Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9178: 813 high imitation Kyushu lamp shows its power

Now Lin Feng and the others can't help Wuliang Taoist, so they don't say anything. Maybe doing nothing now is the greatest help to Wuliang Taoist. Wuliang Taoist priest was muttering in a language that Lin Feng did not understand. This Taoist priest was very clever in his methods. Only he himself knew how many unknown methods he had mastered over the years.

Anyone who dares to underestimate Wuliang Taoist priests will suffer big losses in the end. While Wuliang Taoist priests were chanting spells that were relatively unfamiliar to Lin Feng and the others, Lin Feng and the others had been observing the withered willow, wanting to see if it would change. Maybe it would. Dead wood

In spring, it is full of vitality again. This kind of thing is quite common in the world of cultivators.

But Wuliang Taoist priests chanted for a long time, but there was no movement on the withered willow tree.

Even when Wuliang Taoist stopped, there was no change in the withered willow. Lin Feng looked at Wuliang Taoist and asked, "How is it? Did you find anything?". Wuliang Taoist priest said, "The feeling this withered willow gave me is unmistakable, and I just used an ancient secret technique to try to sense some of the secrets hidden by the withered willow, but unfortunately, my method... It seems not

It’s an extremely weird thing to have an effect! ".

Young Master Black Prison said, "We have searched for this dead willow many times, but we haven't found anything. I think this dead willow is probably just a simple dead willow tree, with nothing special about it!" .

Although Wuliang Taoist Priest did not refute Young Master Black Prison, it was obvious that Wuliang Taoist Priest did not agree with Young Master Black Prison's words.

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with my body. Why do I feel a little weak?". Suddenly, Lin Feng spoke.

After Lin Feng said these words, the others also discovered something was wrong, because they also discovered the same situation as Lin Feng, and their bodies were also a little weak.

To know! Everyone present is stronger and stronger than the other. Under normal circumstances, there will be no such thing as physical weakness.

Unless something unknown happens.

"Our bodies are also a little weak!". The others also spoke.

"retreat!". Lin Feng then shouted, he felt that he might have been hit by the withered willow, otherwise his body would not have been in this situation. However, the withered willow never showed any abnormality, but it invisibly affected Lin Feng.

Feng and others are really a little weird.

Everyone retreated towards the back, trying to distance themselves from the withered willow.

But at this time, the dead willow that had been silent had undergone tremendous changes. The densely packed willow branches on the dead willow grew rapidly, but were still in a dry state.

After the branches of the withered willow grew longer in their exhausted state, they quickly entangled themselves towards Lin Feng and others.

Because the bodies of Lin Feng and others were a little weak, and the speed of the willow branches was too fast, Lin Feng and the others were unable to avoid the entanglement of those willow branches, and soon Lin Feng and the others were entangled by those willow branches.

At this time, Lin Feng and the others were actually quite worried, because they had been guarding against the terrifying existence in the dark.

If the other party took this opportunity to take action against them, Lin Feng and the others would still be in a more dangerous situation, but what surprised Lin Feng and the others was that the secret existence did not take action, and they did not know what they were thinking.

Lin Feng's reaction was very quick. He quickly used the sky fire to burn the dead willows.

The body of the withered willow, including its branches, were all covered by the sky fire, and the withered willow immediately burned.

Lin Feng and others let out a sigh of relief.

Skyfire can restrain the withered willow, so it will be easy to handle now. The withered willow will definitely let go of them soon.

But who would have thought that something happened next that Lin Feng and the others did not expect.

An extremely strange power emerged from inside the withered willow. This extremely strange power enveloped the withered willow, and this power actually blocked Lin Feng's sky fire from harming the withered willow.

Of course, this kind of isolation is not a long-term isolation.

They can probably only be isolated for a short period of time, but Lin Feng and the others' bodies are getting weaker and weaker, and they may not be able to resolve this bad situation at all in the future.

Kuliu probably knew this, so it wanted to start a game with Lin Feng and others.

What Kuliu was betting on was that it could withstand the burning of the sky fire before Lin Feng and others could no longer hold on.

As a result, Lin Feng and others will surely become its prisoners.

Lin Feng and the others tried to struggle many times without success, and the harder they struggled, the softer their bodies became. This feeling was really bad, the situation was quite bad, and it gave people a headache.

If this problem is not solved quickly, it will be in trouble, but at this moment, Lin Feng's mind flashed.

Lin Feng thought of one of his treasures, the high-imitation Kyushu lantern. Once activated, the light yellow energy released could make the monk's body weak.

The energy released by high imitation Kyushu lamps seems to be more advanced than the debilitating energy of dead willows.

Lin Feng felt that if he sacrificed the treasure, it might have a good effect.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly summoned the treasure.

After the high imitation Kyushu lantern was summoned by Lin Feng, Lin Feng then activated the high imitation Kyushu lantern, a treasure.

The high imitation Kyushu lamp emits that light yellow energy.

And this time something magical happened.

When the light yellow energy emitted by the high imitation Kyushu lamp fell on Lin Feng and others, Lin Feng and others immediately felt that their bodies had recovered quickly.

The high-imitation Jiuzhou lamp is very powerful. It seems to have the effect of dispersion. It may be the same type of power. The reason why high-level power can suppress low-level power.

But no matter what the situation was, Lin Feng and the others have now recovered.

Lin Feng and others, who had recovered as before, struggled again.

This time, Lin Feng and the others successfully broke free from the shackles of the dead willow. They retreated quickly, opening some distance between them and the withered willow, but Lin Feng did not withdraw the sky fire. Now Lin Feng had regained his freedom and used all his strength to activate the sky fire. The power of the sky fire was many times more powerful than before. For the withered willow,

Liu's injuries were quite serious.

It is estimated that it won't take too long for the withered willow to be burned to ashes by Lin Feng's sky fire. But at this moment, the withered willow actually showed eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, and begged for mercy again and again: "Spare my life, I don’t want to die. I apologize to you. I shouldn’t have dealt with you before. It’s better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. There’s no need to kill me, right? As long as I don’t die, I can do whatever I want!”

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