Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9210: 845 Run away quickly

"All things collapsed!". Seeing Lin Feng and others coming to kill, the terrifying being shouted coldly. Suddenly, unimaginable power of Tao formed in the void and blasted towards Lin Feng and others.

Bang bang bang... With the sound of extremely violent collisions, one by one the monks were blown away. In the end, only Lin Feng, Huang Mo, Master Transformation, and Eleven Aperture Hearts were not defeated. They continued Kill that terrifying existence

, but the magical attack of that terrifying existence is not a one-time attack, it is continuous. As powerful as the Desolate Demon and the Transformed Master, they could not hold on anymore. They were also knocked away one after another, and each of them vomited blood. It would be as miserable as it was. How miserable.

Lin Feng was able to persist for such a long time because his defense was strong enough.

But now Lin Feng can no longer hold on, so Lin Feng plans to summon the undead army and use the undead army to deal with this guy.

Under Lin Feng's summons, the undead army quickly flew out.

"The Book of the Dead, hasn't this thing been destroyed? Do you know who forged the Book of the Dead? You actually used this thing against me? It's really ridiculous, go back!".

The being couldn't help but roar while enduring the severe pain in his body. His voice seemed to contain endless magic power. When his voice fell, the army of the undead returned to the Book of the Dead again, and the Book of the Dead turned into a beam of light and returned to Lin Feng's body.

It seems to be sealed and difficult to mobilize.

This shocked Lin Feng. In fact, Lin Feng had never figured out the origin of the Book of the Dead. He only knew that the Book of the Dead was extremely ancient and its origin was extremely complicated.

But who specifically forged it is unknown, but it can be analyzed from the words of this terrifying existence just now. The Book of the Dead seems to have a deep relationship with this being. Even if it was not forged by him, the person who forged the Book of the Dead has an extremely close relationship with this being. Therefore, he knows how to restrain the undead.

book. At this time, a new round of attacks from Ten Thousand Ways Collapse comes, and its power is even more tyrannical than before. This Ten Thousand Ways Collapse is indeed the top magical power mastered by this terrifying existence. It can form multiple attacks at a time. At the critical moment,

One attack will be much more powerful than the last attack, which is difficult to achieve.

This time, Lin Feng was also knocked away. Even someone as powerful as him could not withstand it. The terrifying power even made him dizzy, and he almost fainted. Only the ten-aperture stone man was left, resisting the attack of the terrifying being. He quickly rushed to the terrifying being with a huge stone sword composed of twenty-three stone swords, and stabbed directly with the stone sword. That terrifying existence

About three inches on the left side of the abdomen. The Shiman Shiman also said before that he knew where the weakness of this terrifying being was. Lin Feng originally thought that his weakness was a weakness in his soul. If it was a weakness in this aspect, then a certain position on his head might be the cause of death.

No matter how unlucky he is, his chest may be his weak point. After all, this place is where the heart and other important organs are located.

Of course, it may also be the Dantian location.

But the current position is not the Dantian position, nor is it the Qi Sea position, nor is it the position Lin Feng had guessed before.

This position should not become the monk's Achilles' heel.

But everything is uncertain, everyone has weaknesses, and the weaknesses of some powerful beings may be places that others cannot imagine.

"court death!".

The terrifying being shouted angrily, and slapped three palms at the ten-aperture stone man from afar.

The chest of the ten-aperture stone man was collapsed, but the ten-aperture stone man was not knocked out.

He seemed to be completely integrated with the stone sword. Even though he suffered extremely serious injuries, he still moved forward.

The ten-aperture stone man held a stone sword and broke through all obstacles, finally reaching the terrifying existence.

There was a puff sound, and the stone sword in the hand of the Shiqiao Stone Man penetrated into the fatal hole of the terrifying existence.

"It's done!".

The eyes of Lin Feng and others suddenly lit up.

The stone man with ten apertures also let out a sigh of relief. But at this time, the terrifying existence was not killed. The magic power in his body went completely berserk, violently shaking the void, as if it could penetrate the heaven and earth. All the flesh and blood inside the mysterious iron box he devoured were completely absorbed by him.

After being expelled from the body, the flesh and blood returned to the mysterious iron box, and the mysterious iron box quickly flew back into Lin Feng's body. Even the mysterious iron box was afraid of this terrifying existence.

"not good!". Lin Feng's face couldn't help but change greatly. Judging from the situation, this terrifying existence has definitely cultivated his fatal point. Therefore, although the sword of the Shiqiao Stone Man penetrated into his fatal point, it was not able to kill him. At most, it could not kill him. Just right

He caused a lot of damage, and now this terrifying existence has expelled the flesh and blood that it had swallowed before, and its combat power has recovered a lot. This is extremely dangerous for the Shiman with ten apertures.

Lin Feng shouted loudly, "Retreat, retreat quickly."

"If you want to retreat, it's too late!". This terrifying being grinned ferociously, and slapped his palm towards the head of the Shi-acular stone man. The Shi-aperture stone man could not avoid this palm, and this terrifying palm struck the head of the Shi-aperture stone man. , the brain of a stone man with ten orifices

The bag immediately collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes were almost splitting.

Because he found that the aura of the Shi-Aperture Stone Man disappeared along with his head, which meant that the body, including the will, of the Shi-Aperture Stone Man was destroyed.

But! No matter how angry Lin Feng was, what could he do? Facing this terrifying existence, they were too far behind to resist.

"Now it is your turn!". This terrifying being looked at Lin Feng with a sinister smile on his face. Although he failed to swallow the broken corpse inside the mysterious iron box, he still had great confidence in swallowing Lin Feng. Now that his injury is not serious, he plans to devour Lin Feng first, and then devour the people around Lin Feng to recover. As for the broken corpses inside the mysterious iron box, he can wait to devour them later. His plan is extremely

Its perfect.

I saw this terrifying existence, with its big hands stretched out to grab Lin Feng. The terrifying coercion filled the air, making it impossible to resist.

But at this critical moment, a graceful and graceful figure appeared in front of Lin Feng.

It’s the Qiankun Ghost Mother! She took action and slapped the big hand extended by the terrifying being.

Lin Feng really didn't expect that the Qiankun Ghost Mother would appear at this time, which made him both excited and lucky.

If it weren't for the Qiankun Ghost Mother, I would probably be in misery.

The terrifying being seemed a little surprised. He felt the power of Qiankun Ghost Mother's palm and did not dare to be too careless. The palm that grabbed Lin Feng was changed to slap the palm of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

boom. Along with the sound of the violent collision, the two sides exchanged fierce blows. I have to say that the guy was really terrible. His critical point was injured, and the injury should be serious, but he was still as stable as a mountain, motionless.

, the Qiankun Ghost Mother who was facing him retreated for more than ten meters, and then stopped with difficulty, and the right hand of the Qiankun Ghost Mother seemed to be trembling slightly because it had endured too much power. Qiankun Ghost Mother did not turn around, but said in a deep and urgent voice: "Escape quickly!".

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