Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9191: 826 Weird Stone Bridge

It seems that it is not an easy task to go to the Temple of Wushuang City, because the temple is shrouded in clouds and fog, and it feels like it is blocking the sky and the sun, and all roads are blocked.

Lin Feng and the others were approaching that area.

There was no one around.

After all, there are relatively few monks who can reach the ninth level of the city, and Lin Feng and the others have been delayed for a long time. It is estimated that the monks who came in have also found a way to enter the deep location.

When Lin Feng and the others arrived at the foggy area, Lin Feng and the others saw a huge cliff appearing in front of them.

The huge cliff showed a circular distribution, seeming to completely surround the temple located deep inside.

Lin Feng and the others were a little confused when they saw this scene.

Because this is an ancient city, how could there be a cliff in the city? "Is it an hallucination?", the Holy Beast shook the sky and said. He shook his head and looked forward again, only to find that the cliff was still there, blocking the way forward. The Holy Beast said, "What's going on? ? Isn’t it really a cliff?

become? ".

Lin Feng also felt that the appearance of a cliff in this place was really strange, and there was something weird everywhere. Now it seemed that this place was even more weird than imagined. Lin Feng also tried to see if he could see through the false scene here, but after taking a closer look, Lin Feng suddenly discovered that what he saw was actually a real scene, which made Lin Feng slightly surprised. Lin Feng

When he saw the situation here, his first instinct was that everything he saw was fake and unreal. The rest of the people also expressed their opinions, saying that they could not see through the illusion here, but it could be heard from everyone's words that no one thought this place was real, and everyone felt that what everyone saw was real.

Everything is illusory, but the methods here are a little too weird and too clever, so everyone can't see through the mystery here.

"False and false, true and false, maybe what we see is not necessarily completely false!". At this time, Lin Feng spoke.

"What do you mean, young master?" Huang Mo and others looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng said, "There are always some ways to confuse the fake with the real. Even the fakeness itself contains a part of the truth. We don't need to worry about whether it is true or false. Real is best. Even if it is not completely true, we will

So what if we regard it as true? As long as we can cross this place and reach the temple, it doesn't matter if it is true or false to us! "." Wuliang Taoist priest said, "What the hell, Wuliang Tianzun!" Xiao Linzi, you can do it. Now your mind is getting clearer and clearer. You can see the essence of everything clearly. Have you taken any brain-boosting pills or brain-boosting pills?

, do you have any more there? Give it to Master Dao and I’ll fix it too! ".

"I have Xingnao fairy liquid here! It's light yellow and has a slightly smoky smell. Would you like it?" Lin Feng looked at Wuliang Taoist priest calmly.

Wuliang Taoist priest understood it and said, "You should keep it for yourself and drink it!".

The wild demon here tried to see if he could fly over the cliff, but he fell down just after flying a few meters high.

"Forbidden air domain!". Huang Mo's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

In fact, forbidden air areas will appear in many places. Lin Feng has seen more than one such place, but the so-called forbidden air areas also have restrictions.

Because the forbidden space realm is also a suppression formed by laws or secrets, it has different effects on different monks. If the strength does not reach a certain level, then the ability to fly will be completely lost. However, if the strength exceeds that limit, it will actually be difficult for those monks to be banned from the air. Of course, those monks will also be subject to

Impacts, such as slower flight speed, lower altitude, etc., may even make it impossible to travel through the void.

However, the realm of Desolate Demon is too profound and unpredictable. Normally, places like the Forbidden Sky Realm would not have much impact on him.

However, there was a huge reversal or deviation in the actual situation, which surprised Lin Feng extremely. Not only Lin Feng was surprised, but everyone else, including Huang Mo himself, was extremely surprised.

This place is really too weird.

But no matter how evil this place is, you still have to face what you need to face. You can't retreat just because of the evil in this place.

Lin Feng said, "I don't think there is a road in a place like this. Let's look for it and maybe we will find something!".

"good!". Everyone responded one after another. Then Lin Feng and others divided into two waves. One group walked to the left, and the other group walked to the right. Whoever found the way to the past first, such as a bridge across the entire cliff, would notify the other party. People pass by


Lin Feng walked towards the left with Young Master Black Prison, Young Master Wuliang Taoist, Young Master Huafan and others.

They are responsible for exploring the area on the left.

Desolate Demon, Backbone Dragon King and others walked towards the right.

A few of them are responsible for exploring the area on the right. Half an hour later, Lin Feng received a message from the Dragon King on the Back, saying that they saw a stone bridge in the right area, and asked Lin Feng to go over quickly. At this time, Lin Feng and the others had not discovered anything. After receiving a message from the Dragon King on the Back, Lin Feng He said to the Wuliang Taoist priests and others around him, "Desolate Demon, Backbone Dragon King and others found a stone bridge in the area on the right. It should be possible to pass through the cliff area through the stone bridge. Come on, let's join them quickly!


Naturally, no one had any opinions.

Everyone changed direction and quickly flew to the right, and soon joined the Backbone Dragon King and others next to the stone bridge.

"Where is the wild demon?" Lin Feng asked.

The Backbone Dragon King said, "Desolate Demon said he would go over first to explore the situation, but he has been there for a while and has not come back yet!".

Having said this, the expression on the Back Dragon King's face became extremely solemn. The Desolate Demon was so powerful, so it stands to reason that he should have come back long ago.

However, there was no movement, and he sent a message to Huang Mo, but did not get any response from Huang Mo.

Desolate demon! It seems to have disappeared out of thin air!

Lin Feng asked, "Isn't there any movement when the wild demon enters the stone bridge area?".

"No!". The Back Dragon King and others shook their heads. Wuliang Taoist priest said, "This demon is so powerful. Even if we are really in trouble, we can't take him down instantly. A war will inevitably break out. But now we can't contact him and there hasn't been any movement. This is a bit strange."

Weird, this stone bridge is really weird! ".

Lin Feng said, "It's normal that the stone bridge on the way into the temple is strange. Let's go in together later. Our magic power will be connected and we will take care of each other!".

"good". Everyone nodded, and then everyone used their magic power. The powerful magic power joined together and enveloped everyone.

Then, Lin Feng and others also stepped onto the stone bridge and walked towards the other side. …

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