Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9281: 69 One against two, severely damaging the powerful enemy!

"The method is good, but in front of us, it is destined to be just a flash in the pan, not worth mentioning!".

The cold voice, accompanied by the murderous intent, seemed to have pierced Lin Feng's skin.

It was a shocking sound.

Lin Feng also felt a qi movement, which was hidden deeper than Jingtian.

That was the breath of the Demon Suppressing Tower's weapon spirit. At the moment when death came, Lin Feng noticed them. It seemed that his guess was good. He had killed them where they were hiding, so they waited and waited for work, while their footing was not stable.

Next, he launched a fatal blow against himself. This opportunity was chosen too well.

No matter how powerful a monk is, he still has time to adapt and react, and what these two people did was to completely cut off Lin Feng's adaptation and reaction time.

Under normal circumstances, ninety-nine percent of monks would suffer.

But Lin Feng felt the cold murderous intent, but he was not afraid.

Because, when Lin Feng rushed towards the hiding place of the two men, he had already guessed that he would be attacked by a sneak attack.

Many people are obviously very strong, but they are frustrated at every turn.

It's because when they do things, they can only see the situation in front of them and cannot guess what will happen in the future.

When Lin Feng does something, he will speculate on what may happen next.

In particular, some worse situations that may arise must be taken seriously and well thought out countermeasures.

Someone once said, if you think so much about everything in life, how tiring your life will be.

In fact, people who say this are the ones who really have a harder life.

Because it won’t be too tiring to think about it more.

And if you think more about it, you may be able to survive better in the chaotic, complicated and deceitful world of cultivators.

So when the moment of life and death arrived, Lin Feng's body became illusory. It was the Unparalleled Art of Illusion Curse that was activated by Lin Feng. If he cast it when he felt in danger, he might not have the chance to cast it against powerful men like Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit and Jingtian, but Lin Feng cast it in advance.

This secret skill was only one thought away from being released, so even if death was about to come, Lin Feng still successfully used this method that could save his life at this critical moment.

next moment. Terrifying attacks appeared on Lin Feng's left and back sides respectively. The attack formed on the left was the power of the three minor disasters fused together. It simply contained the terrifying power of destroying everything. This was the weapon spirit of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Attack, this guy is indeed extremely skilled in using the power of the Little Three Disasters. It seems that he has practiced in vain all these years. The attack that follows contains the power of a powerful cycle of cause and effect. This is a shocking attack. I don’t know what magical power it is, but it contains the law of cause and effect. This is something that countless strong people talk about.

The way he changed showed how powerful Jingtian's attack was.

These two men are naturally extremely confident in their attacks and timing.

Although Lin Feng's strength was quite outstanding, in their opinion, no matter how powerful Lin Feng was, he would not be able to neutralize the attacks of the two of them. To say the least, even if Lin Feng was not killed by the two of them.

But you can never run away if you are seriously injured.

It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. When Lin Feng's body became illusory, Lin Feng was still standing there, but their attacks failed to cause any damage to Lin Feng. Instead, they penetrated Lin Feng's body, blasted him in mid-air, and killed him in mid-air.

And dissipated in mid-air. This situation was unacceptable to the two of them. This was a powerful attack they had deliberately planned, but Lin Feng just dodged it. This shouldn't be the case.

The most powerful person has self-respect, and the two of them naturally do the same.

But then, they both felt bad. Because they felt that they had underestimated Lin Feng's methods. Although this Lin Feng was a bit too young, he was really powerful to the point of being abnormal. Such a being could use special means to resolve death when it came. Their offensive, then how could there be no other means to deal with the two of them after resolving the offensive? Therefore, both the Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit and Jingtian quickly moved towards the back, wanting to quickly

Click to distance yourself from Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng moved, and he took the lead in locking onto Jingtian. The reason why he locked Jingtian was because he had injured Jingtian in the previous battle. Now he was not at his peak state. Lin Feng planned to use all his strength to defeat Jingtian first. Of course, Lin Feng was not just going to attack the demon-suppressing monster. The tower weapon spirit ignored him. When he was killing Jingtian, Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts also locked on the demon-suppressing tower weapon spirit. A treasure appeared in each of Lin Feng's left and right hands. The treasure that appeared in his right hand was

Under Lin Feng's urging, the dense dust tail of the Tianji Fairy Dust quickly lengthened, winding towards Jingtian.

The treasure that appeared in Lin Feng's left hand was the Diamond Circle. Lin Feng planned to use the Diamond Circle to deal with the artifact spirits of the Demon Suppressing Tower. There is a reason why you choose to use the Diamond Circle to deal with the Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit. The Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit is not a body of flesh and blood, but a spiritual body. Although such an existence is powerful, it actually has many weaknesses, such as being strong. spirit

Soul attacks or extremely violent physical attacks can cause considerable damage to him.

Lin Feng's physical body was powerful and his power was terrifying.

This diamond circle itself is also a treasure known for its violent power. The fatal blow of the natal attack contained in the Diamond Circle can stimulate three to fifteen times the power given to the Diamond Circle by the monks. Although it needs to cool down for a period of time after being used once, this is a drawback, but it is heaven-defying.

Treasures are often like this. As long as you seize this opportunity, you can change the situation of the battle.

Therefore, Lin Feng was able to deal with two people at the same time and still seemed to be able to deal with them with ease.

The Jingtian sacrificed a magic knife, trying to cut off the tail of the fairy dust that was quickly extending towards him. But it was of no use at all. The power of the treasure Tianji Fairy Dust was really powerful. It directly entangled the magic knife and continued to entangle towards Jingtian. Jingtian was unable to avoid it and was surrounded by the dense Tianji Fairy Dust.

The dust tail thread is entangled. On the other side, the rapidly thrown diamond circle has also collided well with the Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit. The Demon Suppressing Tower Artifact Spirit originally wanted to mobilize a large amount of power to construct a defensive wall to resist the attack of the Diamond Circle Artifact Spirit. only

Lin Feng acted too quickly, and he only constructed an ordinary defensive wall. The diamond circle had already blasted in. The diamond circle shattered the defensive wall, and then blasted away the Demon Suppressing Tower weapon spirit. Withstanding the violent attack of the diamond circle, the Demon Suppressing Tower was extremely seriously injured. His body, which was already looking somewhat illusory, now had many cracks.

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