Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9240: 28 Asking Heaven and Blessed Earth

Lin Feng's mind returned to reality, and he opened his eyes, but Lin Feng's eyes were full of shock. It turned out that this thing turned out to be a key.

Since it has been passed down to this day.

This shows that there is a high probability that the descendants of the mysterious powerful man have not found that paradise.

"Hey, there is a word!". Lin Feng was surprised. There were no words on this thing before. Now these fonts have just appeared. Perhaps it has something to do with Lin Feng sensing the content imprinted in it. After the previous feeling was generated, the fonts changed.

will show up. This is an extremely ancient divine writing that Lin Feng does not recognize. Lin Feng asked the Demon Lord if he knew this kind of writing, but it was a pity that the Demon Lord did not know this kind of writing either. This kind of writing was unknown many long years ago.

It’s written, so it’s normal that the demon king doesn’t recognize it. "I can understand the meaning of these words!". Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself that this was an extremely unique ability he had mastered. When he didn't recognize certain words, he could try to sense those words. If those words

The words contain the power of Tao, so under Lin Feng's induction, Lin Feng might be able to sense what these unknown words mean.

But if these words do not contain the power of Tao.

Then, Lin Feng couldn't sense anything special.

This thing was very special. Lin Feng felt that the words imprinted on it might contain the power of Tao.

Lin Feng quickly took action.

He tried to sense it with his spiritual thoughts. As time passed, Lin Feng gradually felt the connotation of those words.

Swish swish swish.

Lin Feng quickly wrote down four words based on what he felt and misunderstood. After writing these four words, Lin Feng looked at the four words he wrote on the ground.

Then he saw the four words "Wen Tian Blessed Earth" written on the ground like flying dragons and phoenixes.

Obviously this place is a paradise in the cave. It is named after the word "Wentian", which shows the extraordinary nature of this paradise.

The mysterious strong man from the past was also a being who could create a cultivation system. Although his cultivation system is only promoted on a small scale, it is still terrifying enough. The things inside such a cave heaven blessed land left behind by such a being are unimaginable, and the old man also said before leaving that the cave heaven

There is even a method of cultivating the art of immortality in the blessed land. However, Lin Feng felt that the art of immortality in the blessed land of cave heaven was only a part of the art of immortality, mainly because this art of immortality was really against the heavens, and no place could contain the complete art of immortality.

So these techniques of immortality must be separate.

"No matter what, you have to find the blessed land of Wentian!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but murmur to himself, this place is really important to him. If this place can be found, then, relying on the opportunity of Wentian Paradise, Lin Feng feels that he may achieve an unimaginable improvement, but where exactly is Wentian Paradise is a matter of fact?

It's something that gives people an extremely headache, mainly because it's so old. Lin Feng didn't even know which reincarnation the mysterious strong man came from. Judging from the situation, it was definitely not this reincarnation, but the previous reincarnation. After the reincarnation was broken, the topography had already been turned upside down.

With such changes, it is naturally difficult to find such a paradise.

Although it is difficult to find, Lin Feng is not worried that the Cave Heaven Paradise will be destroyed. Some extremely special Cave Heaven Paradise or those with extremely high specifications are protected by extremely powerful laws and even mysteries.

Even if the era collapses and reincarnation is broken, these cave heavens and blessed lands cannot be destroyed.

Lin Feng then looked at the special pendant-like object in his hand. He would have to rely on this thing when searching for heaven and earth.

But now Lin Feng has no more clues.

However, Lin Feng believed that there must be more secrets hidden in this object.

It's just that it's not easy to understand these secrets. You can't be anxious about this kind of thing. It's useless even if you are anxious. You have to do it step by step.

So Lin Feng put this thing away for the time being.

After getting such a treasure, Lin Feng felt quite good, but Lin Feng did not relax because of it.

He seizes the time to practice in seclusion in time and space to improve his strength.

Cultivation is like this, like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

In the following time, Lin Feng remained in seclusion in time and space and did not appear.

Until Poison Ancestor came to call Lin Feng.

Only then did Lin Feng know that they were almost reaching their destination. Although the secret place is also in the Ancient Forest of Ten Thousand Demons, this location is not accessible to ordinary people. This is the most dangerous place inside the Ancient Forest of Ten Thousand Demons. There are broken formation restrictions everywhere, and the void in many places is broken. , connected to unknown places. Once you step into those places, you may be involved in some mysterious and broken void worlds. You will never be able to return to the real world for eternity, and some places are still entrenched in mysterious places.

The fear of time power, once you fall into that place, no matter how much life you have, it will not be enough to swallow it.

But the Demon Kingdom has the road map to travel through this dangerous place.

Before entering this dangerous place, everyone flew out from the ancient starry sky ship. In the Kingdom of Demons, although many races have not received many quotas, there are simply too many races in the Kingdom of Demons. There are many demon forces that Lin Feng has never heard of. Therefore, Overall people

The number is not small, there must be fifty or sixty thousand people.

These monks gathered together and the momentum was quite large. However, the monks who can come here are all very powerful monks, and they are very organized and disciplined. Everyone lines up according to different races, and under the leadership of the monks in front, they quickly move towards the depths and travel through

Overcoming numerous formation restrictions, climbing over the area covered by several mountains, and finally arrived at the outskirts of the secret area.

Ahead is a huge valley. No one has come to this valley for who knows how many years. The grass grows extremely luxuriantly, and the valley is also filled with all kinds of vegetation.

"This is it!".

Bai Qiu's grandfather said.

He came here once a few years ago, but that was many epochs ago, and he has never been here since.

Now that I'm here again, my mood is exciting and complicated.

Because for their demon clan, the secret place here is really important.

It’s about the rise, fall and future of these monster clans.

"Whoosh whoosh!".

At this time, figures rose into the sky and flew towards the depths of the valley. There were eight people in total. It is the king of the demon kingdom and the seven demon emperors who hold the "key". They must unite to open the entrance to this secret place.

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