Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9200: 835 Arrive at the area where the temple is located

"Made, this Gengzi Demon Lord is so perverted that he persisted for such a long time!" Seeing the Gengzi Demon Lord being beaten until he vomited blood, Lin Feng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The continuous high-intensity output made Lin Feng a little out of breath now, he was simply exhausted.

This was true for the monk army as well. They were all very tired and consumed a huge amount of money. And this was the result of the confrontation with the injured Gengzi Demon Lord. If it weren't for the fact that Gengzi Demon Lord was injured by the attack that bounced back instantly, he wanted to injure Gengzi Demon Lord under this continuous confrontation. It’s really not a piece of cake

Easy things.

But fortunately, the current results are pretty good. Lin Feng looked at Demon Lord Gengzi coldly and said, "Demon Gengzi, a strong man of your level has deliberately planned to deal with a young monk like me. I feel ashamed for you! And most of all The key is

, you not only failed to do anything to me, but you were also hurt by me. It’s really embarrassing. I think you shouldn’t be called the Gengzi Demon Lord, but the Waste Demon Lord. How appropriate is this for your temperament! ". Lin Feng only said those words that ridiculed Demon Lord Gengzi because Lin Feng knew very well what the character of Demon Lord Gengzi was like. He himself was an extremely proud person. In addition, when he fell in In the ancient battlefield, although he came back from the disaster, his life in the past made him extremely frustrated. Therefore, the so-called face was extremely important to the Gengzi Demon Lord. The more he stimulated the Gengzi Demon Lord, the more he could Make this guy's mood change

Get angry.

The more violent the Gengzi Demon Lord becomes, the better it is for Lin Feng.

Because violent emotions will seriously affect Gengzi Demon Lord's personal performance.

"Little beast, I want your life."

Gengzi Demon Lord gritted his teeth and drank coldly after hearing Lin Feng's words. Then his body turned into a dark light containing monstrous evil power and flew quickly towards Lin Feng.

That dark light group seemed to be able to destroy everything in front of it.

All the attacks made by the monk army were blown away by the dark light group. Even the monk army along the way were all blown away by the dark light group.

have to say!

The methods of the Gengzi Demon Lord are really too powerful. When the Gengzi Demon Lord takes action with all his strength, the combat power displayed is shocking.

Lin Feng sneered. I saw Lin Feng wave his hand, and Tianji Fairy Dust flew out. Under Lin Feng's urging, thousands of dust tail threads of Tianji Fairy Dust quickly lengthened, and each dust tail thread vibrated out quite powerful magic power. every dust

A slight blow from the tail thread seems to be able to pierce the void.

The dense dust tail threads all wound towards the Gengzi Demon Lord who was rushing toward him. Lin Feng has used the treasure of Tianji Fairy Dust before. Knowing the power of this treasure, Lin Feng believes that even a strong man of Gengzi Demon Lord's level will be entangled by the tail thread of Tianji Fairy Dust.

However, there is no way to get rid of this entanglement immediately.


The Tianji Fairy Dust once again exerted its power, directly covering the dark light group formed by Gengzi Demon Lord. Under the influence of Tianji Fairy Dust, the dark light group formed by Gengzi Demon Lord once again became the original self. look.

Gengzi Demon Lord himself was even more entangled in the dense dust tail threads.

Gengzi Demon Lord struggled violently, but failed to break free from the tangled threads of the fairy dust in the first place.

Gengzi Demon Lord is a well-informed person, and he instantly recognized what the thing wrapped around his body was.

Gengzi Demon Lord shouted angrily, "This is the secret fairy dust! You little beast actually got this treasure? What kind of luck do you have?".

Gengzi Demon Lord admitted that he was really jealous of Lin Feng.

That was the famous Tianji Fairy Dust, and he had heard about it.

That is the treasure that countless monks dream of, but countless people can only think about it.

But now that this treasure has really appeared, and it has been given to a junior monk, it is strange that the Gengzi Demon Lord can feel balanced. Lin Feng sneered, "What? Are you envious of my luck? I've told you a long time ago that for a being like you who has returned from a calamity, it's best to huddle up and practice honestly, and don't think about doing any bad things again. In today's era already

It doesn't belong to you, but why don't you listen? Now let me get rid of you completely! ".

After Lin Feng's voice fell, the monk army's attack came again, instantly drowning the Gengzi Demon Lord who was entangled in the tail threads of the fairy dust.

Gengzi Demon Lord screamed, and after his body was restrained, he would definitely suffer continuous injuries.

However, this Gengzi Demon Lord is indeed extraordinary. He shouted angrily, "Break it for me."

After Gengzi Demon Lord's voice fell, he still successfully broke away from the shackles of Tianji Fairy Dust, and turned into a ball of black energy and rushed outside quickly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng quickly called on the monk army to continue attacking the black energy formed by Gengzi Demon Lord.

But it was already very difficult to keep the Gengzi Demon Lord at this time. In fact, Lin Feng never thought that he could really kill the Gengzi Demon Lord.

A monk of Gengzi Demon Lord's level is really too powerful, and you can't kill him just because you want to. It is only natural for him to escape.

But this time, Lin Feng was extremely satisfied to be able to cause considerable damage to Gengzi Demon Lord.

In fact, Lin Feng brought more than just damage to the Gengzi Demon Lord. For Lin Feng himself, this battle greatly increased Lin Feng's self-confidence, and the internal damage to the Gengzi Demon Lord was great, and it might seriously hinder his success. Practice.

In addition, the results of this battle cannot be concealed and will inevitably spread. And this battle was enough to make many monks who wanted to take action against Lin Feng become wary. Before taking action, they would definitely consider whether they had the ability to surpass Demon Lord Gengzi. If not, wouldn't they be seeking death by provoking Lin Feng?

, can invisibly prevent many people from provoking Lin Feng again.

After Gengzi Demon Lord escaped, Lin Feng quickly took stock of the undead legions. Although the three legions suffered certain losses, the losses were not too great and their combat power was still astonishing.

Lin Feng sent the three legions into the Book of the Dead and let them recuperate. And Lin Feng did not stay in this temple, because this temple has been explored by those strong men before, and Hong Zhong Dalu was also taken back by Gengzi Demon Lord. It is estimated that it will be difficult to continue searching here.

Found an opportunity.

After leaving the temple, Lin Feng continued to walk deeper.

After experiencing the Gengzi Demon Lord incident, Lin Feng became more and more cautious, but during the following journey, Lin Feng did not encounter any danger again.

One day later.

Lin Feng finally arrived at the area where the temple was located.

Outside the temple is a dense group of ancient temples, all of which are ancient stone temples. They seem to have existed since ancient times and exude an ancient atmosphere.

The temple is also made of stone. It looks like a stone temple, and it is the largest stone temple-like building in this place.

The temple is located in the most central position, with a height of one thousand meters, squatting on the ground like a giant beast, which makes people feel a deep sense of awe. "We're finally here, but something doesn't seem right. Where are the top experts? They should have arrived here in advance. If they are here, why is it so quiet and strange?", looking ahead. Lin Feng couldn't help but have many questions in his mind when the huge group of temples appeared, and his expression gradually became serious.

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