Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9613: Stable as a mountain


Scarface's headless body fell directly to the ground. Scarface probably didn't know until his death why such a thing happened. He was obviously just a young and somewhat excessive monk. How could he be so powerful, even , and instantly took off his head.

But this world is cruel. Many times, before you understand something, you may have become a dead person.

“This guy is no ordinary person.

After many people recovered from the deep shock, a thought flashed through their minds.

But many people felt that even if Lin Feng was not an ordinary person, the number of people on the other side was simply too great.

As the saying goes, too many ants can kill an elephant.

What's more, there are three to four hundred elite strong men on the opposite side. Unless they can completely crush the opponent, otherwise, it is basically a dead end. But it is easy to impeach the opponent if you want to completely crush the opponent. For a young monk, This is even more true.

Of course, there are also some people who hold another idea. They feel that judging from the methods Lin Feng just showed, Lin Feng definitely belongs to the kind of existence that is not a dragon but a river. There are always some people in this world, although they are too young. , but its strength is incredibly strong.

Although! This kind of person is as rare as a rare thing.

But occasionally, you can still see some.

Maybe Lin Feng is such a person, although the number of people who have this idea is at least less than ten percent.

But this group of people had some inexplicable sense of expectation for Lin Feng.

This includes women in pink skirts and women in white.

Hong Fengzhu hoped that Lin Feng could escape from this place quickly. She even secretly sent a message to Lin Feng to ask Lin Feng to leave quickly.

Lin Feng was still a little surprised when he received the message from Hongfengzhu.

I thought she was just a scumbag who left after flirting with someone.

Who would have thought that Hong Fengzhu was still caring about him? Could it be that this woman really fell in love with him at first sight? Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin and sighed in his heart. He was really too good and could always make those absolutely stunning people. Beautiful women cannot help themselves.

But letting Lin Feng leave was naturally impossible.

A mere Wuyunhui would not scare Lin Feng. If Lin Feng was willing, Lin Feng felt that it would not be a big problem for him to destroy Wuyun City alone.

Of course, Lin Feng would not say such words.

"Boy! If you kill my Wuyunhui people, no one in the sky or on earth can save you." A cold voice filled with murderous intent came.

It is Wu Jiuxiao, the president of Wuyun Society.

This Wu Jiuxiao is tall and thin, and I don’t know if it’s because of excessive sexual indulgence. His eye circles are dark. He is the kind of person who gives people an extremely sinister and sinister feeling at first glance. Such people are often ruthless. Otherwise, it would be impossible to build Wuyunhui to such a vicious reputation.

"Kill 1. A group of monks from the Wuyun Society, after Wu Jiuxiao's voice fell, came towards Lin Feng with a tacit understanding to kill him.

The total number of Wuyun Society monks who took action was forty or fifty.

Although everyone in Wuyunhui looked fierce, these people were not stupid at all. They knew very well that Lin Feng had some tricks, so no one chose to fight Lin Feng alone, but chose to attack in groups.

In this way, the casualties on their side can be reduced to the greatest extent.

And he can also capture Lin Feng as quickly as possible.

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

"That boy, I'm afraid he's going to die now...". Someone in the crowd said, looking gloating.

There are already a large number of extremely vicious people gathered here. Such people don't look down on others.

Seeing other people's misfortune makes me even happier than during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, some people were secretly worried about Lin Feng.

Lin Feng himself had an expression as steady as a rock.

"However, some people like to seek death." Faced with the attacks of a group of people, Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and his words that seemed to be talking to himself or complaining made many people slightly stunned.

Wait for everyone to react.

Many people think that Lin Feng is too good at pretending.

This is already imminent, and I’m still pretending here.

You will cry later.

However, something that shocked everyone happened immediately. With a flick of his finger, Lin Feng condensed sword energy and headed directly towards the monks to kill them.

The sword energy that Lin Feng used to kill seemed ordinary, but it made the faces of the besieging monks change drastically, because they felt that after being locked by the sword energy, they seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss. All that was left was deep fear.

They did not dare to hesitate and quickly took action to resist the attacks of those sword energies.

Someone has used magical powers.

Someone offered a magic weapon.

But no matter what method he used, when encountering the sword energy from Lin Feng's killing blow, his magical powers collapsed, his magic weapon shattered, and all methods seemed to be ineffective.

next moment.

A puffing sound came out.

Then everyone saw that heads were beheaded one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the heads of forty or fifty monks were all chopped off.

At this moment, the originally noisy environment immediately became silent.


Everyone's eyes were filled with deep shock.

Not to mention those monks who don't think highly of Lin Feng.

Even those monks who were optimistic about Lin Feng never expected that Lin Feng would be so powerful. It was simply unbelievable.

"Sister Hong, your little lover is too awesome, isn't it?". The woman in pink skirt exclaimed again and again.

Hongfengzhu was also a little confused at this moment.

Could it be that the young man she met who fell in love with her and was flirted with by her turned out to be a monster of a heaven-defying level? This probability is really better than being hit on the head by a large piece of gold bar when you go out.

But. All this has become a reality.

It makes people feel like they are in a dream.

"Kill, kill, kill, come together and kill this kid." Wu Jiuxiao, the leader of the Wuyun Society, roared angrily.

Dark Clouds would be too much of a loss.

This also completely angered Wu Jiuxiao.

However, there are still more than 300 people in the Wuyun Club, and he believes that dealing with Lin Feng will definitely not be a problem.


At this moment, the remaining three hundred or so people of the Wuyun Society took action under the leadership of Wu Jiuxiao. All of them sacrificed their magic weapons, and then these magic weapons all hovered around Wu Jiuxiao's magic weapon. Wu Jiuxiao's magic weapon It was an evil sword that seemed to be able to cut the heaven and the earth apart.

These magic weapons seem to have formed some kind of connection with each other, adding to each other and increasing their power.

"Oh my god, Wu Jiuxiao seems to be really anxious to be killed. They have now used the Wuyun Society's strongest combined attack technique. Their attacks have increased tenfold. Although that kid is extremely powerful, he may not be able to withstand this attack. Are you waiting for a terrifying attack?" Seeing Wu Jiuxiao and others showing off their power, someone immediately started shouting. (End of chapter)

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