Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9176: 811 Wushuang City Ninth Level City

"What a pity, I just got a piece of the Crystal of the Universe." Wuliang Taoist sighed and said, mainly because there are nine crystals of the universe in the Desire Demon. This thing is really attractive.

Wuliang Taoist thought that if he could get more cosmic crystals and keep some for himself, he would be able to make a fortune. Lin Feng said, "It is quite difficult to obtain such a cosmic crystal. If we really break up, it will not be of any benefit to us. Moreover, I have a feeling that the Desire Demon Clan wants to

The resurrected existence has probably awakened! ".

"Ah? Already awake? No way? Looking at the appearance of the leader of the Desire Demon Clan, it seems that the ancestors of their clan have not returned from the catastrophe!" Poison Ancestor couldn't help but say.

If such an ancient existence wakes up, coupled with the nine cosmic crystals on the altar, this will be an extremely terrifying thing.

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Feng with puzzled eyes, feeling that this matter was really strange.

But everyone knows Lin Feng's character and knows that Lin Feng will not act without aim and may have discovered things that others don't know.

In fact, even those members of the Desire Demon Clan may not be aware of these situations. Lin Feng said, "When I was studying the altar, I found some clues. The ancestors of their clan may be under the altar. I felt an extremely obscure fluctuation, which seemed to be the fluctuation of spiritual thoughts. You guys

Speaking of which, whose spiritual thoughts are fluctuating inside the altar? ".

Hearing what Lin Feng said, everyone nodded. According to Lin Feng, the ancestor of the Desire Demon Clan may indeed have woken up, but there are some things that make people confused.

"Why didn't she show up? She didn't even tell the people of the Desire Demon Clan about her awakening." Huang Mo said what everyone was wondering about.

Lin Feng said, "I guess this is the only reason why this happened! There are three reasons."

"The first reason is that she just woke up and her recovery was not ideal, so she didn't tell the tribe that she had woken up for the time being, and we didn't expose this matter after we came over!" "The second reason is that she may be worried about something. As you know, this kind of existence has some enemies or other hostile characters. Before their strength is restored, they do not dare to be exposed easily, especially Yes, the Desire Demon clan caused a lot of commotion back then. The Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Divine Court, etc. were all enemies of this clan. There were also many beings who wanted to deal with the Desire Demon clan. There were ancestor-level beings of the Desire Demon clan.

If Zaizhen wakes up, he will try his best not to let others know! ". "The third reason is that perhaps the ancestor of the Desire Demon Clan is waiting for a suitable time to be born. As you know, the more ancient and powerful an existence is, the more likely it is to be superstitious, and everything must be timed. , if the time does not come, they will never be born. This ancestor of the desire demon clan may be for this reason. Everything is uncertain. Of course, as outsiders, we can only respond to this matter. Guess, what exactly happened, maybe only the person involved knows, but no matter what, now that I have obtained the cosmic crystal I wanted, I have completed the mission of the Spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree. After leaving Wushuang City, Find another round

Just return to the spirit of the sacred tree to hand over the task! "." Wuliang Taoist priest said excitedly, "Haha, the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara never imagined that we could really complete this task. Thinking of that woman's extremely arrogant look, Master Dao, I will be angry. When the time comes, Master Tao, I will kill her."

Throw the Crystal of the Universe directly into her face and see what kind of expression she will make! ".

Lin Feng ruthlessly exposed Wuliang Taoist and said, "I'm afraid that when you see the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, you'll start pretending to be a grandson again!".

The rest of the people also thought of this situation, and looked at Wuliang Taoist Priest with a look of confusion.

Of course this is just a small episode.

Lin Feng and the others quickly left the fifth-level city. They entered the sixth-level city, and then found a quiet house to recuperate.

Wait until everyone has adjusted their status.

Lin Feng and others gathered together. Lin Feng said, "Where did the Gengzi Demon Lord and others go? It's really strange. These top beings have never appeared, and I don't know what they are planning. Why do I feel that they have never appeared, and they have nothing to do with that person?"

The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation has something to do with it! ".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "It probably has something to do with it. Those top experts should also have accepted the tasks issued by the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree. It's a pity that I didn't get access to that task!" The Desolate Demon and the Transformed Master also did not persist to the end in the world created by the Samsara Divine Tree, so they were not able to access the final secret. I don’t know what the ultimate mission promulgated by the spirit of the Samsara Divine Tree is, but since

To be able to mobilize those top experts, the reward for completing that mission must be unimaginable.

It is even far more beneficial than helping the spirit of the Samsara Tree to find the Crystal of the Universe. Lin Feng said, "For now, regardless of what mission these people have received, let's go all the way in. If we have the chance, we will try to see if we can succeed. If we don't have the chance, we will go directly to the temple of the ninth level city and destroy it."

Destroy the sacred image inside! Then get out of here quickly! ".

"good!". Everyone nodded. After Lin Feng and the others searched the sixth-level city, they didn't find any chance, so they went directly to the seventh-level city. When they arrived at the seventh-level city, the pressure on their souls was even more severe, and even Poison Ancestor couldn't bear it. live

No choice but to leave.

There was still nothing found in the seventh level city.

Lin Feng and the others went to the eighth level city, but still found nothing in the eighth level city.

Wuliang Taoist priest said depressedly, "Several places of Wuliang's heavenly being have been opened by others. The treasure must have been given to those bastards. Except for those people, no one can get those opportunities!"

The **** that Wuliang Taoist said were existences at the level of Demon Lord Gengzi, but they were not sure who they were searching for. There were several places where there was a high probability of great opportunities.

Of course, each level of the city is so huge, and there are definitely many great opportunities, but they may be hidden deeper. It is not easy to find them, and it may take a lot of time.

But Lin Feng and the others didn't want to waste their time on this.

They went all the way deep and directly reached the ninth level of the city. It was very quiet here, and there were very few monks who could actually reach this place.

When they were walking on the streets of the ninth level city, there were even echoes in the streets, which sounded a bit eerie.

Suddenly, Wuliang Taoist priest turned around and looked behind.

"Immortal Wu Liang, why do I feel like there is something staring at us from behind? It makes me feel chilly in my heart!" Wuliang Taoist priest cursed.

His words made Lin Feng and others' expressions instantly become solemn. This was the ninth level city. While it contained great opportunities, it also contained extremely terrifying dangers. You have to be careful at all times, otherwise, you may get robbed here.

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