Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9610: The secret of practice

Soon, Lin Feng and others disappeared from everyone's sight.

Several people from the Wuyun Club were wailing again and again, and it took a while before they got up.

"Brother Qiang, what should we do? Can't we just let that kid go?" A monk from the Wuyun Society said fiercely.

Scarface's face was gloomy, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He said, "This boy! He dared to resist us when he came to our territory. I really thought he could be so arrogant if he had some ability. What happened today?" We can't settle it like this, we have to find our place. Let's go back to the gang and tell the superiors about this.

"Okay 1. The others responded one after another.

The group then moved quickly towards where the gang was stationed.

Someone said, "Tsk tsk, that kid is in trouble. He offended Wuyunhui. How could Wuyunhui let him go so easily? That kid is too naive. If it were me, I would leave here immediately instead of continuing towards the city." Go".

"Come on, if it were you, if someone from the Wuyun Club bullied you, you wouldn't dare to resist. You would probably have knelt on the ground and begged for mercy." Someone joked.

But there was indeed a kind person who reminded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn’t know exactly who it was. Anyway, Lin Feng had already walked out a long distance, and then he heard someone transmitting a message to him, saying that those people from the Wuyun Society would not give up depending on the situation, so he asked Lin Feng to quickly take the people around him with him. People should escape here quickly. If it is a little later, they may not be able to escape even if they want to. Those people in the Wuyun Club are quite ruthless in their methods.

Lin Feng was actually a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were kind-hearted people in this place where the most evil people gathered. But if he thought about it carefully, were the people here really all evil people? If he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it really wasn't the case. After all, , many people fled here to take refuge, it does not mean that they are bad people, just like the Ning siblings, they are such kind people, but they are hunted down by the people of Zhu Laodian.

They had no other choice but to flee into the chaos.

If Lin Feng hadn't helped, the two siblings might have died.

Since Lin Feng didn't know where the other party was, he couldn't thank him for his kindness, but Lin Feng definitely wouldn't leave here. A mere underground gang really didn't pay attention to Lin Feng.

It would be fine if the people from Wuyun Club didn't come to cause trouble. If they really dared to come to cause trouble, Lin Feng wouldn't tolerate them.

Although Lin Feng is not a murderous person.

However, there are quite a few people who have died in his hands over the years.

Half an hour later.

Lin Feng and the others stayed in a relatively high-end inn, where there were small single-family courtyards for rent.

Lin Feng decided to build a small courtyard.

The small courtyard is located in a huge villa. In this villa, there are pavilions, rockeries, rocks, flowers, small bridges and flowing water, all beautifully arranged.

Every once in a while, there is a small courtyard.

Ordinary people cannot afford to live in such a place.

The two siblings were almost at their limit mentally and physically, so they quickly went to rest after arriving here.

Lin Feng was in good spirits and went to take a bath in a hot spring.

In the evening we went out for a meal.

Came back late at night and had a good night's rest.

When they got up the next day, the Ning siblings were still in seclusion, and Lin Feng did not bother them. Today Lin Feng planned to go to the trading house to announce the news.

Let Du Zu and others get the news and quickly come here to join him.

These trading houses are distributed in various cities, and they have a large number of monks under their command. Poison Ancestor and his group are quite eye-catching. Lin Feng believes that with the operation of the trading houses, they can quickly find Poison Ancestor and others.

There are a total of ten trading houses in Wuyun City, ranging from strong to weak.

Lin Feng released information on searching for Poison Ancestor and others in these ten trading houses.

Lin Feng can just wait for a few days.

After releasing the information, Lin Feng returned to his residence. He entered time and space and practiced for a day. He gained a lot and was in a good mood. At this time, he heard a knock on the door from outside. Lin Feng came out of time and space. Flying out was Ning Qingqing, a pure and lovely little beauty. After she came out of seclusion, she came over to say hello to Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng had no idea about Ning Qingqing.

But I have to say that Ning Qingqing is really full of youthful atmosphere.

You can feel the unique youthful atmosphere from her.

Although Lin Feng is still young enough, Lin Feng has experienced too many things and has long since become mature and prudent. He no longer has Ning Qingqing's temperament.

Who doesn’t like this little beauty with a delicate body?

Even Lin Feng thought Ning Qingqing was eye-catching.

Lin Feng asked Ning Qingqing, "How is your body recovering?".

Ning Qingqing said, "Thanks to Brother Lin for your concern, I have recovered quite well."

"Is your brother still in retreat?". Lin Feng asked.

"yes". Ning Qingqing nodded.

Lin Feng said, "Well, let him continue to retreat, and I will take you to eat something."

Ning Qingqing nodded obediently, and then left the residence with Lin Feng. This little beauty was very quiet, and she felt like a little bird standing next to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng asked Ning Qingqing what she liked to eat, and Ning Qingqing said anything.

So Lin Feng took Ning Qingqing to the restaurant where he had eaten two days ago. The food inside was quite good.

After dinner, the night was getting darker.

The two of them walked towards the residence together. Ning Qingqing seemed to have forgotten many worries and pains beside Lin Feng. She walked in front, jumping up and down, very smart and lovely, looking at the expression on Ning Qingqing's face. Lin Feng seemed to be infected by the smile.

For some reason, Lin Feng suddenly felt an extremely strong impulse in his heart.

Maybe it's because of the environment, maybe it's because of the emotion.

It may also be because, in the dead of night.

Even if he is as strong as Lin Feng, he still wants to find some warmth occasionally.

Previously, Lin Feng was surrounded by Nuer, Nangong Qinghan and others.

But Lin Feng was as calm as water.

But now, the calm lake surface has set off ripples.

Life may be so wonderful.

"Qing Qing 1. Lin Feng shouted.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong?". Ning Qingqing stopped and turned to look at Lin Feng, her eyes were so innocent.

Lin Feng said, "Come with me, I have a secret to tell you1.

"Secret? What secret?". Ning Qingqing looked at Lin Feng innocently, and couldn't help but be extremely interested in the secret Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng said, "The secret about cultivation is guaranteed to make you fall in love with this kind of cultivation from now on."

Ning Qingqing didn't seem to understand what Lin Feng meant, but she seemed to somewhat understand what Lin Feng meant.

Her innocent and pretty face turned slightly rosy. (End of chapter)

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