Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9205: 840 The duel between the two camps

Some of the monks fighting together were familiar figures to Lin Feng, such as the goddess Ji Yao. Some of them were characters that Lin Feng had seen before but was not familiar with, such as the old stone man, the Jiao Emperor, the Evil God Empress, the Flower Demon Fairy, and the mysterious strong man shrouded in darkness. These five strong men, including the previous ones, The Gengzi Demon

The master is the six powerful men who besieged the Qiankun Ghost Mother. These six people probably hated Lin Feng and gnashed their teeth with hatred. If it weren't for Lin Feng, the Qiankun Ghost Mother might have been besieged and died by them. Gengzi Demon Lord did not come here in order to deal with Lin Feng. He thought everything was safe, but instead he was injured by Lin Feng and ran away. He is probably recovering somewhere now, so there is no Gengzi Demon Lord among the dozens of strong men.

figure. In addition to the people Lin Feng was familiar with, there were seven people whom Lin Feng had never seen before. However, the auras of two or three powerful men made Lin Feng feel like he had seen them before. Lin Feng guessed that he might have sensed them before. Aura, or actually seen them, but they may not show their true face to others, so it is impossible to judge their identity simply from their appearance. For the top experts, they mainly rely on their life energy.

They must use the information to determine their identities. After all, it is extremely easy for these top powerhouses to change their appearance. Nowadays, these powerful people are roughly divided into two camps. One of the camps has five powerful people, namely the old stone man, the Jiao Emperor, the Evil God Empress, the Flower Demon Fairy, and the mysterious powerful man shrouded in darkness. The strength of the five people is too strong. Any one of them is a terrifying existence that can overwhelm the world. Looking at the four universes and several reincarnations, they are also characters who can write glorious chapters in the history of reincarnation. They have swept through nine heavens and ten places, and traveled all over the world. Bahuang

Liuhe is incomparable.

The rest of the people, including Goddess Ji Yao, united together. There were more people on their side, a total of eight people, forming an eight-on-five arrangement.

Although it was eight against five, because the five opponents were too terrifying, Goddess Ji Yao and others did not get any advantage.

However, it is precisely because those five people are too terrifying, which also reflects the terror of those eight people. Although they may not be as good as the traditional top five when fighting alone.

But in fact it’s not too different. What really shocked Lin Feng was Goddess Ji Yao, because when Goddess Ji Yao shed her **** and transformed into a real flesh and blood creature, Lin Feng witnessed it with her own eyes. At that time, Goddess Ji Yao had not yet reached the level of a cosmic boss. At most, he only has the combat power of the Universe Boss level, and the Universe Boss is far behind the traditional top five. However, Goddess Ji Yao's transformation was successful, and her combat power was as if she had cheated. carry

The promotion was really fast. It seems that the opportunities that Goddess Ji Yao got during this period are really amazing.

However, the most terrifying thing about extremely powerful people is not just their attack power.

Another thing that is extremely scary is their staying power.

Although Goddess Ji Yao and the other eight people have not been suppressed yet, their strength is definitely not comparable to that of the traditional top five. If they continue to be consumed, their combat power will soon decline.

But the traditional top five can still remain at their peak, which is more terrifying. Lin Feng, who was hiding in the dark, muttered to himself, "Fortunately, the Gengzi Demon Lord didn't come over but chose to ambush me secretly. If the Gengzi Demon Lord was also here, the traditional top six could join forces to deal with the other eight people.

Although it may seem like just one more person is added, this added person can change the situation of the battle in an instant! But this did give me a chance! ".

Lin Feng wanted to see if he could find a chance to remove the ancient tree.

In this way, those people will no longer be able to get the heart of the Eleven Apertures, and the icon will not have to die.

But if he really did this, those two groups of people would definitely hate him to death.

But Lin Feng couldn't control so much, as the traditional top five wanted to crush him to ashes before.

Lin Feng didn't care that these people hated him even more.

As for the long as Goddess Ji Yao doesn't become hostile to him because of this matter, Lin Feng doesn't know the other people. Lin Feng doesn't care whether they hate him or not. But removing the ancient tree is not something that can be done casually. After all, the ancient tree was formed from special seeds. It is not that easy to remove it. If the ancient tree resists, When the time comes Lin

Since Feng had exposed himself and was still unable to successfully remove the ancient tree, it would be a waste of time to draw water from a bamboo basket.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided to communicate with the icon before taking action to see if he could contact the icon. He would have to have the help of the icon. Otherwise, it would be difficult to succeed. Lin Feng tried to communicate with the icon with his mind, and soon Lin Feng was able to communicate with the icon. After the icon knew Lin Feng's thoughts, he readily agreed and told Lin Feng to do it with confidence. When Lin Feng passed by, he would

The old trees can be removed smoothly without any hindrance. After there are no problems with the icon, Lin Feng now faces another problem, which is how to quietly avoid the perception of all powerful people and lurk to the ancient tree. This is not an easy task. After all,

The strong men here are each stronger than the last, and the slightest flaw will be discovered by these strong men. However, Lin Feng also thought of a way, that is to let Beibei and he take action together. The two of them cooperated very well. Coupled with Beibei's natural ability, there is a high probability that they can hide it from everyone.

human perception.

Think of this.

Lin Feng communicated with Beibei, and soon the two parties reached an agreement. Lin Feng and Beibei took action together, and they quietly lurked towards the ancient tree.

At first, there were no surprises.

There are still five or six meters to reach the ancient tree, and Lin Feng is already preparing to move the ancient tree into his time and space.

But who would have thought that at this extremely critical moment.

The sudden change. Some mysterious runes actually appeared in the void. These runes were hidden so deeply that even Lin Feng didn't notice them before. Although these runes didn't have much power, they could serve as a warning.

, when Lin Feng and Beibei touched these runes, their figures also appeared.

Both sides of the war were naturally attracted by the situation here.

When they see someone trying to fish in troubled waters, many people show murderous intent.

Especially the traditional top five, because Lin Feng saved the Qiankun Ghost Mother from them, they hated Lin Feng to the core.

Now seeing Lin Feng trying to remove the ancient trees while they were fighting, each one of them was filled with murderous intent. "Lin Feng, you little beast, you are looking for death." Emperor Jiao, the most ill-tempered among the top five, even cursed Lin Feng.

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