".

Lin Feng sent a message to everyone, "This is the evil master! He just escaped from trouble not long ago!".

After hearing Lin Feng's message. Everyone's spirits were suddenly lifted. It was obvious that they were quickly thinking about many things that had happened. It is estimated that the escape this time was not caused by other strong people, including the fact that the evil way was killed, and it was also related to other things.

It doesn't have much to do with those top powerhouses.

It is probably related to Lin Feng.

It's no wonder that Lin Feng would lead the evil way to those top powerhouses before. It turns out there was a reason.

But everyone is excited now.

Since this person is an evil master.


This shows that this person is likely to hold some secrets, and now he may be leading everyone to find secrets hidden in the dark that no one else knows about.

But everyone remained calm.

So as not to attract other people's attention.

As he was heading deeper, Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts couldn't wait to enter the evil storage ring, wanting to see what good things were in the evil storage ring.

When Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts invaded it, Lin Feng discovered that in the evil storage ring, all kinds of rare treasures were indeed piled up like a mountain. For example, the materials for forging magic weapons of various levels have been piled up into several hills. When Lin Feng returns to the wasteland world, these materials can be handed over to the blacksmiths below to forge them into various powerful magic weapons and send them to the monk army, which can be installed.

Prepare a lot of elite monk troops.

Lin Feng's mind searched through the mountains of materials, trying to see if he could find materials that fit his needs.

Because Lin Feng is still collecting materials for forging the tenth natal magic weapon. As time goes by, the natal magic weapon forged by Lin Feng naturally becomes more and more precious. After all, Lin Feng's level has also been improved. In addition, one soul corresponds to one natal magic weapon. Lin Feng's opportunities to forge the natal magic weapon are running out.

, the tenth natal magic weapon must be taken seriously. At this stage, Lin Feng has collected some World Golden Loam and Xuanhunshen Iron, but the quantities are relatively small. In addition, the magic pile-driving runes recorded in the magic pile-driving secret technique can also be used for Lin Feng to forge his natal magic weapon.

It plays an important role, but now it mainly lacks the most top-notch materials. This kind of material has been extremely rare throughout many reincarnations. The quantity is originally small. In addition, many strong men in the past searched for materials of this level. After finding them, most of them have forged those materials into magic weapons. Even if

There is no forging magic weapon, and it is most likely that it has been smelted and refined into one's own magic weapon. It is too rare for materials of that level to be preserved.

Therefore, Lin Feng had already been mentally prepared and would not be particularly disappointed. There are many good things here, and there are also many magic weapons that have been formed. There are as many as five or six creator-level magic weapons. They are probably treasures left by the strong men of the Taoist Academy in the past. Several treasures have been covered with dust. Forest

Feng himself has refined a lot of creator-level magic weapons, and now he looks down on magic weapons of this level, so Lin Feng wants to distribute these magic weapons to the members of the strongest heavenly group later.

Even though Lin Feng looked down on magic weapons of this level, other monks could risk their lives to fight for magic weapons of the Creator level.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

A magic weapon at the level of the Creator is so heart-pounding.

But besides the creator-level magic weapon, there was another thing that instantly caught Lin Feng's attention.

That thing is also a magic weapon, but that thing is a magic weapon like a whisk.

Lin Feng thought to himself, couldn't it be a magic weapon refined by evil ways?

Lin Feng quickly tried to check the whisk-type magic weapon. After some inspection, it turned out to be a treasure forged by evil ways, called "Tianji Fairy Dust!".

Don't underestimate this magic weapon. This magic weapon is a quasi-pioneer-level treasure, and it is a very high-level treasure among this level. In order to forge this treasure, Xie Dao spent countless resources and even smelted the treasure he obtained.

Several quasi-pioneer-level treasures are intended to raise the level of this treasure to the level of a leaping fish. As mentioned before, Yuyue is a very small realm between the quasi-pioneer level and the pioneer level, but no matter how small, as long as you can reach this "very small" realm, it is equivalent to stepping into the pioneer with one and a half feet. the realm of

It is much more powerful than the quasi-pioneer realm, and so is the magic weapon. It is a pity that, whether for monks or for magic weapons, Yu Leap is an extremely difficult level to cross. If you want to cross Yu Leap, it can be described as difficult as climbing to the sky, so even if the evil way spent so much money back then, many

The ultimate treasure, and even the decomposition of several Taoist quasi-pioneer level treasures, were not able to push Tianji Xianchen to the realm of leaping into the sea.

However, even if it does not reach the Yu Leap realm, the improvement of Tianji Fairy Dust is still very shocking, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary quasi-pioneer level treasures.

Lin Feng even felt that Tianji Fairy Dust was definitely more powerful than the Hundred Forbidden Weapons.

It is one of the most terrifying quasi-pioneer level treasures under the leap.

It is more powerful than any treasure Lin Feng has obtained now. What makes Lin Feng most excited is not just the attack power of Tianji Xianchen. In addition to the heaven-defying attack power, Tianji Xianchen also has an extremely terrifying effect, that is, Tianji Xianchen has a powerful binding effect, because The materials used for Tianji fairy dust are very special. Those white silk thread-like dust tails are not ordinary materials. They are said to be forged from ancient branches grown from special seeds. They are extremely tough and invulnerable to water and fire.

Hard to hurt with a gun.

If the **** of the diamond circle is known for its strength and hardness. The binding of the Tianji Fairy Dust is famous for being soft and difficult to break, and compared to the Vajra Circle which can only deal with one person at a time, the Tianji Fairy Dust is composed of nearly a thousand white silk thread-like dust tails. A dust tail

Can restrain a powerful monk. Of course, for some particularly powerful monks, one dust tail may not be able to bind them, but ten, dozens, or hundreds of dust tails will definitely be able to bind them, so Tianji Fairy Dust can wrap around a lot of them at critical moments.

The monks made the other party helpless and unable to resist. This method was extremely terrifying. Such a treasure is definitely an extremely important treasure for Lin Feng. It can definitely reverse the situation of the war at a critical moment.

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