Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9193: 828The voice in the ear

The speed of the diamond circle was extremely fast, and it reached the mysterious being in an instant. The power of the diamond circle itself was already powerful enough. Coupled with the bonus effect of Lin Feng's power, the diamond circle was a fatal blow.

The power that erupted was quite violent, soaring twelve times. If it touched the void lightly, the void would collapse. This kind of power was really shocking. Although the being hidden in the dark did not appear, Lin Feng could probably judge his correct position through the seven-color light. Therefore, the being could not avoid the attack of the diamond circle at all, and could only choose

Choose to have a head-on confrontation with the diamond circle offered by Lin Feng.

boom. The next moment, a dull collision sound was heard. In addition to the dull collision sound, Lin Feng also heard a slightly painful groaning sound, which was also heard together. It was obviously hidden in the dark. of

That being, having withstood the blow from the Vajra Circle, was definitely hit hard.

At this time, Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords were already coming quickly, heading directly towards the existence hidden in the darkness.

Uh-huh. At the same time, Lin Feng had another treasure in his hand, which was the Tianji Fairy Dust that Lin Feng had obtained not long ago. This was the natal magic weapon of the Taoist Master, Xie Dao. In order to forge this natal magic weapon, Xie Dao could

Several quasi-pioneer-level treasures from the Taoist Academy were integrated into this treasure, which shows how incredibly valuable this treasure is.

Currently, the highest-level treasure that Lin Feng possesses is probably the treasure in front of him.

But Lin Feng had never used this treasure before. Now that Lin Feng planned to use this treasure, it might be able to play an extremely amazing role. The Tianji Fairy Dust has two powerful abilities. One is that it has powerful attack attributes. The other is that the tail threads of the Tianji Fairy Dust can quickly grow long and form an extremely powerful winding effect. When these threads are entangled,

After the other party is accommodated, the other party will have no way to struggle.

However, these are just some brief introductions about the Tianji Fairy Dust that Lin Feng got. It is not yet known whether the Tianji Fairy Dust really has such power.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang bang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang swiss connects swiss swiss raphy s... The power of Lin Feng's stone sword also began to truly appear. Although the existence in the dark wanted to get rid of Lin Feng's stone sword quickly, it was obviously not an easy task. Lin Feng's stone sword showed real lethality under Lin Feng's control. A bit harsh

Harmful, trying to get rid of these stone swords in a short time is as difficult as climbing to the sky. And this being in the dark had not yet gotten rid of Lin Feng's stone sword. Then under the control of Lin Feng, the fairy dust's tail thread quickly grew longer, and thousands of dust tail threads were flying in the air, easily similar between

Almost able to penetrate the void, those threads all wound towards the being dragged by Lin Feng's stone sword.

This guy has been following Lin Feng for a long time.

Therefore, Lin Feng also wanted to catch this existence to see what kind of existence this existence was, and it followed them so persistently. At this time, the mysterious being who was being besieged did not know what powerful magical powers he had displayed. All he saw was bright and dazzling rays of light shining out quickly. There were so many rays of light that they were simply countless.


The power contained in each ray of light is unimaginable, shocking and moving. The rays of light first hit Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords and directly knocked them away. Then the beams of light struck at the dense dust tail threads. Kill and go,

It seems that he wants to cut off the dust tail thread.

This method is really powerful. It seems that the existence in the dark has also used the means to suppress the situation. Think about it, now the existence in the dark is also facing huge troubles and can no longer retain its strength.

If you continue to retain your strength, who knows how dangerous things will happen. The next moment, the beams of light collided with the dust tail threads that were rapidly lengthening and winding towards the dark existence. Although the opponent's attack was quite powerful, the opponent obviously did not know that the magic weapon Lin Feng sacrificed was famous.

Ding’s secret fairy dust. Looking at many reincarnations, there are probably only a few treasures that can truly compare with Tianji Fairy Dust. Therefore, even if the light beam emitted by the secret being is quite strange and quite terrifying, it cannot cut off the tail of the dust at all.


At this time, the existence in the dark had discovered the seven-color light attached to him. He quickly wiped out that part of the seven-color light, and his figure disappeared without a trace again.

But it doesn't matter, because at this time, Lin Feng's rapidly growing silk threads of Tianji Fairy Dust have blocked that area, and these threads have formed an airtight encirclement.

Although the existence in the dark did not appear, he himself was still in the void. When the dust tail threads of Tianji fairy dust swept over, he could touch his body.

Once it touches his body, it can wrap around him.


After a few breaths, a dust tail thread began to shake rapidly. Lin Feng's spirit suddenly revived. He felt that the dust tail thread was entangled with the existence in the dark, but he didn't know which part of him was entangled. After the dust tail thread was entangled with the existence in the dark, the rest

The dust tail threads also flew towards that position quickly, and the dense dust tail threads entangled the existence in the dark.

In this way, the existence in the dark will directly appear. It was an existence lingering in the darkness. The main body did not fully appear. He struggled violently, but the dust tail thread of Tianji Fairy Dust, a treasure, was really scary. Although the entangled existence was strong,


But there is no way to get rid of the entanglement of the fairy dust tail threads. Lin Feng said coldly, "You have followed us all the way and finally chose to take action on this stone bridge. If my method had been weaker, I might have fallen into your hands today. I do want to see you." what exactly is it

Such an existence! ".

Lin Feng stepped towards the existence entangled in the tail threads of the fairy dust.

But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt a chill coming from his ears.

"You will sell your soul to me!".

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng heard a voice ringing in his ear, as if someone was talking to his ear, but Lin Feng had no idea how he approached him.

His voice seemed to contain some terrible magical power that could control everything. At that moment, Lin Feng's body instantly tensed up, as if he had lost control of his body.

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