Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9633: Try to recruit the Queen of Chaos


The Queen of Chaos took action. She was originally a tall and decisive person, but Lin Feng dared to disobey her and even dare to tease her. How could the Queen of Chaos accept this? Lin Feng had to live in fear and regret.

The Queen of Chaos arrived in front of Lin Feng in the blink of an eye. Her slender hands were filled with mysterious power. Looking carefully, it seemed that those powers were condensed from the power of chaos and turned into mountains. With the chaos, The queen's palm fell directly towards Lin Feng.

This palm has the power to destroy heaven and earth, which is shocking and terrifying.

What a terrifying attack. Even a strong person like Lin Feng was surprised. The Queen of Chaos is indeed the strongest person in the land of chaos. Her strength has definitely reached the level of the universe boss, and she is not the kind of universe boss who has just broken through. guy.

Perhaps, in the entire chaotic land, only one such cosmic boss was born. All the luck was concentrated on her, making her glorious.

Being strong enough is her capital that makes her proud of everyone.

That terrifying palm was really shocking and ridiculously strong. An ordinary person would really be slapped down by the Queen of Chaos, and would have to be beaten half to death by the Queen of Chaos.

But Lin Feng does not have such a problem. The Queen of Chaos is powerful, and Lin Feng is not weak either.

Facing the extremely powerful palm of the Queen of Chaos, Lin Feng did not show any politeness to the Queen of Chaos and directly used the Supreme Reincarnation Fist he created.

The Tao created by Lin Feng himself is the supreme Tao.

The boxing technique he created with the Supreme Tao is the Supreme Samsara Fist. However, Lin Feng has been perfecting his Tao and his magical power over the years. In the early years, Lin Feng's cultivation level had not yet improved. For Tao, regarding supernatural powers and so on, the ability to understand is naturally not as good as those ancient and powerful beings.

The Tao and magical powers he created have not yet reached extremely high levels, so Lin Feng rarely uses them. However, now that Lin Feng's realm has also improved, his Tao, his magical powers, and power have become extremely terrifying. No worse than many top Tao and magical powers.

With this punch, Lin Feng instantly seemed to transform into the supreme being of all heavens and worlds. This supreme aura can exert huge suppression on everyone.

I am the Supreme, and you are all subjects, and you all need to surrender to me. This is an almost suffocating oppression, including the Queen of Chaos, which creates such a strong sense of oppression.

The Supreme Reincarnation Fist also contains the Tao of Reincarnation. The Tao of Reincarnation refers to the reincarnation of the six animals. In a broad sense, it is the reincarnation of all living beings. Everyone will be affected by reincarnation. The Supreme and Reincarnation have formed a The perfect fusion can be called a peerless horror.

As powerful as the Queen of Chaos, she knew at this moment that she had underestimated the abilities of the young monk in front of her.

This man, although young, is a bit too young.

But it's incredibly strong.


The next moment, the two sides collided fiercely. The Queen of Chaos was slightly at a disadvantage and was knocked back. In fact, her strength should be about the same as Lin Feng, but she underestimated Lin Feng before taking action. A small loss, and Lin Feng naturally would not miss this opportunity. He stepped forward and reached the Queen of Chaos as fast as a phantom, and then punched towards the Queen of Chaos. The Queen of Chaos did not dare to hesitate. He could only resist Lin Feng's attack.

Bang bang bang.

Lin Feng struck with punch after punch, his momentum became stronger and stronger, and his punch power became more and more terrifying. The Queen of Chaos was completely suppressed by Lin Feng.

It can be said that if you make one mistake, you will lose every step of the way. This made the Queen of Chaos very angry, because she could sense that Lin Feng was not much stronger than her, and the two of them were at most evenly matched, but now she was extremely suppressed. The person in front of her was not only powerful, but also had combat experience. It seems to be so rich that it is outrageous. I really don’t know why he is so perverted at his age.

Fortunately, the Queen of Chaos is also very human. After being repelled by Lin Feng more than ten times in a row, she finally found an opportunity and used the Eye of Blood method. This Eye of Blood was very strange. After the operation was successful, the two Endless blood light appeared in one eye, and the endless blood light condensed together and shined towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had to avoid the strangulation of the Blood Eye, and the Queen of Chaos took this opportunity to get rid of Lin Feng.

The Queen of Chaos snorted and said, "You bad guy, you really don't know how to show mercy at all.

The Queen of Chaos had been shouting at her before, but now she acted like a little girl. Lin Feng seemed to have turned into a heartless man, leaving Lin Feng speechless.

Lin Feng said, "I said beauty! The relationship between us is not that familiar. 1.

The Queen of Chaos said, "What? Do you really want to surrender me? To be honest, your methods are indeed very powerful, but there is still a long way to go to conquer me."

The Queen of Chaos said this, but she was not bragging. After all, the Queen of Chaos is the master of the land of chaos, and she can mobilize the original power here.

Once the Queen of Chaos mobilizes the original power of the Land of Chaos, her combat power will soar significantly.

However, under normal circumstances, the Queen of Chaos would not do this.

This is a desperate measure to keep the bottom of the box.

However, if possible, Lin Feng really wants to take over the Queen of Chaos. After all, this woman is really powerful.

Since seeing the strength of the Tianzhi tribe, Lin Feng has a relatively complete understanding of these top small teams.

They are also extremely amazed at their strength.

If you want to quickly cultivate the strongest heavenly group, the best way is to recruit strong people. Of course, training the monks of the strongest heavenly group is also a way, but time is too late.

Lin Feng said, "But, I sincerely want to bring you here. If you choose to work for me, I will never treat you badly. I have all kinds of resources, and as you know, dozens of Years from now will be the battle to destroy the world. You don’t want to stay in this corner of the world, right? When the time comes, how can you resist the power of the Five Declines of Heaven and Man here? But if you stay with me, it will be a different situation. 1.

Of course, the Queen of Chaos is not so easy to fool. After all, she is so powerful and has been practicing for endless years. She has never seen anything.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the Queen of Chaos sneered and said, "Then do you know that over the years, there are many top forces who want to conquer me, but you don't have any advantage at all1 .

The Queen of Chaos said this, clearly rejecting Lin Feng's solicitation. (End of chapter)

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