Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9189: 824 on the fifth level of domineering

"It's really a domineering cultivation method of gods and demons. Damn it, I'm so awesome now!" After studying this method of cultivation, which is the method of cultivating the domineering power of gods and demons, Lin Feng could not help but be so excited that he almost danced. This kind of cultivation method

This method can really be called a heaven-defying cultivation method. After all, cultivating a top-level domineering spirit is more helpful to a monk than cultivating top-level magical powers. This is especially true for Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng is a man who has cultivated eight types of domineering force. His domineering magnetic field can be applied in various scenarios. Lin Feng has also relied on the extraordinary actions brought by the domineering magnetic field many times.

Used to turn danger into safety and defeated the opponent.

The most important reason that really made Lin Feng so excited that he was about to dance for joy was not the powerful ability of God and Demon Haki, but the additional effects of God and Demon Haki.

Rumor has it that the person who controls the domineering power of the gods and demons is a monk destined to win over the gods and demons. Although Lin Feng is not a monk of the gods and demons, Lin Feng has mastered the domineering power of gods and demons. He is the chosen one. He is the second person chosen by fate after the mysteriously missing strong man. He is destined to become a **** and demon. lord


Just like Lin Feng can now command the dragons in the world of dragons, one day in the future, Lin Feng may really be able to integrate the powerful gods and demons scattered in various locations across the world. To become the true master of gods and demons, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the combat power of this army would be if a powerful army of gods and demons were formed. But no matter what, today, for Lin Feng, it is It was a day that made Lin Feng extremely excited. He was looking forward to the day when the army of gods and demons would be formed as soon as possible. Of course, Lin Feng also had to guard against some things. After all, that being had already gathered the gods and demons, but

The mystery disappeared. This matter is definitely not simple. Lin Feng must be more careful and must not follow in the footsteps of that senior, otherwise all his efforts will be in vain.

"I still have two hegemonic stones. I can use one of them to help me practice the domineering spirit of gods and demons!". Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself. Ba Shi is also an indispensable thing for cultivating Ba Qi, mainly because Ba Qi is special and it is difficult to successfully practice it with only formulas. Just like Lin Feng, he has practiced so much Ba Qi, and it stands to reason that his experience in cultivating Ba Qi has been extremely rich, but, Let him practice new domineering, especially the high-level domineering. The probability of failure is still very high. Of course, it does not mean that he cannot succeed in practicing. In fact, there is still a certain probability of success.

The probability of success is low, and hard work for many years may not have any effect. How can Lin Feng waste so much time? With the help of Ba Shi, this problem can be solved.

But Lin Feng was not in a hurry to practice the arrogance of gods and demons.

Because after Lin Feng refined the fragments of the eternal law, he extracted a lot of mysterious runes from the fragments of the eternal law. The aura of those mysterious runes was quite similar to the aura of the twenty-seventh art of immortality that Lin Feng had practiced, so Lin Feng suspected that the runes he refined could be combined to form an art of immortality, so Lin Feng

Feng tried to combine these runes.

These runes are all related to each other, and coupled with Lin Feng's own experience, it is not particularly difficult to combine them.

Soon, Lin Feng put these runes together.

Since Lin Feng only obtained part of the Taoist fragments, some of the combined runes were not particularly coherent.

Lin Feng carefully studied the contents formed by the combination of these runes.

By studying these runes, Lin Feng learned that these runes did not record any of the techniques of immortality he practiced, but the content of the combination of these runes seemed to be related to the techniques of immortality.

It's very much like the content contained in a certain theme. These techniques of immortality are mysterious and include countless things, just like the twenty-seventh technique of immortality practiced by Lin Feng, which is the twenty-seventh technique of immortality among the upper nine, middle nine, and lower nine. , recorded the relationship with gods and demons

Relevant content even includes methods of cultivating the domineering power of gods and demons.

The twenty-seventh art of immortality, theoretically speaking, should be the last one among the set of immortality arts inherited by the Immortal Emperor.

The content corresponding to this art of immortality is so extraordinary, which shows how amazing the content corresponding to other art of immortality is.

Therefore, the incomplete content that Lin Feng obtained most likely corresponds to a certain way of eternal life.

Because it is missing. Therefore, it is difficult to figure out what the complete content is, let alone cultivation. Even so, Lin Feng is actually quite happy. These contents are like a token, and they may have a lot to do with the corresponding immortality technique. Due to the strong correlation, Lin Feng also wondered whether one day in the future, when he was close to the art of immortality, the special runes he obtained could have some connection with the place where the art of immortality was inherited.

System, in this way, Lin Feng might be able to obtain the corresponding immortality technique.

Thinking about it, it’s quite exciting. Lin Feng calmed down his mind, and then began to try to cultivate the domineering spirit of gods and demons. He took out a domineering stone. Lin Feng held the domineering stone. His mana wrapped the domineering stone, and formed some extremely special relationship with the domineering stone.


Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng began to try to cultivate the domineering power of gods and demons.

in time and space.

Time passed day by day, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye. However, at this time, Lin Feng had not yet successfully cultivated the domineering spirit of gods and demons.

The main reason is because this divine and demonic hegemony is the highest recorded level of hegemony among the five levels of hegemony.

The so-called upper fifth level of Haki refers to the special Haki that surpasses the nine-color purple Haki.

The name of Shangwuzhong comes from the meaning of transcendence and reaching a higher level. As the name suggests, the upper five levels of hegemony are divided into five levels. The top level is the fifth level. Currently, we have not heard of this level of hegemony. It only exists in rumors. However, after the great changes in the world, there are rumors that

, the third and fourth levels of hegemony appeared one after another. Among the eight types of hegemony that Lin Feng had practiced earlier, the most powerful one was chaos hegemony.

The chaotic domineering spirit was learned by Lin Feng from the domineering bones of the chaotic ancestral beast. It surpassed the ninth level of purple domineering power, but the chaotic domineering power was only the previous level of domineering power.

As for God and Demon Haki, it is the second level of Haki, which can even be compared with some weaker upper level three Haki.

Therefore, it is naturally as difficult as climbing to the sky to cultivate the domineering spirit of gods and demons. Even a monster like Lin Feng needs to spend a lot of time polishing it with the help of Ba Shi, otherwise it will be impossible to get a glimpse of its mystery.

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